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Saturday, January 28, 2017

I guess she made it after all

            Sad to say we lost another great talent, but it was to something she was suffering with for a long time, diabetes (along with pneumonia)

  She made woman powerful again, and how you may ask? Woman's Movement would be one reason when her show "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was starting to spark something knew for women.

   She also starred in the Dick Van Dyke show when wearing back in day when most wore skirts or dresses was the right thing,
Image result for mary tyler mooreSadly, I was never into the Mary Tyler Moore show and I wish I was. Where she portrayed an associate producer in Minnesota (Mary Tyler's actual hometown) where her statue still is to this day

   Ed Asner and Betty White were all in the show and loved having Mary Tyler Moore with them even though Ed Asner hated 'Spunk'

Mary Tyler Moore was also in movies, one staring Elvis Presley called 'Change of Habit' another one which was one of my favorites staring Donald Sutherland and Timothy Hutton called: Ordinary People but sadly it someone felt it was dealing with her real life since her only son committed suicide.

   The movie won an academy award for best picture in the 80's and Mary Tyler Moore was also in movies like:
   Flirting with disaster
   Six Weeks and Just between friends.    She even did guest appearances on TV shows such as

That 70's show and Hot in Cleveland when she saw her friend Betty White once again.
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       Sadly, suffering from Diabetes she became supportive on trying to put an end with Juvenile Diabetes on a research ever since the 80's. She also supported the ASPCA. And her Mary Tyler Moore theme song is very popular with TV shows and movies copying it and the flying hat she does at the end...
    I guess she really made it after all.
We will miss you Mary Tyler Moore.
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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Voice- Poem

I know what I want to say

I don't want to be stopped

My voiced shall be heard

From all of the rooftops

There is a change in this world

I know it

and so do you

It is sad

but also speaks volumes of truth

We are woman

We have a voice

We want what we desire

We need to have a choice

To be free from the hell that we are in

We don't blame but we will




Until we get our words out.

I am that one,

that will not stand by

and pray for it all to end

as long as I do something

I also stand

For freedom

Woman's rights

For what we need

A fair fight
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Out on the streets,

We march in protest,

We want our voices to be heard

We want change to come,

Now not later.

We want peace,

Not Violence,

No more hell

or silence,

Our voices will roar,

like the lion that is,

our words will pour

into the streets,

and everyone will listen.

If Martin Luther King Jr. were around today?

How would he feel,

Would he stand beside us to pray?

We need to find a way

To show we are not scared,

and are ready,

to say what we need to say

And I know,

Deep down,

Today is that day
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(For Woman's March 2017)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

We're all strange in our own way

  What do I mean?

   Well did you ever noticed, on your body that you could have a birthmark or two colored eyes or even a toe shaped thumb?

   It's true, but that's what makes us special.
Gerard himself didn’t even notice it for ears — we mean years. Many of us, even celebrities are different in their own way.

So many of them have different colored eyes, which is called heterochromia iridium, and it doesn't mean anything, but it's pretty interesting.
   Keifer Sutherland, Jane Seymour and even Kate Bosworth have them.

Megan Fox has a deformed thumb, Owen Wilson's nose is crocked, Oprah Winfrey has a sixth toe.

That's makes them interesting as well as special.
Image result for celebrity strange body parts For me, I have a special thing on my body. I call it an angel's footprint, even though it's not visible to the naked eye, it's a birthmark on my knee. It's shaped like a footprint, but I also feel like it's St. Mary's kiss. That's the only thing that I have that is strange about me.

    Unlike Matthew Perry's missing finger or Ke$hea's tail, it's not like a gross formality has taken place on my body.

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  Everyone is special but they don't like to show much of it, and to tell you the truth, it's what they are inside that counts. 

    Ciao for now bloggers

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Difference between American and British Cop buddy movies

  Reticently seeing "Hot Fuzz" a movie about a British cop finding out who is killing many and finding out it's a cult, played by Simon Pegg, got me to thinking about other cop buddy movies. Not many being funny but more action thrilled.

   It didn't involve Timothy Dalton getting impaled at the end by a model of the city, and yet surviving and a swan trying to kill Jim Broadbent at the end too. But it seems action cop buddy movies are more for action while the British are more for the paper work. It could be in the case for "Hot Fuzz" but when I see movies like:
Image result for american cop buddy moviesRush Hour, Turner and Hooch, Bad Boys, Starsky and Hutch (the movie), Lethal Weapon it seems it's more about the action. Someone gets hurt, blown up, held hostage, got knows what happens, but it seems at the end there's a death of a dog like in Turner and Hooch.

Sad it is but.... with "Hot Fuzz" nobody dies at the end, nobody. Not even the villains. Amazing.
Image result for american cop buddy movies And then there's crap buddy comedy flicks, like two guys dressing up as women or a kid partnering up with Burt Reynolds, Arnold Schwarzenegger being a kindergarten teacher to find a murder victim (although that movie was pretty funny) until the sequel came out.

      Female cop buddy movies have the same formula as well, but they fall in the cracks of not being great near the climax of getting the bad guy unless they know what they are doing.
Image result for kindergarten cop
   With Lethal Weapon, you just have Mel Gibson acting weird before he did, and with Beverly Hills Cop, you just get the sequels as well as you did with Lethal Weapon or Rush Hour. Jackie Chan I like but I don't care for Chris Tucker's annoying wailing. Bad Boys was more a Will Smith, Martian Lawrence Buddy Cop movie that had more sequels as well.
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   There aren't many British Cop Buddy movies I've seen but there are a few, that involve more in the details than the action. Hot Fuzz is one of them, involving more detail of what happens in an everyday life of  one cop when he's faced in danger.

   Till then, knowing what is worth watching and what is not, I know that Hot Fuzz was pretty entertaining and knowing that it showed more what cops do on the daily bases, paperwork. But there are other cop buddy movies out there that are pretty much worth the watch without it ending up screwing out in the end by someone dying.