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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

One hot summer

This has been one hell of a summer heatwave we are getting.

    And yet I have seen so many back to school commercials, a few autumn ads, two Halloween ads and yesterday while I was working, on the back of a Chex cereal box, a Christmas ad. I'm dead serious a Christmas ad.

   I feel as if we need a cool down now, but not Christmas.

We've been getting some thunderstorms and lots of rain, but it seems that we aren't getting enough of it.

Every day, it  is hot. I had to wear shorts and really short sleeve shirts and I feel as if we are getting a hot summer, we will be getting a very cold winter next year.
Image result for cooking eggs outside  I will see people getting tans and I will be getting sun burned (thank god I haven't yet) I'm very close to seeing someone cooking a fried egg on the sidewalk and it might work.

 Sadly I've been hearing on the news on how many stupid parents there are leaving their kids in the car and the kid dies of being in the hot car.
  Well the last one I heard about was an accident but still, I think it's stupid for someone not to realize where their child is when he went to get a toy in the parents car and he dies trying to get it.

I cry every time I hear a dog dies from the heat or a child being left in the hot car. It's not right. I feel it's the parents responsibility to check and see if the child is there, or better yet, don't leave the child in a hot car.
   It's hotter in Texas and deadly hot in Florida. When I was around ten, a long time ago, I suffered a heat stroke at Disney World. I never liked going to Disney. That's our deadly place.
Image result for hot summer

    I feel sorry for anyone suffering from the heat, animal or child. But when it gets cold, it's not gonna get better, it might get worse. All we can do is try to survive this weather from Hell. I can't even go for walks until it gets cooler and that won't be until maybe the end of September from the looks of it.
   School will start soon, but summer won't end for any of us until September 22nd this year, but it won't feel like it. Pray for cool weather to come soon, we need it. Ciao for now and stay where the air conditioning is.

Monday, July 18, 2016

We might need South Park more than ever.

  Yes, it's true.

 South Park, once cut out pieces of paper of nothing but four boys in Colorado named Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. Created by two geniuses named Trey Parker and Matt Stone trying to get crude humor to Comedy Central in 1997 was nothing but cruel to anyone.

  But today, it's somewhat different.

   Stan and Kyle are childhood friends that are based on Trey and Matt and Cartman was based on Art Carney from all in the family. He's loud, crude and raciest but they seem to have made Cartman more as if he was the true enemy of every episode.

Sometimes he is the enemy in the episode. Wanting to start fights or war, or even killing people (like hippies) trying to get his way every episode.
Image result for south park movie

   Even if it means hurting the ones he loves.

Kenny use to be killed off almost every episode because the voice actor, Matt Stone, hated voicing him. They also killed him completely for a whole season saying that Kenny died of an illness, but they brought him back.

Eventually, in an episode called "Coon and Friends" one of my favorite episodes, it is revealed why Kenny never dies.
  He is immortal because of a cult his parents went to while his mother was pregnant with him at the time and well...
let's just say we finally find out why he dies in almost every episode.
Image result for south park coon and friends  Now in the future episodes, it doesn't seem as if he is being killed much.

   Now I feel that the show has matured and the morals they give at the end of each episode have a meaning. Mostly told by Stan or Kyle. They explain at the end what the episode told them and the whole town hears and knows that they too have learned an important lesson as well.

    I fell as if after the movie they did, which had the most swear words as Reservoir Dogs, South Park had some growing up to do, and apologize to Canada for pissing them off. But the movie was pretty good.

   I feel that we need South Park now more than ever because of the morals it teaches us and because of the story it gives us, stupid as it can be at times, it seems they usually talk about what goes on in the media today as well as what is going on in the world with politics or making fun of a celebrity.

   South Park does it. They even made fun of the Simpsons, and sometimes they can go too far, but we do need them, like we do any great show... for the morals and the story.
Image result for south park kenny unhooded
  Like the Simpsons, South Park is another show that will never die, but maybe this show is worth keeping for a while.
    We need South Park because the stories are what get us going through today. We need the laughter South Park brings us. Thanks Matt, Thanks Trey.

Ciao Bloggers

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Do newscasters really sleep???

  Like many people, I will watch the news and there are different newscasters all the time, but when I was young, I always thought to myself, do they ever sleep???

    Everyone sleeps I know that. They change newscasters often, but I was young it pondered me and I don't know why it did.

   Mostly the ones at night were the ones I questioned the most. Like James Garner on channel six, or any other nightly news broadcaster. I think they might sleep in the morning and work at night but you never know.
Image result for philadelphia newscastersA lot of people work at night, but do they sleep in the day or do they work in the day as well and get little sleep? Maybe they don't sleep at all god knows.

  Maybe they're robots, like Ted Koppel. But I'm not judging people work so many hours that they sleep rarely and work as much as they can to help the viewer get through their day and week weather it's by the traffic, weather or celebrity gossip.
    It's because of them, we know what happened around the world. We use them on our Facebook accounts as well.

    Don't stop to admit we have ABC, or NBC news on our Facebook just to find out that Taylor Swift broke up with her boyfriend or there was another shooting here and there.

When I was young, I was really into the news, I guess I was just curious about the news casters lives themselves and how they lived.

   Sad to hear bout Sports Caster Gary Papa dying or cancer or Lisa Thomas-Lorey Retiring this year. But that's 6ABC news for you.

  Living around Philly half my life, I've listened to the Philadelphia station and the Philadelphia sports news as well, and I still question how they live their lives, and if they ever really sleep.
Image result for 6abc news If they do, that's good and if they are a robot, well than that is something out of a Simpsons episode where they revealed that "Ted Koppel is a Robot" maybe that's true I don't know. If so, that's interesting.

News is always going to be here to stay, from Facebook, to TV to the Internet and the Newscasters themselves, will be there to tell it all. And if they get a wink of sleep, then the next day can report it all over again.
   And it will never stop because History will happen and never fade away... We are the History of the past, present and future.

Ciao for now Bloggers!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The art of the movie Titanic and Titanic itself

  We will never know if it really was a certain iceberg that killed so many in a tragic Titanic crash.

I was never born in 1912. The actress Gloria Stuart who portrayed the elder Rose in the amazing movie "Titanic" in 1997 would be the only one that knew.
   She was born in 1910 and was traumatized by all the imagery that was taking place when she was doing her scene, she was brought to tears.

   But we know the facts of what really happened, but not by the movie. We know many lives were lost, and many lifeboats did not come in time to rescue the drowning victims in the freezing river.

In the movie, we know of two lovers are torn apart by class and brought together only to be torn again by tragedy.

    The acting between Leo and Katie were very good. Kate Winslet almost ended up getting pneumonia because she was going through water trying to find the character Jack (Leo) who was down below right when the iceberg hit and there was nothing but water everywhere.
Image result for titanic movie jack and rose kiss       They said that creating the ship for the movie was five times more expensive than the Titanic itself.
   Back in 1912, there was barley many footage used. Only small photographs and newspapers reporting of the tragedy.

   It has been over 10 years now and they played the 1997 movie again when Titanic turned over 100 years old in April they released it in theaters and played it in 3d.

    Some people don't like the tragedy of the sadness it brings on when over 1,500 souls were lost. I know it is sad, but for some reason, I like movies that are based on truth and reality although some of the plot was on lovers that never existed.

      Billy Zane played Kate Winslet's evil fiancé; and some actors portrayed real people that either survived or died on the ship. Molly Bates portrayed a rich women that made it out alive and Victor Gaber portrayed sir Thomas Andrews who built the ship and decided to go down with the ship.

    The captain went down as well as did many others famous or not, it's still very tragic. But the art of  the story is very good and for it; it won over 11 academy awards including best picture.
Image result for titanic 1912 vs 2012 We'll always remember the history of the Titanic if it was by the 1997 movie or by studying it many times through many books. I love history. Knowing what happened to all those sad people makes me appreciate what I have and knowing that even a ship and an iceberg can suddenly take away a life.
     Till then, enjoy the beauty of a ship or a masterpiece of a 1997 work of art. In the words of Leonard DiCaprio: "I AM KING OF THE WORLD!"
      Ciao Bloggers!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Are we all like Harriet the Spy

   We all have a little spy in all of us. We adventure, we explore and figure out things that interest us.
Harriet is one of those people.
   Thought up by an author named Louise Fitzhugh of a ten year old girl who is a shy person and would always write in her notebook about things that would happen in her world.

   It turned out to be Nickelodeon's first movie as well staring Michelle Trachtenberg as Harriett. She takes advice from her nanny about being a great spy.
  Soon Golly, her nanny, is fired and Harriett is left on her own, made fun of by a stuck up girl Marion.
  She loses all her friends when Marion reads her notebook and she is a pariah.
Image result for Harriet the spyIt got me to thinking, do we have some feelings that we jot down in a notebook or keep hidden in our minds. Are we all curious people wondering what we are trying to figure out who we are or where we are going in our lives.
   Jotting down little things making comments on our friends.

   Who knows. But that's how Harriet experiences her world with her notebook. When she gives it up, it's as if a piece of her is gone, so she takes it out on all the students that hurt her, pushed her to do all the evil, especially her friends.

Eventually she knew what she did was wrong and tries to apologize to everyone, and they eventually forgive her (except for Marion) and she writes for the school newspaper about her being a great writer.

  I also love to write. Stories, Poems, Memes anything that I loves to think about, I write and jot about. I try my best not to hurt anyone or step on anyone's toes, hurt anyone's feelings or make anybody cry.
Image result for Harriet the spy 2016

    When I write, I pour my heart and soul out.
Many people try write to express their creativity. Harriett is a spy, she discovers the truth and writes it down. She too is a writer but a different kind. She explores the world with binoculars and a magnify glass.
      From the mind of the late Louise Fitzhugh which sadly was her only hit book, she brought us a story of a little girl trying to make it as a writer herself, but can't compete with the real world being a challenge for her. Till then, let your mind be creative anyway it can be, explore new possibilities and wonder what is next in the world.
Through the mind of Harriet the Spy.
Ciao Bloggers!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Seize the Day

Seizing the moment as if it were the last day of your life....

    As today is Olivia de Havilland's 100th birthday, it got me to thinking, as we sleep, do we wake to a new day or to an endless sleep as if we never wake up
.Image result for olivia de havilland 2016

  "Dead Poet's Society" one of the most notable quotes the late Robin Williams says is- 'Seize the Day, gentlemen' as well as 'Oh Captain my captain'

  I'm already in my thirties and cannot believe how many years my life has flashed before my eyes.

  Not many people, or actors live to see 100. Bob Hope saw 100 before he died. Norman Lloyd is already passed 100 and is still alive today at the age of 102. He and his late wife were the longest married couple in recorded history in over 50 years.

  Gloria Stuart portrayed an 100 year old woman on the Titanic and lived to be that age. She never wanted to even think about the sad day of the tragedy  that she herself  had to witness when she was only two when Titanic.

  Irwin Corey, a stand up comic, is now 101 and still living strong. Patricia Morison, an actress is still going strong at 101 as well.

What is the secret to longevity to some? Who knows what it could be. A healthy eating habit, good sleeping patterns or just knowing, deep down, it is what is living everyday that matters to them.

   To me, I don't know if I would ever see 100, but I know my great aunt Lanita will. Never met her, and she is my mother's aunt. If she see's October 12th, she will be 100. My Grandma has 2 more years to go and believe me, deep down she too will see 100.
Image result for olivia de havilland 2016 I can't believe some people even live to see 100. I'm even amazed. Olivia is one of the last survivors of the remaining leading cast of "Gone with the wind" which came out on my birthday in 1939. A three hour movie based on the book that was written by Margaret Mitchell.
     Olivia portrayed the Cousin of Viviet Leigh's character Scarlett.  All the remaining actors are long gone. Almost all of them, I don't think any of them are still alive.

But why quote something out of Dead Poet's Society: Well to Quote something from Matthew Broderick:
    "Life move's pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

  And that is Ferris Bueller in a nut shell.
Ciao Bloggers! and Happy Birthday Olivia de Havilland.