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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Poem- Why can't we stop the pain and suffering

Why can't we stop, the pain and the suffering,
that is in our lives?
Are we too weak to stop it,
or are we to brave to conquer it?
Why do we cry every time,
when tragedy strikes our hearts?
When will it end,
and when will we be safe again
Does love have to hurt?
Why do we feel the pain?
Every time we watch the news,
We cry,
and we can't turn it off.
Why can't we stop,
the pain and the suffering,
happening in our lives?
We'll never know.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

short poem- no title

Looked up,
looked down,
looked side to side,
wondering if the sky ever is just blue,
or purple,
or violet,
any color looking up,
for the grass,
is it always green,

Side to side,
no one,
no sound,
no where to go,
feel trapped outside,
so I guess,
I'll get up,
and start my own adventure

Where will it take me?
Only I know that answer

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween candy

These years, I've seen so many candies that are for sale these days. More by the bulk during Halloween. Mostly because there will be little kids dressed as zombies or princesses or cowboys just to get candy after saying "trick-r-treat"
When I was young, dressing up was one thing, but the candy well, I'm a chocoholic so I would be craving Hershey bars and Milky Ways all the time, if I saw a snickers, I would give that to another trick-r-treader or just give it to my brother.

Now a days, candy can be anything, from gummy worms to huge size kit kat bars. Any thing that would rot a kid's teeth out. Even give them stomach aches as well. I would just eat as much candy as I would, but my mom would give me dirty looks. I sometimes would hand out candy to other kids some years. But since I'm not into Halloween like I use to be, I try not to deliver candy. Kids are getting older and well, the tradition seems to be dying. But at least I'll get to meet my cousin's kids and see their costumes.

Seeing bulks of candy at the grocery store can make anybody queasy. Then again, it can also make them hungry. For me, it depends on what candy. It could be gummy worms that I crave, to sour patch kids, which I don't. Milky way bars, I love (especially the simply caramel ones) I also like twix bars with caramel. Ok any candy with just caramel in it, I like. Don't know why, but I'm craving candy right now. So kids, be safe this year and have fun trick-r-treating. Caio Bloggers! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

He was considered god to some people (not me) but he had some pretty great ideas. For instance, he gave us Pixar and the start of movies to come for Disney like Toy Story and Toy Story 3 and much more.

He also introduced us to Macintosh computers with another guy named Steve W. in their garage around the seventies. He also was a bright fellow who started the iPod craze in 2001 ten years ago. He even gave us iPad, iShuffle, iEverything! The apple computers gave people a whole new look in life, made us connect faster and made us more into technology with all the upgrades he gives. Before resigning he gave the world iPad 2. I know my mom might want that one, for sure. I think Steve Jobs will be missed very much.

He was a visionary, a great inventor, and if it weren't for him, I doubt iCarly would have become a show. Steve Jobs died peacefully yesterday after suffering from pancreatic cancer since 2004. He definitely will be missed, but at least Heaven will get an upgrade. Till then Caio Bloggers! R.I.P Steve Jobs. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Will the Phillies win again??

In my short life, I've only seen the Phillies win the world series once. 2008 On October 29th. They were suppose to win it on the 27th, my dad's birthday, but it turned out to be a rained out game.

Now it's getting serious. Every October it gets serious for baseball fans. Why? For us, we call it Red October. Which means every day in October, it's make or break for the Phillies. They won the world series before in 1980. It was considered one of the greatest days in Philadelphia. I even remember the 2008 win.

It was the 9th inning and my dad was at the edge of his seat. I ran down to the basement where he was to join him. The Phillies were ahead by a run. My mom was asleep and brother was still in college, watching the game as well. After the last strike, we went insane. Everyone in Philadelphia did. The Phillies won the world series. My uncle called us. I talked to my brother, my mom even woke up screaming happily.

Every sport station was covering the win. They haven't won the series since then. I'm hoping that my dad gets to see the Phillies win again, even if it's on his birthday. I'm wishing the Phillies good luck this season. They won last night, hopefully they'll win again. But will they win the Series if they make it that far? Only time will tell. Till then... Caio Bloggers and GO PHILLIES!!!!!