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Friday, March 28, 2014

have movies gone too far

No really, seriously,
have they???
     Some movies are doing ok, but I see that recently are going too big. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are releasing a new movie. April O'Neil will be portrayed by *ugh* Rachel Foxx miss toe thumb. I'm not also not a fan of who is directing as well. The same guy who has directed Transformers.
  Does it say in his contract that he has to direct 8o's cartoons into horrid movies? i might give it a chance, when it's on demand but I have little doubts.
 Didn't see any terminator movie either.

 What cartoon will he direct next? Thundercats? Don't get any ideas Michael Bay.

They also have the epic tale of Noah's ark with Russel Crow as Noah. It doesn't seem interesting and more foamed in as ten commandments. That movie was worth seeing; however, this is something that doesn"t seem to be watched on my DVR let alone in theaters.

   Disney is also getting weirder with making a villain themed movie staring Angelina Jolie. She plays Melicifent, the villain in sleeping beauty. Well this is going to go south like the disney channel is today. Till then I'll try to remember the good movies that weren't required to be seen in 3D. But till then, movie theaters will try to get better so they won't be obsulete in the near future,
  till then Ciao Bloggers and enjoy the beginning of spring.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ocean of sadness poem

Oceans are blue, but my tears show red
Sadness inside
Depression, no hope
A sea of disbelief
I don't believe a word
I breathe a quiet air
As I see nothing but trouble lie beneath me
Tears of red, in the sea
Ocean now a violet purple

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Are you just sick of it?????

   First off, do you ever get a song stuck in your head constantly every time you're doing something that can be important?

    I do all the time. Recently there was a song called "let it go" from the movie Frozen that just won an Oscar and for some reason, after hearing that song, I can't get it out of my head. It won't die. Even some people on YouTube have done covers for the song and they also like it. The original version, sung by Idina Menzel. But there are so many cover versions. Demi Levato is one, a Disney star of course.

    I am so tired of that song, and I have heard it so many times. I mean I've heard some other songs before play in my head, they had cover albums and sometimes they can be good, and others... well let's just say better left unheard.

   Once you hear a song, it can get stuck in your head for sure, but the best way to have it out of your mind, I guess is to just plain ignore it, but if that doesn't work, for me.. I try thinking of another song and it works (depending on the song of course) BtW: Harlem Shake is so over rated and so is Gangum style and everyone's doing it. I have seen video after video after video of nothing but doing a harlem shake dance or gangum style (or whatever the hell you wanna call it) and how they keep getting popular is by the song.

   When this "let it go" song fades out there will be another song right behind it that we will be sick of before we know it. Till then, enjoy music and never let it die, even if it isn't worth listening to, Ciao Bloggers!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Who do you think will win?

     Well you know what tonight is. It's OSCAR NIGHT. The night where movie's matter and are awarded for their greatness.

     This year, there are nine categories for best picture. I predict that it will either go to "12 years a slave" (which I want to see) or "Dallas Buyer's Club" which I have seen. I thought that movie was pretty good and sad at the same time. Matthew McCohnahay (a nominee) portrays a man who suffers from AIDS and is selling drugs. Based on a true story, of course.

    Gravity is another nominee as well. I saw it and it was really really good. Although we saw it in the theater in 3D (why is 3D such a huge thing now?) and I ended up getting a minor seizure during the film, I still enjoyed it. Sandra Bullock did a great job, hurdling through space and all.  

  Nebraska is another nominee, staring Bruce Dern as man who thinks he won a lottery and goes to claim it in California or something like that. (It is suppose to be really good)

   Her about Jouqine Phionex in love with a phone with the voice of Scarlett Johanesn. Does look pretty good, but doesn't sound like it's going to win many awards.  The song that is nominated and I want and hope wins is called "Ordinary Love" by U2. Based on the movie about Nelson Mandela. I want to see that movie. That man was an inspiration to all that once you fall down you can always get up again. 

   I can't predict, nobody can on who will win but all I am interested in is the outfits of course the wonderful beautiful outfits the women will wear. Some dresses can be tacky yes but some can be gorgeous, adorable and even amazingly beautiful to wear. Last year's outfits and attires were pretty good but not breathtaking, I want to see a dress that will Wow everyone, I bet if anyone will pull that off it could be Jennifer Lawerence, another nominee for American Hustle (which i am dying to see) That could also be a contender for best picture too along with "12 years a slave". 

    Tom Hanks got snubbed but at least Captain Phillipis  got nominated, another based on a true story movie as well. The real Captain Phillips was captured by pirates and survived. Saw half of the movie. The supporting actor (can't pronounce his name) deserves the Oscar or his role, 

   Well all I know is it will be one night where Oscars will be polished and awarded to people who deserve it. Sometimes some best pictures don't deserve it, one was "The English Patient" (I'm not going into any detail on that right now) other definitely deserved it like "The Godfather" "Titanic" "The King's Speech" and many more. 

   Till then keep watching mivies and judge for yourself because maybe your favoriate will win an Oscar and can be your best picture as well.

  Before I go I want to wish my mother a very happy birthday tomorrow. 65 years on the planet and she still doesn't look like she has aged at all. Have a wonderdful, great and happy birthday tomorrow mom!!! Ciao Bloggers!