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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why is Google confusing to me?

I remember when Google use to just be simple but now, they're is Google+, gMail and so much more that Google does that just well, let's just say Google is a little more complected than it use to be a long time ago.

I usually use Google for image searches and other searches as well, but now, It's getting a little more complicated, but I'm still in the process of knowing it. I was so nervous wondering if changing things from one (Comcast) to another (Google) was going to make things I use like blogging and YouTube worse, I just now made it a little. Still in the beginning process of GMail and Google+ I'm not really concerned about. I'm more into Facebook. Google still is complicated, but I'll get use to it. I only use it to search for things anyway. BTW: HAPPY SPRING EVERYBODY. Will blog again in the beginning of April!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Life Can make us laugh,

Life can make us cry,

We just don't realize how precious

life can be

until we lose someone

we really love

Monday, March 12, 2012

Disney Villain Songs

I've enjoyed listening to Disney villain song lately like: "Be Prepared" by the lion king or "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by the little mermaid. Even Anastasia's "In the dark of the night" (Ok Anastasia is not a Disney movie but you know what I mean.)

Some of them aren't even that good, but I still like to hear them. You can't actually tell but voice actor Jim Cummings are actually singing "In the dark of the Night" and "Be Prepared" you would think It was Christopher Lloyd (Anastasia) and Jeremy Irons (Lion King) {Although Jeremy did do a little bit of singing in "Be Prepared" but not a lot}
Christopher Lloyd However can't sing really well. Jeremy Irons did try-but he did lose his voice. Jim Cummings is a great voice actor and has voiced many cartoon characters like "Pete" In Mickey Mouse cartoons. He is currently voicing both Tigger and Winnie the Pooh now and hearing those "Villainous" songs, a kids childhood might die inside. But he is still a great singer.

I just am enjoying these villainous songs. Don't get me wrong. Some Disney songs are very good while others are very cheesy. But the villains songs are very good. Very memorable. It seems that it has to do with mostly the whole band playing every instrument and just making the whole song seem so
reprehensible, evil and just plain unlikable to the main protagonist.
It seems to be the most catchiest songs. (so is
Hakuna Matata.) Till the Ciao Bloggers!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


My cousin just had her third child and this little poem is for her and her newborn son, Riley.

From the first day I saw u,
you lighted up my life,
you made me happy,
you completed the family tree,
you made the world whole,

You are special,
You are a sweety,
R for Remarkable
I for inspiring
L of loving
E for Embracing
Y for youth

Riley. It's a wonderful name,
for a wonderful child you will become,
I love u.
Born Mach 1st, 2012 and will always be
a wonderful child.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Women in History

First day of March, not only we celebrate Ron Howard's birthday, it is the start of women in history.
March is not only a great month for spring to emerge, but for knowing powerful women in our history like Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earheart and many other powerful women that changed history.
Just like I did with Black history month, I will also post famous women in our history throughout March starting on the 4th. Susan B. Anthony will be first of course, and then by a few days I will post more.

I just love history for some reason. I'm intrigued by it for some reason, and with my Asperger's syndrome, I'm very good with dates and birthdays and stuff like that. It's just one of my hidden talent. Happy birth-week mom. Till then Caio bloggers! Will blog again next week.