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Sunday, December 18, 2011

The downside and upside of Christmas

Some people don't mind Christmas. They love it. They would celebrate it everyday if they could. But some people, dread it, they don't hate it, they just dread it coming.

The downside: Having to get a tree, and painstaking decorate it with lights that would never light up properly and knowing that one of the lights is dead and the whole thing won't light up. Another painstaking task is to write Christmas cards, and have your family dress up in horrid clothing for a picture to put on that card. Another would be hearing the same Christmas carol over, and over, and over again. Like the Christmas donkey song or the "Grandma's got run over by a reindeer". Having to be prepared, having the house all cleaned and ready for company. Some people don't mind it, but for others it's more like more housework to deal with. Like we do for Thanksgiving. Also the parties could mean hangovers the next day.
But at least there is an upside.
The upside: Spending time with your family, opening presents, enjoying time with company, ringing in a new year on New years Eve. For us. I love it and hate it at the same time. Can't believe next week will be Christmas. For now. I'm just going to enjoy a nice Christmas with my family and seeing my cousin's sons open up their presents and be so happy. That's my upside of Christmas. Also seeing my family happy when they open the presents I got for them. Although I do have to finish my Christmas shopping this week.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy 2012. Won't blog again till January! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Turning 27. How I feel about it

Tomorrow, I will be the dreaded 27. I don't mind turning another year older. I will get gifts and cards and birthday wishes on Facebook. It's just, I've been in this world for almost 3 decades and it's getting closer and closer, and closer till, I am 27. I rarely remember turning twenty let alone seven years later, which will be tomorrow. I share a birthday with some celebrities: if you count Tim Conway and Don Johnson and Adam Brody.

I hope to have a great birthday tomorrow. I don't look 27, but I will be 27. The year has gone by fast. In a blink of an eye. It seems next year, I'll be turning 28 this time next year tomorrow. Maybe being 27 isn't a bad thing. You are as old as you feel, and to tell you the truth. I don't I'll feel 27. At least I'm going bowling with my boyfriend and going to see the Long wood garden lights. Hopefully, it'll be a great birthday. Will blog again before Christmas. Till then, Caio Bloggers! and Happy Birthday to me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Want to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Stuff your face with Turkey, Stuffing and Pumpkin pie, but be careful not to over indulge. Enjoy every minute you spend with your family like I will and will blog again around the beginning of December. For now, enjoy the holidays, and if you're shopping on Friday, doing it on-line is better than waiting outside.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pringles vs Potato chips

I eat both Pringles and Herr's potato chips. They're both good. But to tell you the truth, potato chips and pringles both have shady histories. First potato chips were discovered by mistake by an angry chef who decided to slice the potato so thin that the customer would have to eat it with their hands. Of course they were a hit.

Potato chips have a variety of flavors, brands like Lays or Herr's or the new kettle chips. They have wild flavors, sea salt, no salt. It's amazing how many potato chips brands there are today. It's just amazing there are even wilder flavors out in other countries. In Japan they have a sushi flavor potato chip and in Spain, they have a squid flavor, they even have different color potato chips they call artisan. Some of them aren't even potatoes. Strange that all of this craze started over an angry chef which ingredients included potato, a dash of a salt and a little revenge.

Now pringles have another story. It all started over how chips would break in a bag and would be so greasy. So a scientist from Procter and Gamble decided to come up with a way to make potato chips stack able, uncrushable, and would be in a can and not a bag. So Pringles were born around the 1970's and were a big hit. Claming to be the Potato chips that would be better than any other chip. Only one problem, they weren't potato chips. They were potato flakes. They claimed they were chips, but added "from dried potatoes" So some potato chip companies were outraged and made Procter and Gamble change the product from potato chips to potato flakes. But some people don't care about it tastes, it's the can that draws them to open it and eat all the potato crisps that were in it.
Even though Pringles became something totally different, people still also like potato chips. And like potato chips, pringles also come in different verity of flavors. Unsalted, barbecue, cheese flavor, pizza, you name it.

For me, I love a regular potato chip. Lightly salted, no flavoring whatsoever, but sometimes I will crave a Pringle crisp. Don't know why, but I'm drawn to that can. LOL. Even if you like them, no matter what potato chips are considered the most popular snack food to date. Till then, enjoy the snacking of Pringles or potato chips. Ciao blogger, will blog again soon, before Thanksgiving. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Too close to the holidays

Surprisingly, we're seeing more Christmas/thanksgiving commercials on October now. Strange. It seems that Thanksgiving won't take a breather for just one moment and Halloween get through with it's sales. I dread to see what black Friday is going to be like.

Mostly the most painstaking day for me at work is the day before Thanksgiving because, working at a grocery store, it's hell. I go out to dinner afterwards so wiped out that I can't believe how much work I had to do.
Thanksgiving day is hell as well for some businesses. Some stores are closed, but Genaurdi's isn't. Genaurdi's never closes on holidays. They use to when I was little, but now, well, they don't close. They do close the store earlier though.

There are so many toys for kids, and drills for dads and well.. for mom everything else. But the way the economy has been... it's even lucky we get a Christmas tree in our house. This year our family isn't spending too much. I'm alright with that. Will have more presents anyway knowing that my birthday is coming up soon. For now, I'm happy celebrating my birthday along with Christmas. But before my birthday comes, our house has to be decorated. Right now going to try not to die next Wednesday at work while people are getting their last minute thanksgiving crap.

Will blog back again soon before Thanksgiving, but in my opinion, the holidays are coming too quick. Ciao bloggers, for now, blog back again soon.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Poem- Why can't we stop the pain and suffering

Why can't we stop, the pain and the suffering,
that is in our lives?
Are we too weak to stop it,
or are we to brave to conquer it?
Why do we cry every time,
when tragedy strikes our hearts?
When will it end,
and when will we be safe again
Does love have to hurt?
Why do we feel the pain?
Every time we watch the news,
We cry,
and we can't turn it off.
Why can't we stop,
the pain and the suffering,
happening in our lives?
We'll never know.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

short poem- no title

Looked up,
looked down,
looked side to side,
wondering if the sky ever is just blue,
or purple,
or violet,
any color looking up,
for the grass,
is it always green,

Side to side,
no one,
no sound,
no where to go,
feel trapped outside,
so I guess,
I'll get up,
and start my own adventure

Where will it take me?
Only I know that answer

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween candy

These years, I've seen so many candies that are for sale these days. More by the bulk during Halloween. Mostly because there will be little kids dressed as zombies or princesses or cowboys just to get candy after saying "trick-r-treat"
When I was young, dressing up was one thing, but the candy well, I'm a chocoholic so I would be craving Hershey bars and Milky Ways all the time, if I saw a snickers, I would give that to another trick-r-treader or just give it to my brother.

Now a days, candy can be anything, from gummy worms to huge size kit kat bars. Any thing that would rot a kid's teeth out. Even give them stomach aches as well. I would just eat as much candy as I would, but my mom would give me dirty looks. I sometimes would hand out candy to other kids some years. But since I'm not into Halloween like I use to be, I try not to deliver candy. Kids are getting older and well, the tradition seems to be dying. But at least I'll get to meet my cousin's kids and see their costumes.

Seeing bulks of candy at the grocery store can make anybody queasy. Then again, it can also make them hungry. For me, it depends on what candy. It could be gummy worms that I crave, to sour patch kids, which I don't. Milky way bars, I love (especially the simply caramel ones) I also like twix bars with caramel. Ok any candy with just caramel in it, I like. Don't know why, but I'm craving candy right now. So kids, be safe this year and have fun trick-r-treating. Caio Bloggers! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

He was considered god to some people (not me) but he had some pretty great ideas. For instance, he gave us Pixar and the start of movies to come for Disney like Toy Story and Toy Story 3 and much more.

He also introduced us to Macintosh computers with another guy named Steve W. in their garage around the seventies. He also was a bright fellow who started the iPod craze in 2001 ten years ago. He even gave us iPad, iShuffle, iEverything! The apple computers gave people a whole new look in life, made us connect faster and made us more into technology with all the upgrades he gives. Before resigning he gave the world iPad 2. I know my mom might want that one, for sure. I think Steve Jobs will be missed very much.

He was a visionary, a great inventor, and if it weren't for him, I doubt iCarly would have become a show. Steve Jobs died peacefully yesterday after suffering from pancreatic cancer since 2004. He definitely will be missed, but at least Heaven will get an upgrade. Till then Caio Bloggers! R.I.P Steve Jobs. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Will the Phillies win again??

In my short life, I've only seen the Phillies win the world series once. 2008 On October 29th. They were suppose to win it on the 27th, my dad's birthday, but it turned out to be a rained out game.

Now it's getting serious. Every October it gets serious for baseball fans. Why? For us, we call it Red October. Which means every day in October, it's make or break for the Phillies. They won the world series before in 1980. It was considered one of the greatest days in Philadelphia. I even remember the 2008 win.

It was the 9th inning and my dad was at the edge of his seat. I ran down to the basement where he was to join him. The Phillies were ahead by a run. My mom was asleep and brother was still in college, watching the game as well. After the last strike, we went insane. Everyone in Philadelphia did. The Phillies won the world series. My uncle called us. I talked to my brother, my mom even woke up screaming happily.

Every sport station was covering the win. They haven't won the series since then. I'm hoping that my dad gets to see the Phillies win again, even if it's on his birthday. I'm wishing the Phillies good luck this season. They won last night, hopefully they'll win again. But will they win the Series if they make it that far? Only time will tell. Till then... Caio Bloggers and GO PHILLIES!!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Emmys and what I think about them

The prime time Emmy were on last night. I thought Jane Lynch was great at hosting it. There are some TV shows I don't care for like "the Good Wife, Two and a half men" and so on and so forth.

Some Emmy winners were talking over the limit of how long to talk. They always seem to have a clock and it starts ticking fast as they start talking fast. One of my favorite moments is when Jimmy Fallon was going to have a speech prepared if he won (although Jon Stewart won) and Jimmy Kimmel decides to read the speech out loud.
When Jon Stewart won, Jimmy Fallon did a slow clap. LOL.

What depresses me is those in memoriam segments. It kind of tears me up inside knowing the people in them are no longer with us like Cliff Robertson or Bubba Smith (from Police academy) still it's just sad.

Another segment I like in the awards with when they present the categories they had people singing and Joel McHale was one of them, so was LL Cool Jay. They did a good job. There many things that made me laugh, how they presented the awards sometimes, and the dresses some wore. I loved some and some were a train wreck. But I believe who wore the best dress of the night was Kate Winslet. A nice red gown with a cut style of a V in the middle, still thought it was the best gown of the night. What dress I didn't like was Julianna Margulies from the good wife. The bottom of the dress was ok, but the top of it looked weird. If you wanna judge for yourself, you'll see the dresses in the next issue of People or you can just Joan Rivers trash about it on Fashion Police. I judge for myself and how I feel the dresses looked on people.

I enjoyed watching the Emmy even though some of the choices I wanted to win never did. Till then. Caio Bloggers! BTW: Congrats to Jim Parson for winning best comedic actor. Love Big Bang Theory

Friday, September 9, 2011

strange dreams??????

I fell like every time I close my eyes, I will have a weird or strange dream take place in my mind. Usually they're so vivid and confusing now. They use to be about my job, but this time, it had nothing to do with my job. This one, the one I had last night (and this morning) had to do with mom and me. Mom was driving, I was sitting next to her and we on my way to my grandmother's. For some reason, we get lost and find another root. (Which was strange 'cause my mom's an excellent driver) We end up in a rich development and well... it seems to drift off from there but for some reason, the car goes flying and my mom and I end up in a pool of a rich family's house. They didn't seem to mind, by the way. One of them was already in the pool.... that's when my dog woke me up.

Sometimes I don't understand my dreams. Dreams can be good, can be horrifying. But sometimes they can mean something. What?????? I don't know. All I know it I had a weird dream last night. That's all that mattered and it didn't have to deal with work. My dreams drive me insane, or make me happy. This dream just got me confused. Till then. Ciao Bloggers!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurrican Irene

A Hurricane is about to approach us. It's been a while since I've been near one, and the odd thing is, every time we had a hurricane, I got sick. Once in 1999, I had a heart failure and we were struck with Hurricane Floyd in Pennsylvania.
Then, Hurricane Alex in the Outer Banks, but at least we had t-shirts saying we survived it, but the beach house had a lot of sand. Then the last day, I had a full blown seizure. What??? Hopefully this time, even if Irene does hit us, we'll survive it and I won't end up sick.

BTW: The Outer Banks trip I had was great. I enjoyed every minute of it, although I did get bit a lot and had horrible sunburns.
Hopefully, Irene won't be much of a threat like Katrina was. We already felt a tremor from the Earthquake in Virgina. Why is the East Coast getting a huge beating, twice? Caio Bloggers

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Having a friend over tonight, excited. going to see a movie as well. BTW: the beach trip at the Outer Banks went well. Had a good time, enjoyed it. Ended too soon as well, but at least when we came back, the house wasn't destroyed.
A little nervous about tonight, but deep down I know he'll be happy. and so will I. He's a really good friend, and I know everything will work out. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


There are way too many cereals today. I, for one hand, don't like cereal. When I was little, I use to like cheerios and cocoa puffs. But now, cereal makes me queasy. I just does fro some reason. There are so many cereals out on the market and one claims they are better than the other. General Mills is making cereals with "whole grain" (yeah right) they're just trying to pull in people to their cereal brands claiming that they are healthier. Doubt that's true.

They even have the same type of cereal with different brand names. Such as: Post Raisin Bran and Kellogg Raisin Bran. I think it's the same thing just from different companies. Some times. I get confused. Thinking that Trix cereal is a Kellogg brand when it's really General Mills. Same with Lucky Charms and and that psychotic Cocoa Puff Bird. Now on to cartoons on cereal.

The Trix Rabbit. What is his problem??? Is he hooked on this stuff like it's crack? The lucky charm, if I caught him, I don't want a box of Lucky Charms, I want his pot of gold, or better yet, a million dollars. The Cocoa Puff bird, if he gets near chocolate, he's going to end up in an insane asylum . There were three, yes three of those cinnamon toast crunch bakers. But now there was only one (I had a feeling that the only baker shot and killed the other two) Now he's gone and there are little squares. All right now talking cereal. Do we really need to hear David Spade's voice a frosted Wheaties helping kids with school?? C'mon, that's just sad. Oh here's another lame post cereal that I never ate as a child, fruity pebbles. Just to see a clay-mation of Barney and Fred sickens me. The cartoon was better (although I prefer the Simpsons or futurama to that) but the cartoon commercials are a lot better than what we have now. I mean now Fred is letting Barny have his fruity pebbles.
Also I don't know if I ever heard cereal actually talk (or snap crackle and pop) I've watched vintage commercials and back in the 60's old TV shows would promote these cereals and say collect enough box tops and you'll get a prize. Even the toys inside the cereal box aren't really amazing or eye popping as they show on TV. What do you expect. It even smells like cereal.

Now we're trying to stay healthier with these whole grain, good for you cereals such as special k or anything else from special k, and that guy in the fiber one cereal commercials. He is so annoying. For me, my breakfast would be toast and juice or those strawberry (no frosting) pop tarts, or hard boiled egg, but never cereal. But as long as we look at the nostalgic days where cereal was packed full of sugar, it's still considered an American staple. Till then, enjoy your breakfast, whatever it is. Ciao Bloggers!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

RIP: Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse is no longer with us. Died the same age as: Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison. All at the dreaded age of 27. It seems like a cursed age. But sometime, fate comes in many ways and in many forms. But it just seemed that her drug addiction got the better of her. I loved her song "Rehab" and "Back to black" But she will be remembered for her music and now.... well all I can say is god loves the things he creates and decides when it's there time... he takes them back home. RIP: Amy Caio Bloggers! for now

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Temple Grandin movie

Saw this movie called "Temple Grandin" it's about this woman with high functioning autism and uses it to help cattle in any way she could. She built a humane way for cattle to be washed and humane way to.. well die... I had no desire to see that part of the story, but you know what I mean.
This movie got me thinking about my autism. I mean suffering from Asperger's is pretty enough, even suffering from ADHD is tough enough as well.

The movie was pretty good, but the thing is, when I heard about it, I thought it was called "Temple's Garden" but Temple had amazing way of seeing through pictures and every time she saw a door, she always would say it's a door that opens to a new world. For me, I love to write, every time I see a picture, I use in a story or in a poem. Pictures, to me, means a new story about a brave knight or a murder or anything like that. That's what I like about this movie. No matter if you had high functioning autism, or Asperger's syndrome can see things that to others, it's just a telephone or a remote control, but to me and Temple and others with autism (high function or Asperger's) it's something totally different. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Cell Phone

Yes Folks, I got a new cell phone today. Bigger screen, faster internet service. It's a Droid. My blackberry, I enjoyed having, now it's time for something new. I can get on facebook and you tube without being on my computer that often. That doesn't mean I won't be on my computer or anything like that. It means that I will have better use of this new phone. I will enjoy it and make new pictures as well as keeping my old and all that. I still have all the phone numbers in it as well as video. Hopefully will enjoy this phone for a long time. Till then, Caio Bloggers

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What is love?

I think I might be in love. Have a crush on someone right now. I feel that I might be in love. But what is love? I feel it's a feeling I have deep inside. Hard to explain really but, I think I might have a crush on somebody That I've met a while a go. I just feel that we have so much in common. Is he the perfect match for me? He may be.

But love, it's a strong word. A word we use very often, but sometimes, it's hard to explain what it really is. I mean... I love pizza, but I'm not in love with pizza. I love my family and friends, but the same there. There's someone for everyone, and I think I might have found mine. I just need to spend more time with him. But I have a feeling that he might be my one. Because, there is someone for everyone, even me. Caio Bloggers! Happy 4th!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I hope everyone has a happy Independence and Happy Canada day. I have Canadian relatives that celebrate Canada day, and Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October. But still, I think it's fun to celebrate two holidays so close to each other. Canada with their independence and USA with theirs. Happy Holidays, bloggers! Will blog again soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011


What is Dextrocardia? It's when the heart in your body is flipped from one side to the other. A mirrored image as you will. I suffer from it. It's somewhat like sistus inverses, but it's only my heart that is flipped not my whole organs. I don't mind. I think it's somewhat interesting. I like it, but when I have stand up for the pledge of allegiance, I have to place my other hand to my chest, not the hand that everyone else uses.
Dextrocardia is nothing that anyone can catch, you're born with it. I don't mind it at all. It only affects one in a million people. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kai!

It has been one year since you've graced god's green earth. Can't believe it has been that long. WOW! Kai, I've loved you so much, ever since I've seen your beautiful face. I know you're only a year, but believe me, you love me too. Adorable, a spitting image of his Papa John, a lot like his mother and father in every way. Kai. I wish you a happy and safe first birthday. I doubt you'll remember it, but we will. I barely remember mine. Happy Birthday Kai. I love you <3 <3 (those are hearts)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cell phones cause cancer?????

This is a new one. It seems that using your cell phone, or pressing it against your ear admits radiation that would cause cancer in the brain. I don't believe that. It seems like people have to stop using their cell phone just to not get cancer. I guess that's something nobody wants to deal with, but we all use cell phones every single day.
We can't be without it sometimes. I don't use my cell phone that much but, I too use it on occasion. Some people can't live without cell phones. They bring them to work, use it at home and when out on the town.

I don't know if I believe it causes cancer, but if you use it often, it could. But barely or once in a while, I don't think you'll get cancer, but on the safe side, use your cell phone often. If you have to use it everyday, use it sparingly. Till then, ciao bloggers!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

God Rest every soldiers soul that fought for us through blood scoured battles for our freedom and our lives. Oh and by the way..

IT'S SUMMER!!!!!!!!! Have a happy and Safe Memorial day, and mom, Happy Retirement. Enjoy it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How precious life is- Poem

Life can make us laugh,
Life can make us cry,
We just don't realize how precious,
Life can be,
Until we lose someone,
We really love

Enjoy life, every precious moment of it

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Chinese Restaurant- Seinfeld

Watching the Seinfeld episode called, "The Chinese Restaurant" Was never big on Chinese food, but had an experience like that at the Outback Steakhouse years ago. At least I wasn't hungry like Elaine was, or wanting to know who a certain customer was like Jerry did, or needed to use the phone like George did.

This episode is just as funny as the English Patient episode, but according to Larry David (since I saw the commentaries on the DVD) this show might not have happened because some people thought it was ludicrous to make one episode on waiting for a table at a restaurant. Jerry also said that this episode would have no Kramer in it, which made Michael Richards (Kramer) a little upset.
But it worked, and I thought it was so funny. I watch it constantly when I get a chance. So funny.

My experience was nothing like that. I was with my family, it happened when I was like twelve, we were waiting for a table for over an hour. It was very busy but were celebrating, I think it was an anniversary, we were holding on to some sort of device that would vibrate when our table was ready. We kept waiting for it to turn on for over an hour. We were about to leave after waiting an hour, my dad was not pleased, till it started to vibrate. We decided to never eat there again, when it's crowded. Outback Steakhouse is an OK place. Well by the end of the episode, George wanted to tell the Matri'd that he's waiting for a call and to ask for Costanza. But he says, "Cartwright" so he misses the call and decides he couldn't wait any longer.
Elaine agreed with him saying she couldn't wait any longer. Jerry decided to go visit his uncle instead of seeing a movie.

I still thought it was funny from beginning to end. Like we all haven't experienced waiting for a table. Caio Bloggers! "Seinfeld four!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Confused with Computers

I feel like I'm crashing like my computer. Lately, and it started doing this last year, my computer has been giving me a blue screen and restarting again. I don't like that. I thought I was just too fast on my computer. Giving that I have ADHD and all that, but then, it was starting to get worse. It seemed every time I pressed a button, or just do something, the blue screen would appear and my computer would restart. I was getting nervous. I had a nervous breakdown when my computer had to reboot and well, I just am trying to go a week or better yet a year without an incident, but I have a feeling that this summer, I will have to purchase a new computer. I don't have that much money to afford a new computer. I already broke almost every computer I had. I just sometimes want to breakdown in tears with this. I just can't restart everything again. I just want a computer that works normally. My brother cleaned my computer, hoping that could help, but I have a feeling that those blue screens will still pop up. I try my best not to freak out over this, but there's a part of me that still does worry. I worked so hard to get all my music and my writing up to speed. I tried to patch up the crash that I had. Why do electronics do this to me? :( Hopefully I will eventually have this computer fixed and it will turn back to normal, or have to work as hard as I can to purchase a new computer. Till then, wish me luck and Ciao Bloggers!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Have a safe and happy Easter!!!! I'll be visiting my family this Easter. Don't eat too much jelly beans and peeps.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Poem: I am a young traveler

I am a young traveler,
seeking for the true meaning of life
I seek for what I don't see,
I find adventure in the distance,
I see before me,
during my travels,
a young man,
sitting and talking to himself,
repeating the words:
"I traveled a far distance,
and have found nothing but pain,
I have seeked for what I could not find
and lost more than what I bargained for.
I did not stop,
but pressed on,
I could not stop to give him a drink,
seeing as he was delusional,
talking to himself,
with a rock beside him,
carved by the man I believed.
with writing that said:
"I have traveled for as much as I could,
and I am now tired,
and depressed,
I need nourishment and a doctor"

Yet I could not stop,
as I was halfway on the other side,
seeing beautiful sights before me,
thinking of the man,
that was there,
talking to trees,
hoping they would talk back,
no answer, I believe.
As I saw,
through the harsh woods,
a crew of doctors,
I talked to them,
told them where the young am was,
we rushed,
only to find,
a note,
that was written,
with a stick,
It read:
"You have traveled as much as you could,
you were lost,
and found someone to help you,
you traveled for a distance,
and found a spirit,
talking to himself,
hoping he could help.
However, he was only,
in your mind."
I looked at the rock next to it,
and saw just dust,
What was I dreaming?
I was a traveler,
taking many paths,
and found,
only a distant memory.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The English Patient- Seinfeld

If you ever have seen the English Patient episode of Seinfeld, not only will you see the late Lloyd Bridges portraying Mandelbalm, but you will see Elaine's hatred for the movie the English Patient. And why should you blame her. I agree. That was one horrible movie. Saw it once on HBO (half of it) and had to switch channels. I know that Ralph Fiens is a good actor and it won best picture. But I though it should not have won best picture at all. There were better films than that to win best picture that year believe me.

In the episode, Elaine sees the movie with her boyfriend who soon dumps because he liked the English Patient and she didn't. Her friends even liked it. She just couldn't deal with it. She'd rather see "Sack Lunch" than that long piece of crap. She soon is forced to see it again because she told her boss she never saw it.
Loved it when she eventually admits how long and boring the movie is and tells her boss that She Hates It!!!!! I am so like her with that agreement. That movie was horrible. If you bloggers like the movie, that's ok, I don't hate your taste in movie, but I don't like that movie at all. Rather Fargo or Jerry McGuire 'cause those were pretty good movies. The English Patient, not one of my favorites. In the words of Elaine Benis: I Hate It! (to movie goers shushing her) Oh go to hell. Caio Bloggers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Long March

It seems to have dragged on for a long, long, long time. According to my mom, and I guess other people. Spring is here, but it barely feels like it to me. It is still cold around here. It is still snowing a little.

When will April come? I feel as if it will be March for the rest of the year. I don't hate March, but after St. Patrick's day, the month drags on forever, unless we have an early Easter, which we don't. Then, April would be considered the longest month. March is not a bad month or anything, but like August, it is sooooooo long!!! You just have to find ways to make March (or what's left of it) fun again, because even if it goes in like a lion but not going out like a lamb. Caio Bloggers!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Just posting about shampoos because, I have been testing out shampoos for a while. Some I like like herbal essence and some I don't care for. The one's I don't care for, I purchase one time only and never again.
Finding the one shampoo for me is hard since my hair being long as it is, is just hard to find the one shampoo for me. I've been experimenting with shampoos for a long time and found some that smelled good, to some that would give me lots of flakes in my hair, but I still have one shampoo I'm keeping mostly to get rid of the flakes out. I have dry scalp along with dry skin, and since Spring is here, hopefully the dry skin will go away.

Out of all the shampoos I've tried, one thing is for sure, I will always have the curliest hair imaginable. No matter what shampoo I use, it always is curly, and I'm OK with it. Sometimes I don't like certain shampoos, ones that cost a lot of money or one's that smell so much like perfume, I gag. Shampoo is good for my hair, and when I buy the shampoo product, it get the same conditioner for it as well. That's all I wanted to blog for now. Enjoy the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thank you god) Ciao bloggers

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Earthquake

First Haiti, then Chile, now Japan?? What the heck???? Why are there so may earthquakes happening. I believe that earthquakes are mother nature's way of saying, "screw you" Now there are massive tsunami's that might end up causing the state of Hawaii to evacuate. Seems the Pacific Ocean is causing major waves with this tsunami it has created. Many houses destroyed, many lives lost. It's just like Haiti all over again.

I know that deep down, I know everything in Japan will be OK, but right now, they need our help. Many websites and people are going to (or have started) relief funds. Playing my farm ville game on Face book and already they have a Japan Earthquake relief fund that involves donating some money and in return, you get in return a new seed to plant. I don't know if I want to donate to farm ville, but it is a good way to help those who are in need, and are suffering right now from this tragic earthquake. I mean, I didn't even know Japan was in trouble till yesterday. I found out on the news.
I never experienced an earthquake before, but I don't think I ever want to. Your home could be destroyed in the process along with losing a loved one. There are over 1,000 lost lives in Japan because of this tragedy, and many homes destroyed by the Earthquake and tsunami. I pray for all the survivors of Japan, and hopefully Hawaii and California (near the coast of) will be OK. Pray for Japan! Ciao Bloggers

Monday, March 7, 2011

An Early Spring????

I know it's a few weeks away, but it feels as if Spring has already hit us. Feeling a little warmer, but we still are getting cold winds. Just because Spring is upon us, does not mean Winter will leave. I remember on April day that it snowed and we had a day off of school. I wonder when Spring will come and stay forever. Sometimes, it takes a while for Spring to come, and other times, it never comes. In other words, double winter. It has happened before, many years ago I bet.

I mean, there are downsides to Spring (either than it coming early or late) storms, winds, mostly what mother nature does to screw with us, but till then, we just hope this winter vanishes and doesn't come back till Christmas and only stay till the end of February. I really hope Spring comes soon, because sometimes we want an early spring, and we don't need a groundhog to predict it for us. Till then, enjoy the spring. Caio Bloggers

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sizzle Pi pizza

Why am I blogging about Sizzle Pi Pizza? Because I want to tell you guys about a place that is only two hours away from my house, and believe me, they should expand. I only go once in a while. Mostly in May because, my mother use to live in Old Forge and my grandfather is buried in Old Forge since 1993. So every late May, around Memorial Day, we go up there and my dad requests us to pick up some 100 slices of Sizzle Pi pizza. It's good, not the best I've had, but it's good. I just wish they would expand, so we wouldn't have to drive two hours each way to get a few slices of this pizza. The pizza is square and in the sauce they put in some diced onion in it. I don't care much for onions, but I guess I can choke it down just to enjoy a slice. We've been to Sizzle Pi since the mid 1990's when we noticed it and every year, (even though my dad never joins us) we go not only to see my grandfather's grave, but to also get slices of Sizzle Pi. That's all I wanted to blog about for now. Till then, Caio Bloggers, and Happy Birthday mom!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Social Network sites

Just saw the Social Network movie, and I enjoyed it. Thinking to myself, there are so many social network sites out there today like Facebook or Myspace. Many sites that with one click of a button, you will write to a friend you haven't seen in years. You would poke them or create a profile that makes you interesting. Yet, you should still be aware of what you post, because once you post it, it's there for a whole world to see. Mark Zuckerberg, the youngest Billionaire ever, still has a few enemies to face off. It isn't over for him. It is just the beginning. Facebook has over 500 million users and more (including me and my mom) It has made over 25 billion dollars for Mark to have for the rest of his life.
Usually you would find the next big thing in social networking that would wipe out both Facebook and Myspace or Twitter, but I haven't seen it yet. I don't even know if I want to create a website for social networking. I have over 150 friends on Facebook now, and will get more in the future. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook, just to chat with friends or post a YouTube video. Well that's all I wanted to blog for now. Caio Bloggers! (Oh Mark if you're available, call me. LOL)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Can't believe it's already the middle of February. It's already here. Usually on this day, I would order a pizza in a shape of a heart at a pizzeria, I forget the name, but usually, I've been making my own heart shape pizzas. I also have some chocolate on Valentine's day as well. A lot of chocolate. Mostly Red and pink m&m's heart shape chocolates, I even wear red and pink nail polish. So I guess, even if I am working, I'll still be happy on this most sweetest of holidays. So ciao bloggers and Happy Valentine's day!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Superbowl weekend (commercials)

I'm not a big fan of football, don't care much for the sport at all, but I like to watch the Superbowl mostly for the commercials. That's the highlight of the whole game, well that and halftime. Superbowl commercials are considered to be either funny or very good. Mostly it would be commercials for cars or beer or godaddy.com. You would see hot chicks in bikinis or budwiser Clydesdale.

I don't think I was ever a big fan of football, but the final two are Pittsburgh Steelers, who have already won Superbowl a few years ago, and Green Bay Packers, who have won the first and second Superbowl. No thanks to Bart Starr. Well that's all I wanted to blog for now. Caio Bloggers! (and if you want to know who I pick, I pick neither)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

TUFF Puppy and better cartoons

Spongebob, Rugrats, Doug, Hey Arnold. These were some of my favorite cartoons when I was little and they are all gone (well maybe not Spongebob) but you know what I mean. There have been very horrible cartoons to come ever since. But I've noticed a new cartoon that I actually like. It's actually funny, and if stays for a little while longer, maybe they'll make better new cartoons just like that, but I have doubt on that.

The cartoon is called: TUFF Puppy. It's like Get Smart with a dog and a cat fighting crime. The creator of this show also created Fairly OddParents (which is pretty good) and Danny Phantom (Thank god that got canceled) The dog (voiced by iCarly's brother Jerry Trainor) is in a group called TUFF Agency and he solves crimes, caused by either a retarded Rat from his team DOOM, a chameleon who needs to buy better glasses, and a bird should have been extincted long ago. It seems to be pretty good so far, funny sometimes, but I'd give it a thumbs up. I mean watching Nick today is impossible. Barley any good shows on anymore (except for: Sponogebob, those funny penguins and iCarly) Now this show is on my 'will watch on nick' list. I even had an episode idea for this show staring iCarly's Miranda Cosgrove as a puppy [who is actually built by that rat] to not only place a bomb at TUFF headquarters, but to also be Dudley (the dog's) number one fan.
Well that's all I wanted to post for no. Try to stay warm and Ciao bloggers!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My least favorite commercials

Watched a lot of TV in my life, and I've seen a lot of horrible commercials. Some don't even make sense and some just don't mention the product at all.

One commercial I can't stand is those big hamsters in the car commercial that keep saying "you can get with this, or you can get with that." I don't understand why they have to be hamsters. They couldn't use real people?
Mostly the commercials I like are those Geico commercials. Don't get me wrong, the gecko is cute but the cave men and the money with eyes, that is just plain wrong.
Mostly it's car commercials that are weird. I bet some people the Joe Izsusu guy in the old 1980's commercials. Even some fast food commercials don't make sense. Now a days they are just promoting healthy habits, but once u step in step inside, it's not what it will look like on TV.

If you put real food in front of a hot light, it would either melt or burn, so they use faux food, food that looks real, but nothing like the real thing.

Some other commercials I can't stand is commercials that have annoying kids in it like (yes this is another car commercial) that kid with the curly hair who says he feels embarrassed for other kids that ride in lame cars and he isn't.
Another commercial with annoying kids in it is those new Kraft Mac and Cheese commercials where the kid exclaims that they don't like how their mac and cheese products are aiming towards adults. So what, get a life kids. But I shouldn't blame them, it's Kraft that's making them say it. Kraft also has really horrid commercials. Claiming their kraft single cheese has enough calcium as a glass of milk. Try for yourself and see how it really taste. I have, and it is not good.

Sometimes, some commercials try to compete with other i.e. coke vs Pepsi, McDonald vs burger king and even some infomercials that take on other infomercials for no reason.

There are some bad commercials, but I think they might just be trying too hard, and others just don't have marketing staff, so they go for the least common denominator. Some commercials are good like those funny super bowl commercials we see every year. (That might be the only reason I watch the super bowl because of those commercials) I guess some of my favorite commercials are the ones that don't have to try so hard and make a point as well like commercials that actually make sense or kinds that make u laugh a little like those funny Aflac commercials or the commercials about those vikings that go everywhere because of their capital one cards "What's in your wallet"
Sometimes it's the slogans that depend on the commercials. And slogans change them many times. Like McDonalds or just recently KFC got a new slogan which I'm not fond of calling their food "G-OO-D good" Not the slogan I would prefer.

That's all I wanted to blog about for now. Till then Caio Bloggers, and don't believe in everything you see on TV. :)