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Monday, October 18, 2010

What I want in the future

I've been feeling a bit depressed lately, knowing that hopefully that next year, will be a little better.

What I'd like in the future, is to go back to school and finish up what I started. Work as hard as I can and hopefully, hopefully, get a bachelor's degree in writing. I don't feel comfortable working where I am. It's ok, the money, however is a little tight.

Been working four years and only made over one thousand dollars. Work for everybody, has been sad since so many people lost their jobs. Hopefully by next year...

what I would want in the future... is for everybody to get a job, or have their jobs back, war ended and so did cyber bullying and bullying as well.

The world became so difficult since 2000. Everything has changed, 3D tv's hi def all that, I know that it will soon be replaced with something beyond hi-tech, and what I want in the future... is to have a book I written of a story or poems, published for the masses to enjoy. One day, it'll happen, for now, I'll just dream about it. Till then, ciao bloggers, and happy Halloween

Sunday, October 3, 2010

iCarly episode ideas

I watch this show called iCarly on Nick. That's like mostly the only show on Nick I'll see (next to Spongebob that is) I've been very much into that show since season two and ever since I've seen episodes, I get ideas for iCarly episodes. For instance, one episode, Freddie runs for class president again, but for some reason he's losing to a popular snobby girl named Nikki. She even bribes Sam with bacon she finds out Carly is going to use the power of iCarly to get votes for the school. Another would be all four are at a carnival in Seattle and Carly finds outs from a psychic that iCarly might end soon permanently. Also, Spencer gets kicked in the head by a mule and can see the future and it's up to him to find out the future of iCarly.

I have a lot of episode ideas. I would love for them to appear on an episode of iCarly one day. I just get ideas from my head watching any iCarly episode or when I'm walking. And sometimes it's not for iCarly, it could be for any TV show. Another iCarly episode idea would be Carly gets amnesia and doesn't realize who she is or she has a web show. Another would be she has to have an interview for her web show, and the woman giving the interview wants to go out with Spencer. Although, Nevel, their enemy has plans to foil the interview as well as the date so he can have the most popular web show.

If you don't watch iCarly, that's fine, I might not even publish these episode ideas, until I have the guts to do so. But it's fun to get my creative side out. It could be for anything, even this blog. But I have a lot episode ideas that just pour out of me like milk and I enjoy writing them, and one day, hopefully when iCarly is still on the air (and not big time rush, victorious or true jackson: those shows are horrible) maybe I'll show them my episode ideas and hopefully, one will air. I like iCarly. It's a good show, and the actors on the show, have really good talent, especially Miranda Cosgrove. Till then, Caio bloggers, and I know, my dream of having an episode idea will come true

Friday, October 1, 2010

Eleven years ago today

On October 1st, 1999, eleven years ago today. I was going to see the doctor since I wasn't feeling well. Well...

I was in the car, not feeling well. My dad took a day off of work as he drove me as I laid my head on my mom's lap. My brother was in school. We were in Philadelphia. Seemed I was going to be in Children's Hospital for a while.

I stayed for ten days in the hospital. Seemed I had congestive Heart Failure! Heart Failure! Those were the words I just never wanted to hear again. I had to have a procedure done on the seventh of October to see how my heart was doing. Everyone felt sorry for me. They gave me letters of encouragement, good well cards and balloons, stuffed animals. It was very nice of them to do that.

I had to get blood work almost every day. Watched Toy Story almost every day (my mom banned that movie ever since). My mom took the rest of the year off of work because of my illness. She took care of me every since. My dad always called from work to check on me. Sometimes I would be ill, other times OK.

On February, I started going back to school but only for half of the time. My mom would pick me up and we did my homework together, and when September came, my mom went back to school and one of the neighbors decided to watch me. She and I became really good friends, although we did have our differences.
I had a science and math teacher come to my house since February when I was sick. They would help me with my homework and caught me up to my class. They were a male and female, in their sixties I guess. It's been a long time.

I still think about that day, eleven years ago. But, October was always a cursed month for me ever since my Papa died in 98. I still remember what happened those elven year ago, and here I am, healthy and happy. Thanks to doctors, the teachers my friends, family and my mom. She deserved most of the credit. Today, I was just picturing that fateful day. Now you know why my hospital chart is so huge, till then... Caio Bloggers!