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Thursday, October 27, 2016

the cubs 2016

  It's amazing to say history could be made. I'm not surprise if it does happen.

Last time it did was 108 years ago in 1908. None of my family members, not even my grandparents, were born.
   My great grandmother was, but she's not big on baseball. My mom's side of the family is Cleveland fans. They're the other team and they haven't won since the 40s. So this is going to be one hell of an amazing win for either team.
Image result for chicago cubs 2016

   I don't care who wins but if Chicago does, they will make history in Wrigley field.
Image result for chicago cubs 1908  In the movie Back to the future II, they predicted that in 2015 that the Cubs would win the world series to the Florida Gators. The Florida Gators aren't around anymore but they were just off by a year.
    I'm just glad no New York team is in the world series. Just sick of seeing them win constantly. Always will be a Phillies fan and was happy to see them win in 2008. This time is best to see Chicago or Cleveland win. Good luck to both.

Image result for student predicts cubs win
   I also read that a college student predicted that the Cubs would win the 2016 world series If that is true, he is creeping a lot of people, and like me, can predict the future. They recently contacted that kid and went to see the Cubs play. Who also is a huge Cubs fan is none other than Bill Murray. He crashed the white house when they went to the World Series. LOL. Bill Murray is originally from Chicago and believe me, I wish him and Chicago the best of luck.
Image result for Bill Murray crashes white house  Till then Good luck to Cleveland and Chicago. And I realized if you add a nine in the 108 years they waited for a world series win, you would get 1908. Coincidence? I think not. Ciao bloggers, and good luck to both cities

Saturday, October 22, 2016

What is a D.U.F.F

  A DUFF can mean anything....

   It can mean Designated Ugly Fat Friend
Dynamic Unique Fabulous Friend

  Or it can be anything else.   In the movie the DUFF it shows one girl knowing her role from a guy who she sees as an enemy and a neighbor; but soon sees him more than just a friend to go for advice.
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  It was based on a book written by Kody Kiplinger.  Based on the same premise. The girl named Bianca, feels inferior when she is judged because of her two friends are hotter than she is. So she gets help from her friend; Wesley, who is a football captain of the school and one of the hottest girls named Maggie, decides to make Bianca's life a living hell when she is going on a date with Wesley.

   But Bianca wants to get another guys attention. However; it doesn't work out because he wants to ask one of her hot friends out instead. It soon seems Bianca loves Wesley more. It seems he is crowned; with Maggie as homecoming queen, homecoming king, but he follows his heart instead.

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It got me thinking, is DUFF just a word or more a meaning.

   I never thought of myself as a DUFF at all. When I growing up, we didn't use that word much. I had friends, we had groups but we never judged each other. After my heart problem got worse, everyone felt sorry for me and wanted to be my friend.   I think of this movie at the new "Mean Girls"

   Not many villains in it, unless you count Maggie Piper, but it was only judged by one person and how she determined herself as being a DUFF, she looked around and saw other DUFFS.

   Sometimes we always put labels on ourselves to feel better, but does it make others feel worse? Well yes and no. It just makes us feel better when deep down, we might feel worse.

  I don't judge people ever. I'm a human being. I don't think of anyone as a DUFF (unless they are a Dynamic Unique Fabulous Friend) If I want to think of a Duff, I'll think of the Beer Homer drinks on the Simpsons.

   Everyone is beautiful. Never Judge, be kind. Till then, Love Ciao Bloggers!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

We can't judge a person by their looks

   If we learned anything from the movie's "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Crash"

It's this....

    We are all human beings. We don't know why we are put on earth but for a purpose. We should not treat each other with hate,

And yet I see it happen everyday on the news.

   I feel we shouldn't judge anyone because of their race, or who they choose to live with.

Love conquers all in my opinion.

Image result for you can't judge a person by their looks  Crash had their own unique way of showing their own side of judging a person because or race or religion.

   The black guys (one played Ludacris) are judged as criminals, but soon they are taught a lesson.

Matt Dillon and Ryan Phillippe are cops gone wrong. One sexually assaults a black woman and the other believes (when he picks up one of the black guys) he had a gun, he kills him, but he never did.

   So many stories packed into one to show somebody, because of a belief, or religion or race you can't judge someone right away.

To Kill a Mockingbird had the same affect, pointing fingers at a black man accused of raping a white woman when he was innocent all along, and ends up killed.

  It's so sad to see the world be this way, cops turning evil; people defending for themselves, sometimes crooks are more the villains.

Image result for crash movie 2004     Crash is nothing like To Kill a Mockingbird and yet similar in it's own way.

  Judging someone by color and race, knowing something bad is going to happen, and knowing that there is some truth into the story and yet being told by the writer themselves, they can feel and tell how that one person is by years of tragedy they face.

   We can't judge someone like they were anymore. Some days I will wake up and pray for a world of peace, when will that day come.
   I never judge anyone by their looks, race or color. I judge them by being a human being everyday.

I wish everyone can do the same. Till then, there is always hope for a brighter future for all of us. Till then, we have the movies and books and tv shows to help us and know that a writer can tell how they feel in their own words.

  Ciao Bloggers!


Sunday, October 16, 2016

The treehouse of Horror/600 episodes later

I just can't believe the Simpsons did it again.

  They have made it to the 600th episode. It was also a THOH episode as well. I fell like they're beating a dead horse with another dead horse, and yet again, they're still a bit funny.

  They aren't as great as they used to be no, but at least they are better than Family Guy. But is it still worth it??
Image result for 600 episodes of the simpsons

   It wasn't funny the THOH episode this time, it seemed rushed and not as great, but it was as just ok. They're putting out so many guest stars I feel like they are getting paid, hopefully.

When the Simpsons had their 100th, it was called "Seymour Skinner's Bad Assss Song." Skinner gets fired and he and Bart become friends.

Image result for 200th episode of the simpsons  Their 200th episode was called "Trash of the Titans"

300th: "Barting over" where Bart finds out he was in a commercials and Homer spent the money. Bart decides to live on his own.

   It gets stupider and stupider by the year, and now this.

If they ever make it to 1,000 it would be a massive surprise. Let alone their 700th. But 600 is a lot.

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The Treehouse of Horror episodes have been bad and some good, and I've already mentioned before about them and which ones were my favorite and which I didn't care for. This is one of those episodes I didn't care for.

   One Having to be a hunger games rip off, Lisa's imaginary friend coming to life and a James bond theme.   I just think it's time, in my opinion, end it soon before it gets really stale but I will never forget it being one great show that was amazing until the thirteenth season when it started showing it was starting to fade. But everybody loves Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Maggie.
  Even me.

Ciao Bloggers.

 Image result for 600th simpsons episode treehouse of horror