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Thursday, May 31, 2012


We May lose our way
when we forget about many things,
We just don't want to remember
the past,
and just focus on the future.
What will be in our future?
Only time will tell

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The curse of an unseen movie: "Atuk"

  If you have never heard of this movie, don't worry. Not many have. What is "Atuk?"  It was suppose to be a movie about a fat Eskimo that goes from Alaska to New York City or something like that. The Inuit for it would be Grandfather, but I digress.

 It was going to be something big for Hollywood of course to make a screenplay about it. But first, they needed an actor to portray Atuk. They chose John Belushi, one of the great funny men of the 80's. He read the script and was enthusiastic about it. But sadly, he died of a drug overdose and they had to choose somebody else.  
   They then went with Sam Kinson. He wanted to make a few changes to the script and walked away from, halting the movies production. Sadly, Sam Kinson was killed in a car crash while his wife (who was in the car at the time) survived the crash. 
   Soon they felt there had been a curse to this "Atuk" Movie, but Hollywood just thought it had to be an urban legend and gave the script to John Candy. He agreed to the movie, then suddenly died of a heart attack in 1994. In that same year, the curse claimed another life. One of the writers, Michael O'Donahough, died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
       Eventually the script was given to another comedian, Chris Farley (who idolized John Belushi's work) and agreed to be in the movie. He even showed the script to his SNL friend, Phil Hartman. Sadly both of them died. Chris from a drug overdose and Phil was murdered. 

After all that, taking the lives of six great people, Hollywood decided to can the film and to never let the script see the light of day again, but then again, could it just be a coincidence that six people died from reading the script and thought curse had been real??? or was it just suspicion feeling that if another comedian touched the "Atuk" script they would die? Who knows.

Hollywood is known to have many curses, weather it be from movies or actors. The curse age of dying at 27 already took Amy Winehouse's life. Poltergeist has a curse they say which caused that small girl to die at a young age, but then it could have been a coincidence, could it???

The question is, do you believe in urban legends??? Ciao for now bloggers

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What's wrong with NBC???

   First off, I don't watch too much TV, just some shows I like. I started getting annoyed. Well first off, there is particular show I really liked and I thought would last for a long while called "Awake" staring a guy who wakes up in two different worlds after a car accident takes the life of either his son or his wife. It was really great.
  Then the dimwits of NBC decide it wasn't worth watching so they decide to axe it. They've axed some NBC shows that I've agreed were pretty bad, but there is this one show that is horrible, and barely anyone watches it and yet is STILL ON THE AIR!!!!! I don't know why? I just don't understand it, it just is mind boggling. The show is called 'Whitney.' It's about a woman who lives in the suburbs.. it's just a stupid show. Barley anyone watches it, the ratings are down, it's just really stupid. I just don't understand it. That's NBC for you.

They have axed some other shows that I don't care for on other stations that I don't care for. That's OK. It's NBC that's driving me crazy. If it wasn't for 'Community' coming back for another season, I wouldn't even be watching NBC. That station should be paying more attention to the ratings of the shows they are keeping on and see what shows really need to be axed, but I digress. 

I'm more into music, I just get a little irritated when a show I like gets cancelled too soon (except for that NBC show 'Free Agents') that was doomed to be cancelled. Hope for new and better shows in the future, and I have a feeling some people are getting tired of 'The Office' and '30 Rock' which is ending next year. 

  Till then (goodbye to all the shows that have not seen season two) Ciao bloggers and happy Mother's day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

What is a MOM- POEM

So much caring and love she brings,
Sweet nourishment for their child,
Giving birth is more a blessing, 
it makes a woman
become a mother

Love for her children and family,
What she does,
and now what the children can do,
for their mom.

Even if a woman adopts a child,
she is still considered a mother.

For now Mother's day is here,
and is now mom's turn to rest and relax,
because being a mom is not only an easy task,
but it is a wondrous one as well


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


  What is a palindrome, why am I blogging about Palindromes? I just wanted to blog about something unique. Something strange, something neat, something a teacher would enjoy (like my mom)

Palindromes are what a word or a sentence is the same is front and back such as Otto or Hannah or Rise to vote, sir. They are are Palindromes, unique palindromes, but Palindromes of the least. They are very many sentences that are palindromes but many people don't realize it until they read it front to back like Stack a cats. That's a palindrome of course.

 There are some cities in states that are Palindromes such as:
Kinikinik which is in Colorado and another place called Semmes which is in Alabama and Countries have Palindrome places too such as:
Tumut in Australia and Lon Nol in Vietnam

There are even companies (that might not realize) their name is a Palindrome. Zerorez is a carpet company that is also a palindrome name. There will always be words and once in a while there will always be a Palindrome. We just will never realize it unless we look front to back. Caio Bloggers! (Kayak)