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Sunday, September 5, 2010

The End of Summer

Here it is, the end of summer! Kids are depressed, my mom is depressed, and it's starts to get colder as the heat dies down. It seems the summer had come, and left too soon. Not many people like autumn and I can tell that they don't want to see winter as well. (I don't blame them)

I don't mind it at all. I like autumn. Leaves change color and fall while we see holiday after holiday go by. I was born around the end of autumn, and yes I dread my birthday, but I dread all the holiday commercials that come before it.

We can still enjoy ice cream, but we won't be able to hear the bells play as the ice cream truck goes by. My mom is more upset that summer is over because she knows she's going to have to go back to school to teach again. I feel sorry for her.
But for the kids, not so much. But, they will get breaks, and they have their weekends.

What I'm happy about the end of summer is, no more repeats to watch on my favorite show (although, I don't watch a lot of TV) but, we get to see new seasons and hopefully, new series will stick around longer, but from the looks of it, I don't think so. I enjoy autumn and I enjoyed my summer. I spent it relaxing, working and went to see an air show, which was a lot of fun. (The T birds were the loudest).
The end of summer is sad of course, but there will be another one coming soon, but not soon enough. Enjoy the rest of the summer we have and the beginning of autumn. Ciao bloggers and happy labor day!