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Thursday, March 28, 2013

the longest winter ever!!!!!!

   Well we finally feel that spring weather in the air. It has been feeling as if it had been FOREVER since it had came. Before you know it. There will be leaves on the trees, green grass on the ground, and my allergies will start to come. But I digress.

     That phony of a groundhog in February said that it would be an EARLY SPRING! But we had to wait three more weeks to get through all the snow and cold rain to get to where we are today.
  No it's not technically warm yet, but the worst is about over. People in Ohio actually want to SUE the groundhog for wrong weather prediction. I think others want to eat him.

    I don't really listen to groundhogs anymore, why? What do you think? They can't even predict their own prediction of when to get out of the hole. BTW: if they predict their shadow wouldn't it mean it would be an early spring? Why the other way around? I don't understand it.

   All I know is, Easter is Sunday, Spring is finally here and April is upon us. April usually is when we have Easter, but this year, it is very different. Next year, April will have it's Easter and Spring hopefully, will be earlier.

 But just because Spring is here doesn't mean the cold has left, but hopefully the snow has.

    Hope you have a safe and Happy Easter and Passover. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


  Hope everybody is having a great and green day today. For today is St. Patrick's Day. 

   I'm not full Irish, and I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but some people do. Hopefully everyone of them is having a great and green St. Patty's Day. 

  They say St. Patrick wasn't really the Saint that wore green a lot, he was the Saint that was famous for being dead on the 17th of March. So I guess we celebrate his death every March 17th, but mostly he was known as the "Apostle of Ireland" and mostly people from Ireland would celebrate his life. Some just dress green to avoid being pinched. Some others think of leprechauns and drinking. 

    Knowing if Saint Patrick were alive today, I don't know if he would approve the leprechauns. Till then, have a safe and HAPPY St. PATRICK'S DAY!

(Now I need to find some Scottish holidays to celebrate) Till then, Ciao Bloggers!   

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Lorax (the book not the movie)

    Today is Dr. Seuss' 109th birthday. I remember reading many of his stories such as: "Green eggs and Ham" "The Cat in the Hat" "Are you my mother" "Go dog go" (which was my first book) "How the Grinch stole Christmas" "Horton Hears a Who" "Hop on Pop" "One fish two fish, red fish blue fish" and many more of his books.

    But my most favorite book of all from him is of course, "The Lorax" why? I don't know why, but mostly because I just loved how a person, even if it was a Lorax would stand up to someone called a "Once-ler" and try his best not to have any trees cut down in the forest to save Truffula trees.

   It has heart and it shows how much someone can care for something like a tree such as a tree huger would. Even though there had been controversy over this book in California for a logging industry claiming the book was unfair, but I still think it has heart and unlike the new movie that came out almost ruining the books image, I still love to read it.

  It's starts with a boy wanting to know about the Lorax and the Truffula trees so he asks the Once-ler and he tells the boy the whole story about the Lorax and how he met him.

   The Once-ler wanted to chop down some Truffula trees so he can make some shirts and many other things with the Truffulas but is approached by the Lorax and the Lorax asks why the Once-ler was doing and the Once-ler explains that people would need the Truffulas for many uses like shirts, bicycle seat covers and many other uses. The Lorax tries to explain if the Once-ler did that, the fish and other animals that lived around the Truffula trees homes would be gone.

  The Once-ler soon builds factories, hires his relatives and cuts down more Truffula trees and soon the Lorax was gone along with all the Truffula trees. The boy asks if he would come back again when the Once-ler said that he might show up again soon and gives the boy the last Truffula seed so he can grow his own Truffula tree.

I've loved this book since I was little it was one of my favorites out of all the Dr. Seuss book. Not even The Cat in the Hat comes close. When I was little, I always wanted to know if there was ever such a thing a Truffula tree, but now knowing there isn't, this book will make it sure. I saw the old cartoon, that wasn't much like the book but it had some similarities and differences and I remember it as well as I do the book, but the new movie, my god, it is nothing like the book or anything like the short cartoon. I'd rather stick to the original short cartoon because it was not only part of my childhood, because it was SHORT!!

   Almost all of Dr. Seuss' books were great to read and I enjoyed reading many of them in my childhood, including the Lorax, the one that speaks for the Truffula trees. He was one great genius and we are greattful for him for giving us great works of literature. I bet he's smiling in heaven right now knowing how many children he has made happy with all the stories he has written for us. Till then, Ciao Bloggers!!! BTW: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMY!