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Monday, December 26, 2016

Gone too soon, but not forgotten

  It seems there has been a black cloud over 2016 lately. We had to suffer through hell and s*it with god knows what and now...

Another Celebrity is gone too soon at the age of 53. His name is George Michael.
Image result for George Michael   He used to be a huge star with Wham in the 1980s bringing out hits such as "Last Christmas" (although I prefer Train's version) "Wake me up Before you Go-Go" 

  He came out gay in the 90's but I already knew about his sexuality and I think almost everyone else did too. When he went on his own, he made amazing hits like "Faith", "Father Figure" "One more Try" and with Aretha Franklin performed "I knew you were trying"
Image result for George MichaelSadly, he was doing many drugs from 2006 to 2010, did some charity work and even released an album for Princess Di on the day of her death.

   So many people were shocked to hear about his sudden death of heart failure at 53 and on Christmas day as well and it struck me, we have lost so many celebrities this year than any other. More than last year.

  Like Prince, and David Bowie and the man who gave us the Oscar Mayer jingle for hot dogs.

   Bernard Fox lived to be 89 until his heart gave out. Alan Thicke from Growing Pains died suddenly from and Aortic Burst at 69. Gene Wilder, the wonderful Willie Wonka passed away from Alzheimer's '
A black-and-white photo of Wilder smiling Alan Rickman and David Bowie both had cancer, Muhammad Ali died of Septic shock at 74. All sad, tragedies that took beloved actors young and old. Even Florence Henderson from Brady Bunch as people would call her TV mom, gone.

  I pray for next year to be better but I know it won't. Carrie Fisher, AKA Princess Leah, just praying, survived a massive heart attack and is now recuperating in a hospital in LA. I hope it doesn't end with her leaving us.

   2016 gave us great moments as well, mostly with movies, tv shows and books but even the summer Olympics
            We can't judge what happened this year by the deaths of so many celebrities but you know what happens this year will happen again next year. Till then, remember whom we have lost and what happened isn't all tragedy.
       We will miss 2016 for the best times and the worst times. And 2017, we'll try to take with a grain of salt.
Image result for goodbye 2016 welcome 2017
Will blog next year. Have a safe and happy new year.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Is Millions considered a Christmas movie

      By all means it is based on a novel and a British movie that came out 12 years ago, but it is centered around two boys that found a bag of money that came from the sky.
Image result for millions (movie)

             But here's the thing, it starts around the holidays, the boys lost their mother and just moved to a new town with their father.

  One of them sees images of saints and believes they are trying to do good deeds once again just like they have done before.
   But does this really make it a Christmas movie because it takes place around the holidays?

I'm going to have to say... Yes.


Because, you don't have to see Snow, Santa and a Christmas Tree to make it a Christmas movie.
Image result for millions (movie)

   What the boy wants to do with the money is give it to the poor, which is what many people want to do around the holidays, thinking of other. But not realizing the money was stolen, it doesn't matter to him.
          What matters to him, is not only seeing visions of Saints that only he can see but also knowing the money he found go to someone that needs it more than he does.

         I love to give around the holidays, money is one thing and gifts are another. But the unfortunate people around the world will need more and this boy does that with a bag of money (or pounds as they say in British money)

            It's how you want to celebrate Christmas and it doesn't have to involve a Santa Claus. This movie isn't a great movie, but it's a special movie for it's reasons, and it's sad that the boys didn't do any other acting gigs after this movie. But it's fine, it's what they did that made their heart grow stronger like the Grinch at the end of his movie (not the longer version, the cartoon)
     Image result for millions (movie)

       Till then, Happy Holidays and enjoy your Christmas, no matter what you do, and no matter what happens, remember to give and then receive. Ciao and Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Did Bert and Ernie secretly end up in "It's a Wonderful Life"

  Let me give you the 911 of what I mean. Not the Muppets themselves but their names.
Image result for bert and ernie

          I love the Christmas movie to death yes, it's actually one of my all time favorites; although it's been parodied to death so many times. But when I saw it reticently, it seemed to have some names that sounded quite familiar to me.

   I don't mean the lead in like George or Mr. Potter or Uncle Billy or George's wife Mary. There were two characters with names that were vary familiar.

Bert and Ernie Bishop. Bert was portrayed by Ward Bond and Ernie was portrayed by Frank Faylen.
Image result for bert it's a wonderful life

Ironically the tv show, Sesame street came out 23 years after the movie, you never know what you can spot.

    Like the actor from the big bang theory was the little boy in National Lampoon Christmas Vacation.
Image result for National Lampoon Christmas Vacation big bang theory It's an amazement we can spot weird thing in holiday movies like that. But I always wonder if Bert and Ernie are the same as they are the Muppet characters, then again this is an old movie from the 1940s that has been parodied over and over, and yet loved by many like me. The holidays are upon us people, and if you think about it, a special holiday movie of yours might have a secret that you might not know about. Till then, enjoy the Christmas specials you've grown up with and I will blog again before the new year starts.
Ciao Bloggers for now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I'm turning 32

   Yes It's true. My birthday is coming and I will be 32.

Image result for turning 32
    Where has the year gone by???? I feel so old. OK maybe not that old. But I feel as if December 15th is crawling ever so closely to me.

    I share a birthday with Tim Conway, Don Johnson, Adam Browdy, Molly Price and Stuart Townsted. 

  32 is like turning 16 twice. So it's like my 16th birthday all over again, like celebrating it last time. LOL.

Feeling old isn't a bad thing, but it's knowing your mistakes and learning from them, but there are some drawback on being old...

   Aging, brittle bones losing your teeth....
     OK I'm getting too far, I'm not that old. But I know I'm near the end of the year and I am near the holiday season. I'm not a fan of hearing Christmas music until after my birthday is over; however, I love to have the Christmas decorations such as the tree and the lights up before the 15th.

Image result for turning 32  I think everyone have the strange feeling of aging when it's their turn, and they have a cake, presents and blowing candles. Although I remember my 30th and my whole family celebrating at La Lucanda and I blew the candle off the cake. LOL let's say my uncle took the video and sent it to my cousins in LA, Even my boyfriend saw it.
Image result for 32nd birthday
Oh well another year has come and gone for me, at least I survived. Till then, I won't blog until I turn 32. Ciao Bloggers and happy birthday to me.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

God speed, John Glenn, God speed

 I remember when I was in eighth grade and we were glued to the TV in school because they were showing some astronauts going up into space...
    John Glenn was one of them and not only did he make history for being one of the oldest to go up into space, but he was already retired.
Image result for god speed john glenn

  His life was not simple. Before being an astronaut, he was a Politian and he ran for presidency against Ronald Regan in 1984. He lost of course. He even told his wife he was going to buy a pack of gum when he was really heading off to WWII.
   He even went into the Korean war as well. He survived to become a hero and became a test piolet while in Korean war.

  He was in the Mercury Atlas 6 in February of 1962 and also Project Mercury which took place in 1959. Also in Project Mercury was Virgil Grissom, Donald Kent Slayton, Malcom Scott Carpenter and Alan Sheppard Jr.
Image result for god speed john glenn
   John Glenn was the last survivor of the Project Mercury mission. Now he's visiting his comrades in the stars. He was rewarded the medal of freedom in 2012 by Barack Obama.

In  October 1998, John Glenn went back into Space on the STS-95 and I got to see it live on the TV screen with a bunch of other kids and it was pretty amazing. As if people were watching the first moon landing or something like that. It was remarkable.

   Now we lost another astronaut to the stars.

    First Neil Armstrong now him. But he lived to see 95 years of his life and we will be grateful for everything he has done.
   Thank you so much, John. You will be missed.
Image result for god speed john glenn

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The differences between Home Alone and Home alone 2

I always loved John Hughes movies and he made an amazing bunch of them. I miss the man, we all do. His talents is missed from Sixteen Candles to Ferris Bueler's day off. And even: Home Alone.

I fell in love with the movie when I was little, I really did. A story about left alone by his parents by accident and he saves his house full of bumbling thieves. It's something you can't make up today (although they have made so many re dones that if John Hughes saw them he'd be turning in his grave)
Image result for home alone and home alone 2

   Then in 1992... Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. This time, the kid goes to New York by mistake and the same thing occurs that it did in the last movie, only in a different setting.
 The same bumbling idiots, the same slap stick and what not. However; I noticed the similarities and differences in both movies.

 In the first movie, my favorite one, Kevin gets in a fight with the family the day before everyone leaves for Paris and ends up in the attic where a bed is made for company that came to visit.

 In the remake, it's a little different, in a school play Kevin's older brother torments him and Kevin punches him and ruins the play, apparently, same cicero incuse. Image result for home alone and home alone 2 The next day come for both Home alone one and two, but in Home Alone one, everyone is so frazzled and woke up late that they were very close to missing their flight to Paris; however, they never woke up Kevin

  In the remake, same thing, but Kevin was awake and waiting. A little bit too boring in that part.

And also I realized, the people he's afraid of, whether it would be a next door neighbor with a sad passed or a who loves pigeons in NYC and lives alone, it's sort of the same thing.
   Kevin, faces his fear, talks to them, and they becomes friends. But I feel the first one has more heart and a touching story seeing that the neighbor and his grown son never got along and he would only see his granddaughter in church.
Image result for home alone and home alone 2
The thing that remained the same are the villains, played the amazing talents of Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern (if you see how he [and maybe MaCully Culken] look today you'd be surprised)
   They want to rob Kevin's house in the first movie
and the toy store in the sequel. Kevin does his best, in anyway to stop them. He does with both, saving his house and the toy store in success as well as being saved the friend he made in both movies.

Also there are more characters and people to deal with when he's in New York mostly in the hotel, like the Concierge and the bellman and many more that knew he was using his father's credit card the whole time. 
  (Tim Curry is hilarious in that role, and creepy)

Image result for home alone and home alone 2 He tries stalling them the way he did with the pizza guy and one of the crooks in the first one, playing a video where a mob boss shoots one but makes it look real. Hilarity.
   And the end, there are both outbursts of the brother and the father from the first movie and the second movie as Kevin sees a happy ending for the person he became friends with.
           I think if I had to pick which one was my actual favorite, and I do, Of course it's first.

Why? Even though there were more characters, plots and flowing narrative, I feel the first had more of the heart and I grew to love it ever since I was a little kid, and every time I see it as one of my top favorite Christmas movies to watch. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the second wrong it's ok. I enjoy Tim Curry's performance but I fee the first was the best and I love that  more and plus there is this....
Image result for home alone and home alone 2
                                  After seeing that after he won, believe me, I'm going back to the first one

Enjoy both and remember stick to the classics. We'll miss you John Hughes. Ciao Bloggers!