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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Best Writers that ever lived

     Do you have a favorite author? One that sparks your imagination? To make you sour into different worlds from their written words?

There are many great authors today, and from ago, but who are the best?

Let's name a few...

Her name is Virginia Wolfe. She is known for writing: "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the lighthouse" She isn't as popular as we thought, and she is more known for her suicide of placing rocks in her pocket and heading to sea to drown, she is still known as an author you wouldn't forget.

Mark Twain is another. What he is best known for are "the adventures of Tom Huck" and even "The adventures of Huckleberry Finn" A story of two boys going through what it seems to be hard times. Tom Huck was modeled after a young Mark Twain while Huck was modeled after a childhood friend of Mark. "Prince and the Pauper," about a young prince switching places with someone that looks exactly like him, to experience what it would be like to be normal. Real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Image result for Charles DickensCharles Dickens. A man who gave us the stories like: Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, A tale of Two cities and even a famous one for the holidays:
A Christmas Carol. A story about old scrooge looking through his past, present and what his future would be like if he didn't change his wicked ways.

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Agatha Christie: If you have never heard of this author, then you might never have heard of her famous story titled: And then there were none She is on the Guinness Book of World Records of all time listed of one of the great famous authors ever known. The mysterious affair at Styles and even The Mousetrap are two other famous works of this great author.

  Many Authors like, F. Scoot Fitzgerald, Agatha Christie, William Shakespeare, Jane Austin and even authors of today like J.K. Rowing and Stephen King, they all have something in common...they are published writers.

   Some people have never had one thing published, but it doesn't stop them. Even these great writers took many years to publish their works of gold.

I've learned that it takes one rejection to know your mistakes, and to get something published, you need to learn rejections. In other words: "To be published is good, but to know yourself, you must first know the mistakes you make to better your work, and yourself as well"- Sally P. Barker

   Till then, remember books are nothing without the words and story of the writers that give life to characters, scenery and even dates and history's of when it takes place. Sometimes even movies come from books like, To Kill a Mockingbird, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, and even 12 Angry Men.

Curl up with a good book, and remember, every author has a vision and a story they want to tell.

You start into it, inflamed by an idea, full of hope, full indeed of confidence. If you are properly modest, you will never write at all, so there has to be one delicious moment when you have thought of something, know just how you are going to write it, rush for a pencil, and start in exercise book buoyed up with exaltation. You then get into difficulties, don’t see your way out, and finally manage to accomplish more or less what you first meant to accomplish, though losing confidence all the time. Having finished it, you know it is absolutely rotten. A couple of months later you wonder if it may not be all right after all- Agatha Christie

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The sad life of Patty Mayonnaise

Yes I know, she's a cartoon character, but think about it. Her life isn't perfect.

      Image result for Patty Mayonnaise gifThe thing is not the character, but her past life. Her father in a wheelchair, her mother....dead. But what was Patty like before all that.

   Caring, lovable and even happy. Hiding her happiness with sports and trying to grow up in Bluffington (really that's a town)

     Doug's love interest in both the Nick and Disney animated show. She was considered a tom boy. But when she was little, she was a princess.

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Not much is known about Patty's mother, but in one episode in the Disney version, they show a brief memory of her with her family.
    Sadly it was taken away like the use of her father's legs in a car accident that claimed her mother's life.

       Patty tries to hide it by playing sports, or even going out with Doug on occasion.

In that episode, called "Patty's dad dilemma" Patty notices her father starting to hang out with her teacher.
    She starts thinking about her mother and the great times they had when she was alive. It was the only time we notice a resemblance of her mother.

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                                                               Her father becomes a history teacher and Patty feels as if her f

father shouldn't be with anyone but her. She feels that him dating someone else, he might forget about her.

Image result for patti's dad dilemmaI feel as if, even if it's not a real show and the voice actress of Patty went on to do "Orange is the new black," it doesn't mean that Patty was still an important character on the show.

Related image With Patty having visions of her mother vanishing after her father wants to start dating again, she was very sad, wishing her mother was still alive, even visiting her mother's grave. Her father explains to her that he would never replace Patty's mother in his heart. Why? I guess with families that lost a loved one, due to an accident, cancer....you name it, you can never replace the ones you love.

   And for Patty, it was her mother.

Image result for patty mayonnaise gif

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Andrew Wyeth Paintings- What they mean

          If you lived in Chadds Ford, PA, you would have heard about this extraordinary painter. Born in 1917, Andrew Wyeth came from a family of talented artists.

  His father, N.C. was one of them.

His paintings are very famous to those that lived through the 50s,60s and even 70s.

But what is the truth behind the paintings. From his brush strokes to his talented models. What does it mean?

Image result for Andrew Wyeth paintings

                               His paintings are very mysterious. In the famous painting: Christina's World, some people think that it is a woman on the grass, staring into the distance seeing a boarded house. But in real life, that woman is crippled. Was her name Christina? No, actually it wasn't. Well not her first name. Her name was Anna Christina Olson, that grew up in a farm in Maine.

  When Andrew went to Maine, he would stay like a drifter of an old farm that belonged to an old farmer named Alvero Olson and his wife Christina. Sadly, she suffered a crippling disease that caused her the use of mobility in her legs.

But the inspiration he had when he visited them seemed to take notice. With the famous painting Christina's World, not many people knew about the woman being crippled in the picture.
Or how the inspiration was thought up.

<h5><em>Chester County</em>, 1962 drybrush and watercolor on paper, 22.2 x 30.75 in. Private Collection</h5><p>© 2016 Andrew Wyeth / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY</p>

Andrew had many models to pose, and some became famous for their art. Christina Olsen, even some of the African Americans who lived in Chadds Ford back when times were tough, he would ask his models to sit and he wouldn't worry about their image, he would just paint away and then... history would be made.

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                     Winter of 1946. Another famous painting that is known to have a young boy in the fields. Andrew started this painting around the time of his father's sudden death.
   His father and Nephew were killed in a collision with a train when their car stopped in the middle of the tracks.
  Since then, Andrew saw inspired to paint more often. And there are more famous ones of his. Like Groundhog's day.

Andrew Wyeth Groundhog Day Print

A painting that shows not only nobody sitting down on a table, but in the background if you can see, a log with teeth since then. Not many people notice the hidden story. There is another farm, this one in Chadds Ford called the Kueners. Having their farm near the Brandywine river, it is still there today. This place inspired Andrew to do many pictures of a model that goes by the name of....

Born in the 1930's, Helga Testford was a German model. There are many works of arts devoted to her. Some of them are in the nude.

                                                           It was considered a secret only he and Helga knew about. Started leaking out later in the years, many people were stunned to see another face keep coming up in his art work. Wondering if he had done it for art, or for love.
Image result for andrew wyeth Helga paintings

In later years of his life, Andrew explained that it was only for art, and he started painting less and less despite his age.

  Living to 2009, he experienced 9 years of the new millennium.

<h5><em>The Kuerners</em>, 1971 drybrush on paper, 26.5 x 40.125 in. Private Collection</h5><p>© 2016 Andrew Wyeth / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY</p>His artwork is stunning today as it was long ago. Today marks the anniversary of his life, although no longer with us, the Wyeth protégée is still around.

Andrew's son Jamie, is still alive today painting as his father and grandfather had done many years ago.

      The model known as Helga, is still alive today. Never regretting what she had done, for it was only for art. She still feels guilty posing in nude, but then again... it was art.

There is a painting that is one of Andrew's later works. With all the models in one painting, dancing as if Andrew was already dead. Happy as they twirl ribbons around and dance.
Image result for andrew wyeth final paintings

If I had a favorite painting of his....
   well that's the thing. He is an inspiration for many creative people in the world. It doesn't mean I can't pick a favorite, it means I love him a lot more.

Sad that he is no longer with us. His memories and his paintings live on, symbolizing one great artist.

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Way- Lela and Raymond Howard

            -Some songs have meanings, while others have something to say. And others show history. They're names were Lela and Raymond Howard.

Related image There is a lyric that goes:
"You can see their shadows wandering off somewhere, they wont make it home, but they really don't care, they're there and they're happy, never finding the way, the way...………."

Who were they? Lela and Raymond Howard were an elderly couple in Texas. They vanished into thin air, never to be heard from again.
  How does a song connect to this?

No one has ever known about the sad fate of that elderly couple. The lead singer of the band Fastball, with their one hit wonder: "The Way" thought they just wandered off and made it to heaven they're own way.

Image result for lela and raymond howard

They were off attending a Pioneer festival as they usually do. However, they never made it back, or even there. They were stopped by a police officer all the way in Arkansas, not knowing that they were missing at the time.

   They're car was found in a dirt field. Seemed they ended up dead in a car crash.

It is a sad ending to an elderly couple, one suffering from brain damage and another in the early stages of Alzheimer's. 

   Around the time they vanished, the lead singer, Tony Scalzo decided to write the lyrics thinking about that elderly couple and what could have happened to them.

    Consider the lyrics:

"Anyone can see the roads that they walk on are paved in gold, it'll always be summer, they'll never get cold..."

  Meaning, wherever they went, they were happy, even if it meant the ending of their lives.

Finding closure. Their son, and grandchildren think of the song as a memory to the elderly couple. 

  Their son, said it was a moving tribute to his family, that they had been searching for when they vanished in 1997.

Image result for lela and raymond

 The Howards vanished in early 1997 in Texas, their car found in a cliff in Arkansas. The memory of the family knew that Raymond and Lela were gone. The song is a living tribute to that elderly couple.

     I never knew about that until I started college that this song was based on a true story.

Sadly the band broke up and Tony went on his own. Still singing, but the song that will always be on the back of his mind is: "The way"

The music video was ok. Cheerful, upbeat and it was fun, although hiding the darkness of the true story of an elderly couple vanishing off the face of the earth.

Image result for fastball the way gif The song is still played on the radio, the memories of Raymond and Lela still linger over Texas as, even though the family has closure, and a song to remember Lela and Raymond, it doesn't mean the lyrics are pretty well given the answer:

    "Where were they going without ever knowing the way"

RIP Lela and Raymond Howard of Sandelo, Texas.