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Friday, November 24, 2017

black friday

 Every night after we eat our dinner, or very, very early in the morning, it seems people just drive to a nearby store and wait in line all night and why???

   It seems the best sales for Christmas gifts are at that hour. So why do people keep killing themselves every time they want a good bargain?
Image result for black friday People would get a great toy like "Tickle me Elmo" or "Cabbage patch kids"

So many people hurting one another for toys that kids won't likely be playing with that much. Even clothing, or electronics. People just want to stay up late at night, wait in line and eventually lose a lot of money, thinking there are sales that will be good.

I'm not one them. Why? because I'm not going to get myself killed and maybe wait a while, a long while the crowds die down.
Image result for black friday comic It seems silly, but I think spending time with family not eating a crap ton food just because they want to be the first ones in line in a cold autumn night, just for sales that they can wait for the next day. I feel sorry for department stores because of this.

They do get more money out of it but, I don't feel that it is really worth it at all. I work right before Thanksgiving, because that is when it gets busy.

  Target, Toys R Us, Walmart, Khloe's they open their doors late at night till early morning for people to just stand outside and wait for the doors to open.
Image result for black friday comicSome people don't even celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. They just want the thrill of standing outside, waiting for the door to open and even passing turkey, gravy and more while they wait in line.
Image result for black friday comicIf people do want to be in a mall the day after Thanksgiving, I applaud them for taking risks, waiting out in the cold, and even trying to forgo Thanksgiving dinners.

Before you know it, Cyber Monday will be appun us.
Image result for black friday comic
Ciao Bloggers and Happy Black Friday

Saturday, November 18, 2017

In the loud house

  There are some cartoon shows that can annoy the hell out of you, and then there are ones that can be called a good cartoon.

Nickelodeon recently gave us a show called "LOUDHOUSE" It's a story about one boy, nine sisters and a house in Lansing, Michigan.
Image result for loud house cartoon
   It's also a pretty good cartoon as well. It is also funny as well. It involves one boy named Lincoln. He lives with a few older sisters, and a lot of younger ones.

Lori is the oldest. She is materialistic, and Lincoln's friend, Clyde, has a huge crush on her, although she does have a boyfriend

Leni, the second oldest, can be intelligent at times, but she's mostly the dimwit Loud child. She loves fashion.

Luna, the third oldest, plays guitar and dresses in purple. Loves Rock 'n Roll. She even helps out her brother during his first concert.

Luan, the fourth oldest, is considered a comedian and loves pranking her family, especially on the first day of April, April Fools day

Lynn Loud, fifth oldest, loves sports, and would even help out Lincoln when he is signed out for Pee Wee football, taking his place

Then comes Lincoln. And after him...

Lucy Loud, seventh oldest, Gothic, does tarot cards and dresses in black. She can even predict the future of many of her sisters, and Lincoln's life

Then twin sisters... One named Lola, she loves to be dirty, has a pet frog and even, deep down, doesn't care that she feels like a tom-boy

The other Lana, older by a few minutes than Lola, She is a princess, wears pink and always causes trouble by telling her parents on her sisters and Lincoln are keeping secrets, she allergic to rhubarb

Lisa Lola, ninth youngest, Smart, doesn't appreciate having friendship and even wears a wig because of an experiment gone wrong. Science to her, is the most important thing to her

Lilly Lola, the baby of the family. Doesn't talk much unless someone in the family curses, poops a lot.
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I'm wondering deep down how this family had 10 kids. Deep down, they might be an orphanage, then again, one person thought only three (Lucy, Lincoln and the baby) are the only ones living in the house and the others are figments of Lincoln's imagination.

   I don't think that's true but, it's not a bad show. I gave it a watch, and started to like it. As if Nickelodeon was coming back to normal (as well as Hey Arnold Jungle Movie coming back)
Image result for loud house cartoon Lincoln's friend Clyde has two fathers, and I find that pretty cool for a cartoon to accept same sex marriage. I think him having two father's isn't a bad thing at all.

Image result for loud house cartoon His fathers are pretty fit and they even love a clean house on occasion. The sisters started to like Clyde's fathers in one episode and decided to spend time with them.

This cartoon is bold, but I feel it's funny. Nickelodeon, has brought back a great cartoon. By the first season, the Loud parent's faces were never revealed, but in a holiday episode, "11 louds a leapin"
They finally revealed their faces for all fans to see.

Image result for loud house 11 louds a leapin
Till then, enjoy what Nickelodeon brought us, a good cartoon for once. (BTW: I think Sponge Bob has overstayed his welcome) Ciao Bloggers

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Netflix Destroyed Magic School Bus!!

  Everybody knows what Netflix is. They've been starting they're own shows such as "Stranger Things" but now, they have been doing reboots as well and some of them are considered HORRIBLE!!!
Image result for Magic school busWhen I was young, there was a show called Magic School Bus that was based on books written by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan.

They made it into a cartoon series staring Lily Tomlin as Miss Frizzle a fun teacher who would take her kids on adventures through the universe, someone's body even under the sea. You get to learn interesting facts while watching.

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  There were fun characters in it as well. Mostly her classmates and a pet lizard named Lizzy.

But this version on Netflix, is NOTHING LIKE THIS!!!!!

First off, the voice acting by Kate McKinnon is decent and that might be the only thing I can say positive about this version that they called "Magic School Bus Rides again"

However, this doesn't excuse itself to destroy the reputation of the original cartoon that I've grown to know. No way at all.

   All these kids are carbon based, annoying and they all look alike by their design. The voice acting on the kids, I'm not gonna be hard. Maybe they don't even know and thought it was just going back to the old one.

   Lily Tomlin is in it, but she isn't the main character. Miss Frizzle hands off the duties to her, daughter I guess. And they do the same thing they did in the old show. But it's for a different generation. For my opinions, IT SUCKS!
Image result for Magic school bus
Netflix has been doing many reboots. Even Peabody and Sherman are suffering the same fate, but it's not as bad as, this. This has to be, without a doubt. The worst Magic School Bus cartoon they have every created.

Kate McKinnon is very talented. Maybe she's just doing this for different reasons. This is not one of her bests.

    I don't want to harsh on anyone's feelings over this show, but if Netflix keeps doing reboots on great shows, there is no stopping how bad it can get. On the plus side, Netflix does have the other version that I love and grew up with. I watch that on occasion. I miss the original, and this doesn't help. If anyone likes this, whatever. Good luck to you.

Ciao Bloggers and Netflix watchers. Beware your favorite cartoon might be rebooted soon before you know it.
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