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Thursday, June 30, 2011


I hope everyone has a happy Independence and Happy Canada day. I have Canadian relatives that celebrate Canada day, and Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October. But still, I think it's fun to celebrate two holidays so close to each other. Canada with their independence and USA with theirs. Happy Holidays, bloggers! Will blog again soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011


What is Dextrocardia? It's when the heart in your body is flipped from one side to the other. A mirrored image as you will. I suffer from it. It's somewhat like sistus inverses, but it's only my heart that is flipped not my whole organs. I don't mind. I think it's somewhat interesting. I like it, but when I have stand up for the pledge of allegiance, I have to place my other hand to my chest, not the hand that everyone else uses.
Dextrocardia is nothing that anyone can catch, you're born with it. I don't mind it at all. It only affects one in a million people. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kai!

It has been one year since you've graced god's green earth. Can't believe it has been that long. WOW! Kai, I've loved you so much, ever since I've seen your beautiful face. I know you're only a year, but believe me, you love me too. Adorable, a spitting image of his Papa John, a lot like his mother and father in every way. Kai. I wish you a happy and safe first birthday. I doubt you'll remember it, but we will. I barely remember mine. Happy Birthday Kai. I love you <3 <3 (those are hearts)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cell phones cause cancer?????

This is a new one. It seems that using your cell phone, or pressing it against your ear admits radiation that would cause cancer in the brain. I don't believe that. It seems like people have to stop using their cell phone just to not get cancer. I guess that's something nobody wants to deal with, but we all use cell phones every single day.
We can't be without it sometimes. I don't use my cell phone that much but, I too use it on occasion. Some people can't live without cell phones. They bring them to work, use it at home and when out on the town.

I don't know if I believe it causes cancer, but if you use it often, it could. But barely or once in a while, I don't think you'll get cancer, but on the safe side, use your cell phone often. If you have to use it everyday, use it sparingly. Till then, ciao bloggers!