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Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurrican Irene

A Hurricane is about to approach us. It's been a while since I've been near one, and the odd thing is, every time we had a hurricane, I got sick. Once in 1999, I had a heart failure and we were struck with Hurricane Floyd in Pennsylvania.
Then, Hurricane Alex in the Outer Banks, but at least we had t-shirts saying we survived it, but the beach house had a lot of sand. Then the last day, I had a full blown seizure. What??? Hopefully this time, even if Irene does hit us, we'll survive it and I won't end up sick.

BTW: The Outer Banks trip I had was great. I enjoyed every minute of it, although I did get bit a lot and had horrible sunburns.
Hopefully, Irene won't be much of a threat like Katrina was. We already felt a tremor from the Earthquake in Virgina. Why is the East Coast getting a huge beating, twice? Caio Bloggers

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Having a friend over tonight, excited. going to see a movie as well. BTW: the beach trip at the Outer Banks went well. Had a good time, enjoyed it. Ended too soon as well, but at least when we came back, the house wasn't destroyed.
A little nervous about tonight, but deep down I know he'll be happy. and so will I. He's a really good friend, and I know everything will work out. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!