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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Not too hot, not too cold

Image result for april 25th gif It seems today is the 25th of April. There always going to be birthdays on that day, like my late Aunt Carol, who I miss everyday...and she herself, would always say today would the perfect date.

  How we'd got that quote, from a movie called...
Image result for miss congenialityMISS CONGENIALITY. The original, not the crappy sequel. William Shatner asks the question:
"Describe the perfect date" to contestant Miss Rhode Island (portrayed by Heather Burns) that says, "APRIL 25th" First off, the movie was about Sandra Bullock going under cover as Miss New Jersey as she tries to find who would want to kill all the contestants.
Image result for miss congeniality first gif Let's just say Miss Rhode Island, was not that person. The movie was great, but the sequel, was somewhat stupid and I didn't care for it.

   But ever since that movie, Every April 25th seemed to be special, especially for anyone with a birthday on that day.
 Such as:
Al Pacino,
Renee Zellweger,
Hank Azaria,
Jason Lee,
even some people we know that aren't famous like my late aunt.
Image result for April 25th birthdays

  I miss my aunt, a lot. I just wish she was here. She would to see the family grow, having a great-grand niece and all. I love you Carol, eve if you're gone, you will still be my angel.

Every April 25th is special to us, and for the movie, Miss Congeniality saying that it's the perfect date, well, that's pretty cool too.

Till then remember the perfect date:
"April 25th, not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket"

Friday, April 13, 2018

Italian Filmmakers destroying Titanic

Image result for Italian Titanic cartoonOH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! This is for real. I will not blame Italy for this one, but only the psychopaths that thought it was a good idea to bring this into the world.

I have a feeling someone was tortured to watch this, and we were the ones being tortured.

  Let me explain. When I saw these, it was from Doug Walker aka Nostalgia Critic. I, myself couldn't believe that these really existed. First:  It was the "Titanic: The legend goes on". They flipped the story around with a rich man and a young woman. (Oh god, don't show the naked scene)
  Image result for the legend of the titanic gifOh, by the way, they add in a rapping dog. WTH!!!! I can't even put into words if this was for the mentally ill, or made by the mentally ill. Either way, they try to do the same thing for the James Cameron version, scene for scene.
  By the end, they have a happily ever after? OK do they even remember the tragedy that took place. The sinking, losing almost 1,500 lives?

  I thought that was bad, but it got worse. A lot worse. Then the second one came: called "The legend of the titanic." How does it start off? By talking mice, kind of like the first one, but this is worse. Why? Because the grandfather mouse, and I am quoting here says... NOBODY DIED ON THE TITANIC.
  Here's something else. There's this girl named Elizabeth who is forced to marry a whale hunter. OK, this is stupid. But there's this guy, with no name and has a fetish for sniffing gloves.

Image result for the legend of the titanic gif Oh, and an octopus is responsible for saving all the passengers, even the captain, and goes down with the ship. OK, What's going on, am I on acid? who wrote this?  Let's just say the octopus, along with another mouse that gave his life, SURVIVE and Elizabeth marries the man whos sniffs gloves. All done right?

 NOPE, there's another, one that is the worst of all...

  The name of the octopus from the last movie, or nightmare,  starts with the two remaining humans from the last movie to discover Atlantis...wasn't this supposed to be about Titanic? Oh forget it...
  Side note, they can actually communicate with the mice and the dog...
Image result for tentacolino this is scaryThere is also a scene where they make it to what appears to be... a psychotic version of toy land and are, gassed? I'd be...you can hear in the background of one scene where toys are singing, someone saying "this is scary" I AGREE WITH THEM!

  They end up finding Atlantis and become slaves or something, oh by the way, where's the Octopus? This movie is titled 'Tentacalino' the name of the octopus in the last movie, barely there. All we see is suicidal mice that are racist as well, talking dogs falling in love...
   Oh and a Scottish child...that is dressed up like a doll that was a curse, and I say was, because he takes the wig off and becomes a leader?

Image result for tentacolino doll

I'm not mad a Italy... It seems they were trying to find an easy way to make. Making sharks gang members, having the father of the lead girl held hostage so they can hunt whales?? I don't find this has ANYTHING TO DO with Titanic. If children saw this, they would be ashamed. Even the people who died on the ship... be glad they aren't alive. This is just ridicules. Why did you have to make THREE horrible renditions of the titanic cartoon, with a rapping dog, talking mice, sharks that are gang members, a talking Octopus that saves the ship and the passengers...what is going on? This is not for kids, adults or the mentally insane. This is GARBAGE!

   I still love Italy, but this is one part of the country I am ashamed about. I feel sorry for the voice actors, animators and even writers? What were they thinking? If you want a good history lesson of Titanic, watch the History Channel's titanic remembrance history lessons about the sad tragedy that befall 1,500 people that didn't make it out alive.

  Or even the 1997 version of Titanic, which I still love 21 years later. It is breathtaking, extraordinary and even heart breaking.
Image result for titanic 1997
Till then... stick to classics, and children want to know what really happened, remember there's always Google as well as Titanic 1997. Ciao Bloggers. (REMEMBERANCE OF TITANIC)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Where is spring?

Image result for winter or spring  It's almost the middle of April, I cannot believe it. Easter has come and gone....and it doesn't even feel like Spring.

   It has been the longest winter on the face of the earth. No joking. Maybe mother nature is having her season of the month. I wouldn't know.

  Most of the time in April, it would rain a lot. It seems this rain we are getting, cold rain. Some days, it is beautiful, but other times...

Image result for winter or springIt seems the days can't make up the time. I rarely feel cold or hot, but I would like to see a beautiful spring day.
Image result for shivering in the cold gifCold springs were not made for us. Neither are hot autumns.

   It seems Summer and Winter last much longer than Autumn and Spring. It seems every year, we have to deal with...

   The cold blowing winds,
    Freezing to death,
        beyond Rain,
              beyond rain,.

Image result for cold rain gif
It's like this every year so what else is new. We complain as much as we want, but then we'll soon regret the heat of what is to come.

  Would you rather shiver or sweat? Both are deadly either way and it seems every year we have to put up with it. This time, it seems Spring is about to come, but not for long.
CIAO BLOGGERS, stay out of the cold.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The end of Toys R Us

Image result for The end of Toys r usThere's an old saying....all things must come to an end.
   Tv Shows, Movie trilogies and even stores.

It is true people. Because of Amazon, more people have been going on-line shopping to purchase what they want, just about bankrupting stores that sell clothes, electronics, music and even...

   Toy stores came around and were popular to children, and adults that act like children.

KB Toy store was another place that sold toys, but went out of business when Toys R Us made better deals, and sold more toys.

  Toys R Us now, well, they are now going out of business.
Image result for Toys r us simpsons gif It seems people now a days, don't want to spend every day waiting in line to get the next best thing.
Toys R us Isn't the only one to say goodbye in 2018.

  Macy's, Payless, J.C. Penny, Sports Authority, Sam's Club. It seems these stores are on the chopping block of vanishment. It's sad that rely more on websites and Amazon and other web sites like Craig's list and EBay to rely on buying their toys, clothes electronics. All because of them, major stores are vanishing before our eyes.

Image result for Charles Lazarus The founder of Toys R Us, Charles Lazarus, started the iconic toy store around 1948 almost 70 years ago. The jingle: "I'm a Toys R Us kid" stayed within our minds through out the years. Even though they changed the graphics as well as the design of their mascot: Geoffrey.
Image result for the end of toys r us gif  Geoffrey was a giraffe that symbolized the great toy store and was always there for them. His design was changing for many years. The one I remember the most is the design of him around the 80's, when I was a little girl and LOVED TOYS.
Image result for Geoffrey the giraffe toys r usIt seemed most of the time, they use a cartoon, but one year, they used a computer animated giraffe that had moving lips. It was like a regular Ed, and it was scary. He was the mascot for Toys R Us, and now...with it going out of business, he's going to end up at the zoo, or worse...ending his life.

  OK Dark, I believe but it feels every store that I see, it's not doing great. Even grocery stores are suffering. You can actually go on-line and get groceries. Thanks to Amazon, Toys R Us is no more, and KB Toys wants to come back.
It doesn't seem as if it will work. With toys being sold on line, it seems KB doesn't have a chance.
Image result for Charles LazarusSadly, around the time Toys R Us was ending, the founder died at the age of 96. He lived a wonderful life, and didn't want to see the end of Toys R Us. With that gone, he too passed away.

It is hard not knowing Toys R Us is gone. That also means Babies and Kids R Us is also on the chopping block.

Image result for KB Toys It could happen, but I feel that Amazon is growing as stores seem to be shrinking and losing business and customers. KB Toys could come back, but won't stay for long. For now, people are still shopping for toys before every Toys R Us store closes for good.

    "I don't want to grow, up...I'll always be a Toys R Us kid"

Image result for Toys r us gif

For now, It's a distant memory, but to me, my childhood dies with it.
Goodbye Toys R Us, we will miss you.
RIP (1948-1918)