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Thursday, September 28, 2023

The History of Crayons


        Ever heard of the French term "chalk pencil"? That's French for Crayons. Everyone loves to color with crayons. It's therapeutic, fun and brings out the creativity in self. But what is the history of crayons? Who invented them and where did they come from? 

  Back in the Roman era, they would use beeswax or even charcoal and other stuff to color or paint. Crayons didn't come around until someone had a brilliant idea of using wax pastels and making a portrait or even just coloring for enjoyment.

   Coloring books came out as people decided to create themes or characters in white paper for children, or adults, to color in. It doesn't matter if the color is accurate, it just had to be fun. They even used themes like Smurfs, Barbie, Hot Wheels anything kids are into. They would grab a crayon and start to color.

    There were different crayon brands. Rose Art being one of them. Some of their crayons would be considered cheap and break easily. There were other brands that came with a coloring book, but there was one brand that would stand out as one of the best sold crayons to this date. With the company stationed in Northern Pennsylvania, this crayon company is one of the best crayons ever to come out of this universe.

  Crayola was started by two men in 1885 in Forks Township, Pennsylvania. Binnery and Smith used products that would create their award-winning crayons. Mostly iron oxide and even carbon black. They used an interesting wax for their creation of the crayons and products started becoming popular with their famous 8 pack crayons that came out around 1900. 


    Binnery and Smith with the Crayola company until they sold it to Hallmark in 1984 (they were long dead by then, but the company was sold to Hallmark) They started making interesting color names which some were eventually retired. Their company is now located in Easton, Pennsylvania where they also were known for creating the world's largest crayon in 2003.

    Crayola is still around today and has created a rainbow of colors and different styles of crayons. Some that are washable, some that are even 64 to 96. 120 pack is their largest with the most crayons with interesting names. They even have scented crayons (which vary from smell to smell) They even sell coloring books. Crayola is one of the largest distributers of crayons to date.

     Even though Crayola is the largest distributer of crayons, it doesn't mean there are other brands of crayons that are still around. Maybe not as popular as Crayola is, it still means they try to create art for anyone willing to be creative. I love to color in my spare time and using Crayola crayons are the way to go. Learning from how they were made to today, crayons are considered a useful tool for anyone inspired to get creative.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Simpsons predict Oppenheimer movie


   I saw the movie Oppenheimer and really enjoyed it. With me being a Simpson fan, I suddenly noticed an episode from the 20th season where I noticed a poster for a movie theater saying, "Oppenheimer's elevator" There was no elevator in the movie, but for some reason, the Simpsons did it again. And it isn't the first time they predicted the future.

   The Simpsons have been known to predict almost everything that might happen in the future, even the COVID 19 pandemic and Trump's presidency. Here are some of the predictions that became true in the Simpson Universe.

   First, let's talk about the Elephant in the room, President Trump. Well...it seems in the episode "Bart to the Future", Bart finds out he's a loser wannabe musician going nowhere in his life. His sister becomes the first female president of the United States. We haven't had that yet, but she did mention the past president Donald Trump and the country being broke. The thing I noticed is, the new president, Joe Bidan, has the first female vice president Kamala Harris. She wears all purple, and so did Lisa in the episode. Are we going to have a future prediction?

   We had a tragedy happen recently that involved millionaires trying to discover the sunken Titanic. However, they vanished. Sadly, they would be found dead at the bottom of the sea. In an earlier episode, forget the name of it, Homer realizes that he might have a different father He's rich and successful. He decides to take Homer on a submarine only for Homer to end up trapped. He survives unlike the millionaires.

   It doesn't matter who is in the Superbowl, the Simpsons will find a way to predict a winner like the Patriots or even Washington DC. Who knows who will be next. But they have done it multiple times even with Atlanta or Denver.

   During tragedy in Texas, senator Ted Cruz decides to go to Cancun and eventually his trip when tragedy struck having a huge storm kill over thousands of Texans and Ted Cruz decides to vacation. Mayor Quimby was the same way during an illness that plagued the town of Springfield in an episode Marge in Chains.

   Even Simpsons are predicting not only Super Bowl winners, but Stanley Cup winners too. Las Vegas, where Homer and Ned stayed and got drunk, predicted Las Vegas would win a Stanley Cup. They did recently and the prediction came around an episode in the 10th season. "Viva Ned Flanders" Where Homer takes a 60-year-old Ned Flanders to have fun in Vegas. They wake up drunk and there is a Stanley Cup located in the room.

   A huge virus spread around America in the end of 2019 starting in Seattle and eventually spreading everywhere. In the same episode where Mayor Quimby hid from Springfield, it seems in Japan where the Osaka flu started. However, many years later, about 27 years later, it really did happen. Only in China and it was Covid 19.

   The Simpsons have predicted a lot of things. Having Fox be a part of Disney, to having the American Curling team win. It's hard to figure out what is going to be next. They even found the god particle thanks to Homer. Tom Hanks and so much more. If you go on Google, you will find out that like the Simpsons, their predictions are non stop including the Oppenheimer movie. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Singers I've never heard of


   A lot of people heard of singers like Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and so on so forth. But with me getting older, it seems I'm starting to hear of these singers with odd names that are pretty popular and yet...I don't think I've heard of many of them.

  Singers like Dua Lipa, Doja Cat, Meghan Thee Stallon, Bad Bunny, Lizzo (ok I've heard of her), there are new singers out there and yet.... who the hell are they?

    Maybe with me enjoying different music and well...maybe being stuck in the past listening to 80s or even 90s music, I guess I just, lost touch with the singers of today.

 Although I've heard of some like Post Malone, these singers pick odd names to just be famous. Halsey is actually an anagram for Ashley, her real name. I've heard of her, but some of these singers are not to my liking.

  Some can't even sing. Remember Rebecca Black? Her life was ruined by one song. Some of these new singers are auto tuning to be great.


   Some of these new singers were found on YouTube or even TikTok or other sites that make stars out of anyone. These new singers, some were discovered from those websites. Can some of them even sing? I don't know. I know I can but...I don't make a career out of it, even if I can. I have another path in life that will make me happy.

 Some singers destroy songs that were good. Nicki Minaj destroyed "Baby got Back" a song created by another singer named Sir-Mix-Alot. How did she do it, using cuts of the song for her hit 'Anaconda' I don't know how or why she became famous, but she isn't the only one to nearly destroy other songs. Jessica Simpson did as well with John Mellencamp's song 'Jack and Diane'. Even hearing the beginning sting of "Under Pressure" it ends up being an "Ice-Ice Baby" song by Vanilla Ice. Happy to say, he's no longer in the music business.

 Even Machine Gun Kelly is considered a rapper who's more known for screwing around than singing. I don't get these people. Every time I see a new episode of SNL (which might have gone stale by now) they put in new bands or singers I just don't know. Who would name their band Japanses Breakfast? 

 It's hard to explain what music is now. It's already the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop. Some people still like that genre as others decide there should be something new to listen to. I'm getting old I know that, and there are singers out there that I will never here of in my life, and more will come soon, and I won't hear of them as well.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Discontinued pop tart flavors


   Everyone knows what pop tarts are. They are a breakfast creation from the 70's in a combination of pop art and tart. They became so freaking popular, that everyone has had one. Even me. I like either unfrosted Strawberry or S'mores. Those are the only two I'll eat. But there are some flavors that are no more. Here they are, and why.... they are gone.

  Mint chocolate chip pop tart is like shoving junior mints or thin mints in a pop tart. I never had it, but people did rave that they were both chocolaty and minty as well. It didn't last, but most of the time, these pop tarts were not toasted but put in the freezer or on a stick calling it Pop Tartcicles. 

   There was a pop tart that printed out Trivia or anything related to a tv show on the icing of the pop tart. They were called Printed Fun Pop Tarts. They mostly would print out facts on the icing after it was toasted. It's as if it's some sort of magic trick, and kids ate it up. It came in many flavors but was always frosted. Sadly, it is no longer around.

   Some pop tarts were round while most of them are usually rectangle. Most of the pastry swirls are in different flavors. Some are in strawberry cheesecake. So, what happened to this Pop Tart. It wasn't popular as others, plus it was only for a limited time.

 Two flavors in one pop tart. One side could be blueberry while the other can split and be cherry. Some of them were pretty tasty and was great together. But, unlike the S'mores that were great with two flavors in one, these didn't last. Why? I don't know. I never had one. Some of these splitz were edible, and some you could pull apart like a kit kat.

   Unless you had a nut allergy, these are the pop tarts for you. Unfortunately, they are no longer on shelves. One being peanut butter flavored and another being a Reece's flavored pop tart. They were mostly limited edition and wouldn't last long. Some people have petitioned for it to come back, but to no avail. 

     I love French Toast. I love to make it at home. But in a Pop Tart...I don't know how I feel about that. Some people feel the same way. It might taste good toasted, but it doesn't seem like a Pop Tart that would last on the shelves for long. 

 Pop Tarts as a cereal. It's true, but the first time it happened, I was ten and it was 1994. They showed cursid videos of teens eating the cereal and either playing grunge rock or thinking they were dreaming. It lasted for a few years, and then...was gone. It came back around 2020 and well...it wasn't long lasted, and some people feel Pop Tarts are better in a toaster.

   Whose bright idea was it to mix soda and Pop Tarts together? Well, this one was definitely short lived. A&W and Crush combined their root beer/orange soda flavors into a Pop Tart must have been on quaaludes or some sort of drug. The taste was disgusting, according to many reddit reviewers. 

 You don't need to toast these since they are poppable in your mouth. They were good on the go and came in some known frosted flavors. I think they only had two. One was a Strawberry flavor, frosted of course. They are a portable snack and were considered a good treat for lunch.

   Ever wanted to try one of these frosted cupcakes in a Pop Tart? Not many people did, but Pop Tarts did it. Yep, it seemed the Pop Tart decided to make a chocolate cupcake with cream filling into a Pop Tart. They're never gonna stop. They even made soda into a Pop Tart. I don't want to think of what's next for them. It was short lived, and I don't see it on shelves anymore.

  There are too many discontinued Pop Tart flavors to name here. So that's most of it. Pop Tarts are so popular already passing fifty years old. They just came in four flavors when it started out. Now, they come in over hundreds. Some stay forever, and some are limited editions. What do I think of them? Like I said, I only eat two. Pop Tarts are ok, but I don't think that anyone needs to eat every flavor. You'll throw up if you do.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Who was the best Superman?


  I'm not a huge Superman fan like I am Batman, but it is a good idea to figure out who played Superman the best. There were some good, and some.... I think could have been better if they weren't the caped crusader. 

    I'm not gonna remember all of them so, here are a few that are memorable and one that might have been the best Superman even if he is no longer with us. 

   George Reeves used to play Superman on TV for the "Adventures of Superman" All I remember about him is his death and the "Superman Curse." How did he die? Well, George was killed from gunshot wound to the head on his bed during a party his fiancé was throwing at the time.

   The strange thing was... did he kill himself, which people think he did, or was he murdered by someone from that party? No one knows. Ever since then, they called it the 'Superman Curse" It wouldn't just claim George's life.

  Henry Carvell was Superman in a few movies that failed at box offices. He portrayed Superman in Man of Steele which had Amy Adams played Lois Lane. I guess, in my opinion, whoever plays Lois Lane, they do fine. It's Clark Kent portrayals that make or break a move. HIs portrayal wasn't great.

  I know I'm doing a cheat adding a cartoon character (voiced by George Newbern) but he wasn't a bad Superman. The show was not bad, granted not as great as Batman the Animated series, but it had its fans. The voice acting was good, the stories were not bad. He even voiced Superman. in a few DC animated movies as well.

    Is he the best? Well, not a fan of Superman as I was Batman, but it's not a bad show to watch.

 Tom Wellings portrayed a young Clark Kent/Superman in Smallville which about a teenage Clark Kent discovering his Superpowers. Never saw one episode, but I've good things about it. The acting wasn't bad. He would end up portraying a villain in "Luther". Sadly, I lost touch with that show.

    There are Cameos from other Superman actors, that I will get to soon that are in it as well.

  No joke. Nicolas Cage is... Superman in the Flash movie this year. I don't know much about the character the Flash since I never was into it, but having Nicolas Cage portray Superman is just as amazing seeing Michael Keaton come back as Batman.

    Only for a few scenes sadly. Not knowing about Nicolas Cage's Superman, I don't have much to say. Maybe he's good at being the caped crusader, or... maybe he's better as Dracula.

    The late George Reeves was considered one of the most known Superman actors ever. Sadly, he too suffered from the "Superman Curse" Not just by being in the third and fourth failure of a Superman movie, but in 1995, he was in an accident that ended up causing him to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his existence.

    He didn't stop him from acting as he also guest rolled in Smallville as well as guest speeches in certain colleges. Sadly, he and his wife both died of cancer in the lung. His son is still alive and looks somewhat similar to Christopher Reeves in every way.

  To me, they are the most memorable Supermen that I remember. There are others that are more miss than hit. Like when Superman teams up with Ben Affleck as he was Batman. Even another Justice League movie where Henry Carvell makes a guest cameo as Superman. The Caped Crusader or Superman as he's called was played by many actors, but...I think Christopher Reeves was the most memorable

Friday, September 8, 2023

Jerry's worst and best Girlfriends on Seinfeld


  Seeing this show religiously, it seems every Seinfeld character has a boyfriend or girlfriend. Jerry has the most. But which ones were the best, and which ones...he was better off without? 

 JODI- Portrayed by Jennifer Coolidge in her first role. Her character is masseuse and would massage everyone but Jerry. He didn't mind making love with her, but he just wanted to get decent massage. She even despises George who was dating another girl. He wants everyone to like him. Even Jerry's girlfriend. Eventually, she decides its best to leave Jerry after he forces her to massage. George tries to be friends with her but...doesn't work out. Now Jennifer Coolidge has been in movies and tv shows. For some reason, she was not my favorite girlfriend of Jerry Seinfeld.

NINA- In the episode "the letter" Jerry dates an artist who is jealous of who Jerry hangs out with. She is portrayed by Catherine Keener. I don't know much about the actress, but she was in some movies like 'Being John Malkovich' and voicing the villain in 'Incredibles 2'. She plays Jerry's girlfriend who is jealous that he still sees Elaine even they have broken up. She plagiarizes a note from a movie by Neil Simon. Jerry asks for her forgiveness before finding out. Plus, her father is one of the accountants for the Yankees and Elaine wore an Oriels baseball cap. She even paints Kramer's portrait. She's ok, but one girlfriend Jerry can do without.

 PATTY- Portrayed by Full Houses' Lori Loughlin, Patty is Jerry's girlfriend who tries to get Jerry to feel emotions. They break up when Jerry gets angry at her for no reason, then falls apart in tears for losing her. What did I think of her, not that memorable. Plus, the actress that portrayed her...her life changed after a scandal after her college daughters were caught partying as Lori lied at their application. She got arrested while her daughters were banned from almost every college.

AMY- If you are a fan of 'Breaking Bad', the actress from the show portrays one of Jerry's girlfriends in the episode 'The Glasses.' When George loses his glasses, squinting his eyes, he notices Amy kissing Jerry's unseen cousin, Jeffrey. She even hates it when a room is cold. He decides to get Amy together with his cousin. However, it doesn't go that way and well...the truth is revealed about the seats when Jerry decides to explain the real reason to bring Amy up to his unseen cousin. This girlfriend is ok, but she was somewhat not one of my favorites.

  LANETTE- In the episode 'The Summer of George', Jerry meets a girl that he is taking to the Tony's. She has a 'dude' in her apartment that concerns Jerry. She ditches him as Jerry realizes that the 'dude' was more of a relationship intern that Jerry needed. So, he turns to George while Jerry feels Lanette is too much for him. Lanette is portrayed by Amanda Peet who I have seen in a few movies like 'Saving Silverman', '2012' and 'Melinda & Melinda'.

 BETH- Portrayed by 'Dharma and Greg' actress, Debra Messing, Jerry had his eyes on Beth for a long time. She went through two marriages when he finally dates her on 'Yada, Yada, Yada'. There was one downside...Beth is antisemitic after telling Jerry that she too is an anti-dentite. It didn't last. Did I like this girlfriend? Yes and No. Debra Messing is entertaining when she wants to be. I can tell playing a girl Jerry pines for only to find out her dark truth.

CHARLOTTE- A germaphobe like Jerry, Charlotte, portrayed by 'Sex and the City' actress Kristin Davis, doesn't find out till later that Jerry knocked her toothbrush in the toilet after she uses it. She decides to drop something of his in the toilet. They reconcile but it seemed short lived after she's covered in toilet water. She later dates Jerry's rival Banya. Kristin Davis is only known as her character in 'Sex and the City'. Since I don't watch that show, she's only known as the toilet toothbrush girlfriend of Jerry's. She's better than the others but not the best.



ALEX- Portrayed by 'O.C.' Actress Melinda Clarke, Alex is one of Jerry's better girlfriends who adores hairless animals. Jerry decides to shave his chest so he could feel better. However, it backfires when the hair gets thicker and itchier. In the episode 'The Muffin Tops' He ends up stuck on a bus with Alex during Kramer's bus ride. He exits the bus and itches outside. I guess that's when we don't see Alex anymore. To be fair, how long do Jerry's dates last. She was ok and seemed like a girlfriend that was ok.


 VALERIE- In the episode 'The Millenium', Gilmore Girl actress, Laura Grham portrays Jerry's girlfriend who places him on the speed dial of her phone. Her Stepmother soon gets involved with Jerry trying to place his name on her speed dial. This was before smart phones you know. Valerie was considered a caring girlfriend, but the relationship ends when her stepmother almost dies (or dies, sadly the actress that portrayed the stepmother is dead) ends up with food poising. Jerry's number was hidden in her stepmother's poison control number on her phone.


 ELAINE MARIE BENES- I know I'm going to get angry responses for not having Elaine as number one, but she has been with Jerry the longest ever since they became friends. They did try the boyfriend/girlfriend technique, but it couldn't work for them. Except for one episode, Julia Louis-Dreyfus was Jerry's friend/girlfriend for the whole series. Love Julia Louis-Dreyfus and she's still doing great acting. 'VEEP' and a couple of movies have given her some great notice for not just being Elaine.

Who could be Elaine? Well...there is one more girlfriend that beats her by a quote. 'They're real and they're spectacular.'


SIDRA- Portrayed by Teri Hatcher, Sidra was known as Jerry's girlfriend who had breasts that were either real or fake. To find out, Eliane decides to trip and fall on to her breasts when they were in the sauna. Teri Hatcher actually added the words, "They're real and they're Spectacular." She was Lois Lane in the live action Superman series and voice Coraline's mother in the 'Coraline' movie. 

  Jerry had more girlfriends like the one with 'man hands', Courtney Cox was one even one was a Virgin that was portrayed by the actress on Fraiser. There were many of them, but these are the girls that I remember the most. Even one of them walked around naked. Who was your favorite?