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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Long March

It seems to have dragged on for a long, long, long time. According to my mom, and I guess other people. Spring is here, but it barely feels like it to me. It is still cold around here. It is still snowing a little.

When will April come? I feel as if it will be March for the rest of the year. I don't hate March, but after St. Patrick's day, the month drags on forever, unless we have an early Easter, which we don't. Then, April would be considered the longest month. March is not a bad month or anything, but like August, it is sooooooo long!!! You just have to find ways to make March (or what's left of it) fun again, because even if it goes in like a lion but not going out like a lamb. Caio Bloggers!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Just posting about shampoos because, I have been testing out shampoos for a while. Some I like like herbal essence and some I don't care for. The one's I don't care for, I purchase one time only and never again.
Finding the one shampoo for me is hard since my hair being long as it is, is just hard to find the one shampoo for me. I've been experimenting with shampoos for a long time and found some that smelled good, to some that would give me lots of flakes in my hair, but I still have one shampoo I'm keeping mostly to get rid of the flakes out. I have dry scalp along with dry skin, and since Spring is here, hopefully the dry skin will go away.

Out of all the shampoos I've tried, one thing is for sure, I will always have the curliest hair imaginable. No matter what shampoo I use, it always is curly, and I'm OK with it. Sometimes I don't like certain shampoos, ones that cost a lot of money or one's that smell so much like perfume, I gag. Shampoo is good for my hair, and when I buy the shampoo product, it get the same conditioner for it as well. That's all I wanted to blog for now. Enjoy the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thank you god) Ciao bloggers

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan Earthquake

First Haiti, then Chile, now Japan?? What the heck???? Why are there so may earthquakes happening. I believe that earthquakes are mother nature's way of saying, "screw you" Now there are massive tsunami's that might end up causing the state of Hawaii to evacuate. Seems the Pacific Ocean is causing major waves with this tsunami it has created. Many houses destroyed, many lives lost. It's just like Haiti all over again.

I know that deep down, I know everything in Japan will be OK, but right now, they need our help. Many websites and people are going to (or have started) relief funds. Playing my farm ville game on Face book and already they have a Japan Earthquake relief fund that involves donating some money and in return, you get in return a new seed to plant. I don't know if I want to donate to farm ville, but it is a good way to help those who are in need, and are suffering right now from this tragic earthquake. I mean, I didn't even know Japan was in trouble till yesterday. I found out on the news.
I never experienced an earthquake before, but I don't think I ever want to. Your home could be destroyed in the process along with losing a loved one. There are over 1,000 lost lives in Japan because of this tragedy, and many homes destroyed by the Earthquake and tsunami. I pray for all the survivors of Japan, and hopefully Hawaii and California (near the coast of) will be OK. Pray for Japan! Ciao Bloggers

Monday, March 7, 2011

An Early Spring????

I know it's a few weeks away, but it feels as if Spring has already hit us. Feeling a little warmer, but we still are getting cold winds. Just because Spring is upon us, does not mean Winter will leave. I remember on April day that it snowed and we had a day off of school. I wonder when Spring will come and stay forever. Sometimes, it takes a while for Spring to come, and other times, it never comes. In other words, double winter. It has happened before, many years ago I bet.

I mean, there are downsides to Spring (either than it coming early or late) storms, winds, mostly what mother nature does to screw with us, but till then, we just hope this winter vanishes and doesn't come back till Christmas and only stay till the end of February. I really hope Spring comes soon, because sometimes we want an early spring, and we don't need a groundhog to predict it for us. Till then, enjoy the spring. Caio Bloggers