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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Unkonwn- Poem

Not known in the world,

not knowing who you are,

Afraid to know who you want to be,

Afraid to be known,

Afraid to face challenges in life,

I'm unknown,

and I want to know,

If I am capable,

of knowing,

my greatest challenge in life,

who am I,

I am unknown,

to most,

but myself,

I want to be heard,

I want to be known,

I want to tell the world,

who I am,

what I am capable of doing,

and for once,

tell the world I am ready,

for any challenges,

they throw at me

Monday, July 12, 2010

Antique Roadshow

I love this one show I see on PBS. It's called 'Antique Roadshow' A bunch of people from many places all over America, bring there junk over, and tell historians that work there all about it. Where they got it, and how much it would be worth to them. Some of them are completely surprised finding out their items might be worth over $100,000. One person brought in a blanket that was made by a Navajoes tribe and stunned the historian when he brought it to him. It was worth over $350,000.

I look around my house, and I don't see much stuff that would be worth over $100,000. Who knows. But there are some stuff in my house that can worth some money. Like for instance. There is this one painting in our den with horses on them, and my parents had that painting for a long time. Another is some Winnie the Pooh books my cousin Chris gave me when I was born. Some stuff that might be worth a bit of money would be in our basement. Like some book holders that are to worth maybe $100 dollars who knows. It's depicts of an old man and old woman. I think my Nana might have given it to us I don't know. My Nana and papa both gave my parents after they were married. It's a clock that barley works, but it could be worth something. It doesn't mean I'm going to find out on an episode of 'Antique Roadshow' if it ever came to Philly. I mean, well...
I treasure the things I have now, and the things I have to come. This would be the only PBS show I want to watch. I love history, and it fascinates me how the historians are always right with detail knowing how the piece was made or who made it. It just fascinates me, and that's why I love this show. Till then...
Ciao Bloggers!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hot as Hell!

I've been dealing with this heat in Pennsylvania, and it is unbearable! Why? Because we might be getting a storm worse than the one we had in June. It has been over 100 degrees and it's not healthy for me at all.

I just wish we had one summer with very perfect, not hot, weather, where we can have picnics, enjoy a relaxing day at the pool, and maybe see fireworks go off at night. Even enjoying the beach without the sand burning our feet.

But believe me, when it is winter, we will be wishing for this heat. Stay cool and Ciao Bloggers!