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Thursday, September 29, 2022

The best Adam Sandler movies


    Adam Sandler can be funny, or serious or anything in between. With his movies, it ranges. For me, I've seen some of them. Here are my top eight best Adam Sandler movies that I have seen, and it's only from my opinion so take this with a grain of salt.

8. Uncut Gems- this movie was from Netflix. More of a serious role for Adam Sandler which is about a man who is a compulsive gambler making bets that would cost him his life in the end. It was very good, thrilling and you never could tell how serious it would get when not only his life might be in danger but his family as well as a girlfriend he is seeing on the side. Was rated a high score and it is worth the watch, but not my number one

7. The Waterboy- A comedy that is about Adam Sandler as a Waterboy in Louisiana for a team that despises him. Kathy Bates plays his mother who is overprotective of him, and soon, after dealing with all the hate he had been given, he takes his revenge out on one of the players soon becoming a tackler for the worst team with Henry Winkler coaching. This movie isn't the best in his comedic status, but it's worth the watch.

6. Murder Mystery- Another Netflix film that has some comedy and suspense on who ends up killed, and how Adam Sandler's character and Jennifer Aniston could help solve the mystery as well as stay alive as they have been framed for the murder they are trying to solve. The acting is fine, the story is pretty who done it kind of story, and I already knew who the real killer was. I found out they might do a sequel that involves a train. Might give it a watch, maybe.

5. Hubie Halloween- Released recently, this is somewhat like the Waterboy with a bit of horror. It's about Adam Sandler's character named Hubie, who lives with his mother. Everyone teases him on being well...strange. However, strange things happen in his neighborhood, people start to disappear, and Hubie wants to solve the mystery on what is going on in his town. I thought it was pretty good, not great, but worth a watch, especially around Halloween.

4. 50 First dates- when Adam Sandler is paired with Drew Barrymore, a good movie is bound to happen. This is one of them. Drew Barrymore has memory loss and doesn't remember dating Adam Sandler's character. It's more a romantic and drama kind of feel. To make her feel better, he goes on multiple dates with her. When she wakes up, she doesn't remember him. I remember this movie and it's pretty funny. Give it a watch

3. Big Daddy- Movie coming out around 1999, it stars Adam Sandler and twin boys named Cole and Dylan Sprouse (although Cole was in more scenes) Adam plays a man who looks after a kid that is left by his mother who died. However, he pretends it's he's the father when he really belongs to his friend (John Stewart). They grow a huge bond together only for it to break later when the liar is revealed. This movie was pretty good and pretty enjoyable

2. The Wedding Singer- Again, having Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are perfect together in any scene. Adam plays a wedding singer that performs at weddings. Drew Barrymore is a waitress, and he tries his best to fall in love with her after his fiancé left him. He tries his best to convince Drew's character that they were meant for each other. This movie is very popular and one of Adam's best. Worth the watch.

Before I give my number one, here are some honorable mentions: 

* Billy Madison- the only reason it is not on the list is because I've never seen the movie and if I did, it would be on this list.

*Hustler- Heard very good things about this movie that takes place in Philly. Never saw it that is why it isn't on this list.

*Funny People- A story that is more about tragedy than it is funny, but it is one of Adam Sandler's best works

*Punch drunk-love- A man whose life is changed through love. A movie that made Roger Ebert say: 'unexpected depths of an actor.' And that's what he was saying about Adam

*Airheads- One of Adam's first movies he had been in since working on SNL. More of a side character and not the lead, bur worth mentioning

1. Happy Gilmore- One movie that is very hilarious and worth the watch. Adam Sandler's character, Happy, lives with his grandmother who ends up in a nursing home. He always wanted to be a hockey player but ends up taking golf to save his grandmother's home. Falls in love, deals with a bully, eats Subway sandwiches and ends up winning against the antagonist. This movie is number one in my heart and worth seeing.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Hipsters-who were they?- Poem





an era where being trendy,

is a must

creating a fad,

living in towns,

too expensive,

for others,

who were...


How they dress,

how they look,

how they think,

the internet,

is there everything,

creating strange food,


cold coffee,

authentic brews,

bacon and kombucha

the trend never ends,

as they walk,

as they talk,

and create an army,


like them,

wearing comfortable clothes,

being in Pinterest,



it's their life

like the 90's grunge,

hipsters are a breed of many,

the music they love,

from a man,

playing a violin,

on the streets,

to other forms,

that make it on a tik tok post

has the fad,

of the hipster,


and where,

did it start?

wearing plaid clothes,

sunglasses indoors,

looking as if,

the world revolves around them,

when it certainly,


am I a hipster?

do I yern,

to be seen,

wearing clothes,

that look,

as if,

it was too comfortable,

for me

I don't drink iced coffee,

I don't try to look,

as if,

I own a company

we try,

to stand out,

we try,

to fit in,

hipsters come and go,

like grunge,

and old 80's style hair

A fad,

that is no longer,

a fad,

it comes,

and goes,

like a blowing wind,

passing by

what happened,

to the hipster fad,

who were they,

why were they,

a thing,

all we know,

is a new fad,

will come,

and hipsters,

will be no more

Thursday, September 22, 2022

How healthy are bananas?

   Fruits are delicious for all of us of course. Some people like kumquat, others like apples, oranges and even pears. But there is one fruit that not only we enjoy, but we even share a similar DNA with. No joke. This is the popular banana.


   Strange to learn that we share a DNA with fruit by only 60%. Odd, but it is true It doesn't mean we're like a banana. No way, it just means there are similarities through our DNA as well as one from a banana. It's odd that a fruit like a banana has a DNA at all.

     There are different brands of bananas, but the most known are two. Del Monte brand and Chiquita Banana. Chiquita Banana started around the 1890's and focused mostly on certain foods. Their most popular food became the banana.

  Carmen Miranda was sponsoring the Chiquita company and danced bananas on her head. Anyone could fall in love with bananas after seeing them on a woman's head. Sadly, she died on the Jimmy Durante show from a heart attack. The logo for the Chiquta banana is to her likeness ever since.

 So....how healthy is the banana? It is loaded with potassium which we do need in our diet. Is full of Vitamin B as well as 31% of Calories in your diet. However, if you are allergic to latex, bananas might not be the fruit for you because of a reaction you'll get after eating a banana. But that is rare to some

  Bananas can improve your blood sugar as well as supporting your digestive system. If you want to lose some weight, bananas are the way to go (as well as some other fruits you love to eat) Bananas might make you feel like you are full and don't need any more to eat. It's the perfect snack between lunch and dinner.

    The riper the banana is, the better it will taste. But for me, I don't want it to be too ripe. I like to eat it before it ripens. I just like it better that way. It will taste weird, but it's still good even before it ripens. They are good for recopies like Banana bread banana pudding....

...banana bars with chocolate chip in them. Banana foster, bananas in pancakes. There is so many things you can do with a banana, all you have to do is peel and enjoy. Looking online, and in YouTube, you can learn recipies that are simple and healthy for you, so you don't have to order fried and greasy food.

  Fruit is good for you no matter what fruit you enjoy. For me, a simple banana will do. I enjoy it, it's healthy and it makes me feel good afterwards. Even if you it ends ripening, you can freeze and put them in a smoothie. Most fruits are made for that. Making smoothies, and bananas are one of them.

The all-mighty banana. Is it one of the healthiest fruits out there? Maybe, maybe not. There might be healthier fruits out there, but for me, I'll stick with the banana and enjoy its simple pleasures that were made for me, and others that love a yellow fruit.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Friends reunion


   Some recent tv shows back in the 90's are starting to have reunions. Having the old cast come back and talk about their experiences with the show, and how much they miss it. One of those shows...is Friends. I wasn't a huge fan of the show when I was young but loved it for its comedy as well as its actors.

Starting in 1994, Friends was a new show that aired on NBC that stared actors like Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer, Courtney Cox (sometimes Arquette) and Matthew Perry. Back then, the famous Rachel hairstyle was all the rage. In reality, Jennifer hated that hairstyle. The characters were hilarious, especially who...

    The other characters were Pheobe, Monica, Ross and Chandler. All had their own unique traits. Pheobe was considered funny and a musical talent. Ross was considered the smart one who worked in a museum where someone stole his sandwich. Monica, who was Ross' sister, was great at cooking and organization and Chandler.... he had a hard time getting dates.

  There were other side characters of the show like...

 Gunter: he was there from the first season to the last. He worked at the coffee shop called Central Perk where he never told how he felt about Rachel till the last episode. James Michael Taylor portrayed Gunter, but sadly could not be at the reunion because he had cancer. He sadly passed away a couple of months after the reunion.

Ross and Monica's parents: The first episode they were in was when Nana dies twice. Yep, it seems Ross and Monica's grandmother was sick and dying. She dies, but then survives, only to die again. Elliot Gould and Christina Pickles portrayed the parents throughout the series.


Ross' ex-wife Carol: she was played by another actor the first time she was seen but was soon replaced by Jane Sibbet throughout the series. Before divorcing, Ross finds out she is pregnant with his son. She was seen married to a woman, which no one had a problem with (except Pheobe but she believed she was inhabited by a spirit of a dead woman at the time)

Fun Bobby: Many of the characters had dates. Not gonna list all of them. The list would be too GD long. One of them, during the first season, was Bobby. He was dating Monica at the time and well...I don't think I saw much after that one season. He was supposed to be fun, but his grandmother jsut died and wasn't much fun.

David:  Pheobe had some boyfriends at the time, but two of them were the most memorable. One was David played by Hank Azaria who voices almost every character on the Simpsons. He almost got the role of Joey but lost to Matt LeBlanc. He also fell in love with Pheobe, only to have his heart broken by leaving her for Minsk and then later, having his heart broken again when Pheobe chooses somebody else.

Marcel the Monkey: In season one, Ross gets a monkey named Marcel. However, he has to give the monkey up when Marcel...well goes crazy when he starts humping Rachel's toys and Ross realizes he has to give the monkey up. Only to see him again in a later episode.

Mike: Portrayed by Paul Rudd, a newbie at the time of this show, starts falling in love with Pheobe who has had her heart broken many times. Almost lost her to David but proposes marriage to her, and well...he stayed around through the rest of the series. Paul Rudd now is famous for many movies and tv shows. He couldn't make it to the reunion, but still will always be a part of the Friends show

Ben Geller: Known with his twin brother in many shows, Cole was mostly known as Ross' son. He is seen in some episodes, especially when Ross dawns an Armadillo costume during the holiday. He soon ended up doing tv shows, movies and Disney Channel. Now he and his twin brother Dylan are grown up. Sadly, Cole could not make it to the reunion, but was considered a Freind to the Friends cast


 Richard: Like Pheobe, Monica also had some boyfriends. One of them being Richard. Portrayed by Tom Selleck of Magnum PI, Richard was dating Monica for the first couple of seasons before leaving the show. Today he's still acting and was seen a little bit on the reunion special. If he keeps the mustache, we'll all know who Tom Selleck is.

Janice: Chandler's first girlfriend who used to date around the first seasons. Chandler would find her annoying yet would not want to hurt her feelings at all. Janice would have nasally voice and high- pitched laugh that almost every one of the friends found annoying. She was one other longest lasting character throughout the series.

  The show ended in 2004, almost twenty years ago. It felt like we just saw the series finale where the characters were making tough decisions on their future. Moving from the apartment, staying together as well as saying goodbye to their friends.  We were their friends, and it was hard to say goodbye, and now...in the reunion bringing back old friends.... it's as if they never left us.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Long Live Queen Elizabeth (in heaven)- Poem

 (I was going to blog about Adam Sandler, but instead, I'm going to blog about a Queen that reign for over seventy years that left us. I want to wish Adam Sandler a happy birthday to him, and will talk about him in a future blog)

70 years,

you held the crown,

you helped the people,

you will be remembered,



and forever,

Born Elizabeth Alexandra May,

On April 21st, 


a queen,

was yet to be born

by the time she was,

ready to reign,

she was only 26,

after the death,

of her father

married to Phillip,

he would soon be the king,

to his queen

she was the queen,

for the most important moments,

from knighting certain people,

to tragedies,

that made her cry

she had a son,

who is now a king,

in the eyes of England,

named Charles the third,

from her silver Jubelee,

to her most recent,

Queen Elizabeth II,

out ranked,

every monarch,

that was on the throne

Surpassing Queen Victoria,

she was considered,

a long living legend,

in the eyes of the world

When her son married,

she was there,

when Diana Died,

she was somewhere,


while others thought differently

Her two grandsons,

were there,

to praise their grandmother,

like any grandchild would,

and now,

without their wives,

and children by their side,

they are there,

for their father

And now,

their father is king,

of England,

Going through emotions,

as he replaces his mother,

who reigned,

for seventy years

A queen,

that has been there,

from President Eisenhower,

to President Biden.

a long reign,

that comes to an end

She is the only queen,

I remember,

since my birth,

and now,


a new King is crowned,

with me,

still thinking,

about her,

Long live Queen Elizabeth,

in the heavens