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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Year in review 2023


     The year is almost over and well.... like every other year, there have been good things and tragedies. Here are some things that have happened that made us pray for lost souls, or even made us think that this year will be just like every other year, depressing, tragic.... but having some glimmer of hope in between.

   One of those such tragedies, besides the war in Iseral and Gaza, was a tragedy that claimed the lives of some rich men. Around the end of June, seven men were looking for the wreckage of the sinking ship known as Titanic. James Cameron, who directed Titanic back in 1997, thought that it wasn't a good idea to go down so far that the seven ended up missing, and later found dead when their submarine was found in the bottom of the sea and the seven were dead.

    There were some movies that came out in 2023 like Barbie, Oppenheimer, Super Mario Bros. and much more. But there were some movies that didn't do well but left an impact on some people. It was even based on a true story. It's called 'Cocaine bear.'  A story about a bear that has gone through some bags of hidden Cocaine and gets addicted. It was Ray Liotta's final film before his death. How was it? Well...not great, pretty violent and no animals were harmed in the making of this film.

 Taylor Swift was considered a powerhouse singer this year starting to date quarterback Travis Kelse of the Kansas City Chiefs. Now there's a new term called 'Swifties' where every fan of Taylor Swift is called. It started to become popular. She, as well as Beyonce, were everywhere this year and have made thousands of fans and over millions of dollars.

    Like I said before, movies of 2023 were hit and miss...depending on what you saw. But there was a strange phenomenon that happened around the summer called "Barbenheimer' A combination of two films that came around the same time. Oppenheimer, and Barbie. Barbie won while Oppenheimer did great in the box office but didn't make enough money as Barbie movie did. Barbie is about the doll while Oppenheimer is a story about how the atom bomb was invented starting WWI

   We have lost a lot of celebrities this year. Like: Matthew Perry from Friends, Andre Braeger from Brooklyn 99, Tom Smothers, Angela Lansbury, Ryan O'Neal, Norman Lear, Michael Gambon, Suzanne Somers, Burt Young, Jimmy Buffet, Paul 'Pee Wee Herman' Rubens, Bob Barker from price is right, Sinned O'Conner, Tony Bennet, Alan Arkin, Treat Williams, Tina Turner, Harry Belofonte, Gordon Lightfoot, Lance Reddick, Burt Bacharach, Cindy Williams, David Crosby, Melinda Dillon from A Christmas Story, Jeff Beck and many more. It's hard to believe in one year....we lost every one of them.

  Time does fly the older you get and next year, I'll be in my forties. Just turning 39, I have a long way to go, but it will come as quick as the Flash running in a race against other superheroes. This year is gone and well.... I'm ready for the next one. Are you?

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas- POEM



is the most wonderful day,

of the year,


Presents underneath the tree,


eyes widened,

with joy,

for every girl,

and boy,

wondering what they got,

from Santa

Stockings filled,

with goodies,

as the fire glows,


a yule log,



the day

A tree,

a beautiful tree,

glowing with lights,

as ornaments hang,

before you know it,

it will be gone

Enjoying the festivities,

the get togethers,

the music playing,

from Jingle Bells,

to Silent night,


is a special time,

of year




being with family,

what Christmas really means

The Christmas movies,

music and specials,

to fill our house and hearts,

with joy,

Christmas is a special day,

where we all,

gather around the table,

and enjoy,

every moment of it

It is sad,

when it's over,

but the enjoyment we have,

will last,

a lifetime,


is in your heart,

and you give,

as well as get


what Christmas is really about,

not the presents,

the food,

but the memories,

that we share,

every day,

of the year,

treat everyday,

like it's Christmas

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Festivus for the rest of us

    Being a fan of Seinfeld, there are some things that the show has given us that became actual holidays or even quotes that were memorable. One memorable thing was a holiday that was made up by one of the writers, because when he was a child, it really happened to him. It's called.... Festivus.

   In an episode called "the strike", it seems during the holidays, George Costanza gets a card from his parents that celebrates a holiday created by his father called "Festivus." Costanza's father created the holiday after he was trying to buy a toy doll for George. Instead of having a tree, they would have an aluminum pole that requires no tinsel or decorations.

   There's also a famous saying called: "Festivus for the rest of us." What does it mean? I don't know, but it's fun to say. How did this holiday happen? Well, a couple of years after the show ended, someone decided to make this holiday a real holiday. Starting before Christmas Eve, December 23rd is not only a day for luminaries, but also to air your grievance.

   There's even a book about the holiday and how it was created. All from an episode of Seinfeld. The writer of this episode said that his father, Daniel O'Keefe created the holiday because it was a commeration of his first date with his wife Deborah, or something like that.

    If you ever have heard of the Human Fund, it's a fake charity created by George Costanza because he feels it's best to steal money from his boss. I think it's best to say.... Costanza's an idiot. However, he is found out when the accounting department cannot find any charity called the Human Fund and he has to tell his boss the truth and that he celebrates...Festivus. 

   Apparently, Dan O'Keefe, the writer of the Strike episode, wanted to make his father's idea of a holiday into something that would turn into the 'feasts of strength afterwards.' What are the feats of strength? After you finish your meal, it seems the father, Frank Costanza decides to fight George until he is pinned down and surrenders. 

    You also know what else happens in that episode, Kramer goes back to his old job working with Bagels until he strikes again. After learning what Festivus is all about, he wants to take the 23rd off. Without that happening.... he goes on strike. Elaine also meets a good-looking guy at a Hannukah party and gives him a fake phone number.


   Jerry even meets a nice girl at the same party only...she's very different the next time they meet. Elaine also gets an ugly surprise, or what Kramer calls "A Festivus miracle" when two guys she knows tries to explain the fake number situation using their business number as the fake. It seems the two men want to date her as well. Jerry eventually breaks up with his girlfriend.

   So....what does "Festivus for the Rest of us" truly mean? Well... it actually has a meaning. It means.... "Joyous holiday and feast day." I guess it means enjoying the day and eating food. Like every day, this particular day is a holiday. You don't have to celebrate it, but it does mean a holiday that only can be explained through the eyes of a Seinfeld writer. And Frank Costanza would agree that it's the one holiday where you can fight your son in the feasts of strengths.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Christmas Story 40th Anniversary


    It has been 40 years since a certain young boy tells his story about the Christmas where he gets a bb gun and shoots his eye out. 40 years later, it's one of the most watched Christmas movies ever next to a few others. Some of the actors are still alive and some....well, here is the story of a young boy from Indiana and the best Christmas he ever had.

   The movie came from a book written by the late Jean Shepard. He even narrated most of the story in the movie since he loved the book so much and would read it to his children around the holiday season. He even had a cameo in the movie near the end where Ralphie and his brother are waiting in a long line to see Santa. 

    The Characters of the story are interesting. Ralphie is the main character played by Peter Billingsly who is still acting as well as producing movies today. His little brother, Randy is played by Ian Petrella who is still alive today. What is he doing now? Well, somewhat acting, but isn't seen much in the Entertainment industry.

  The old man, as Ralphie would call his father, was portrayed by the late Darren McGavin. This is what he is known for more than any other role he has been in. Passing away from cardiovascular disease at the age of 83, his story is told as how Ralphie's father can be hard to get along with and at sometimes scary but could have a heart as well.

    The mother of Ralphie was portrayed by Melinda Dillon. Just like Darren McGavin, Melinda was only known for the role of the caring mother who would comfort Ralphie at the same time scowl at him if he swore. She sadly passed away recently, but she had long retired then. 

   There were many characters from Ralphie's friends Schwartz and Flick to the bully named Scut Farcus. Scut was a similar image to my own cousin and well...the actor that portrayed him, Zack Ward, is still acting. From horror flicks that failed to the recent Christmas story sequel called (Christmas story Christmas)

   Christmas story franchise had some failures like a sequel starring Daniel Stern and even Christmas Story Live with Matthew Broderick. It was as if they were trying to kill a Christmas Story movie and bury it. The original author of the story, Jean Sheppard, was long dead by the time these were made. Eventually, it would be saved thanks to Ralphie's actor Peter Billingsly.

   When I found out they were going to make another Christmas story movie called "A Christmas story Christmas", I was hesitant at first. Yes, I loved the original with all my heart, but I was wondering if it was a smart idea for them to do this. Well, I gave it a watch and....it brought back the magic of the original.

 Ok it's not 100 percent gold, but it is worth the watch. Peter Billingsly plays an adult Ralphie who has a family, but he also is a failure at being a writer when his sci-fi story has been rejected by another publisher. He soon finds out the old man (who was portrayed by Darren McGavin) had passed away. He decides to go back home to visit his mother.

   There has been a cast change with the mother. Julie Hagerty, who was in Airplane!, filled in for Melinda Dillon. She did pretty well despite they were desperate to get Melinda back from retirement. It seems Ralphie has to write an obituary on the old man. He is filled with not only sadness for the loss of the old man, but he also has writer's block.

     Peter Billingsley narrates his adult Ralphie voice as he does everything to have the perfect Christmas. Although things go wrong along the way, he almost gets arrested by a familiar face...Scut Farcus. He lets Ralphie go in the spirit of Christmas. Eventually, he does write something, that isn't just about his father, but his whole childhood as well.

   We all have memories of 'A Christmas Story' movie and how amazing it was. Sadly, the director of the movie died as well. We still have some of the actors that came back in "A Christmas Story, Christmas." Like Schartz and Flick as well as Randy, who is only seen near the end of the movie. I feel that the sequel (not the horrible one) captured as much of the spirt of the original as it could. All I can remember is... "you'll shoot your eye out."

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Worst Christmas gifts ever


    Christmas is coming. We can't stop that, but there are some things about the holiday that can be stopped, only if.... people weren't cheap on the gifts...or forgot. This thing is.... horrible Christmas gifts. Last minute stocking stuffers or even gifts that look as if they made from a nightmare. Here are some of them.

    I'm not going to diss rocks, but unless it's a painted rock with Christmas theme or messages on them that tell the giver how they feel about them, it's just a rock. Finding one of those rocks as a last-minute gift...seems cheap, I just feel finding a rock in your backyard to give to someone just because you forgot the actual gifts, seems kind of like...you cheated them out of a great gift.

   I don't know who invented underpants for your hands, but they should be drugged out into the street and shot. This is a horrible Christmas gift that I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. We have gloves to keep us warm of course. This was just...what was it? An excuse to give a shitty gift to someone. To me, these are a waste of a gift.

 Unless you have a friend that has a green thumb, this is one gift that is skippable. They might have been popular back in the 80's along with the clapper (which also is a pathetic gift for Christmas). Now it's the same as watching paint dry. Boring and useless. Sometimes, they didn't even work. They would have annoying song singing... Cha-cha-cha Chia! This is Pa-pa-pa pathetic.

  Ever had an ugly sweater for Christmas? Well...some people make it a Christmas tradition making tacky Christmas Sweaters to deem which one is the ugliest at Christmas Parties. I would never be caught dead wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. Dawn we now our gay apparel? In the words of Brian Griffan from Family Guy: "doesn't get much gayer than this." 

   Ever loved Bacon so much that you want to make a wallet out of it? Some people are freaks about bacon that they would even wear it in their pockets. I think some people need to get help. This would not be a Christmas present worth giving unless you have someone in the family that is addicted to bacon 24/7

  Ok, this is just stupid. If you really think buying things off the TV would be a perfect way to give as a Christmas gift...you might want to rethink your life. Even though all AS SEEN ON TV ads aren't 100% useless, it doesn't mean you should get a gag gift to someone so you can laugh at them. Changes are, they won't use it much and just stash them into the closet forgetting about it though the other 11 months we have.

   Even though, every year the holidays come and go, there's always a gift that is considered either a last-minute gift, or something that is considered horrendous that no one in their right mind would buy unless they were desperate. Gift cards have been very useful for last minute gift ideas. Till then, good luck and pray you don't get coal this year.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

A day which will live in infamy- POEM


December 7th,


In Hawaii,

America changed,

as souls,


in Pearl Harbor

many lives perished,

boats bombed,

by the Japanese,

and why?

The only answer,

is war

82 years of history,

under the seas,

as an American Flag,

drifts underwater,

82 years,

of history,


Japanese soldiers,

bombing ships,

as we watch,

and listen in horror

some have survived,

and still remember,

that dark day,

some still alive,

and always remember,

the day,

that changed their lives,


Before that day,

the seventh of December,

it was a day,

that was known,

for getting everything ready,

of Christmas,

not yet know,

a day,

which will live,

in infamy

a day,

which is now known,

as a day,

that changed America,

FDR's speech,

rings out,

on this day,

every year,

even after his death

The history,

burned in our mind,

as one of histories,


82 years later,

and it is still rememberd,

even today,

a date,

which will always live,

in infamy