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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Too Close to Christmas!!!

    What the hell is going on???? I know it's not even October yet, but I saw a recent commercial from Kmart and it was for a holiday lay away.

    Why are they rushing the holidays so fast. It's not even Halloween, god not even October yet and they think it's best to rush everything now. To rush Thanksgiving... just to get to Christmas. Yes I love Christmas, but my birthday is first.... but let's enjoy the autumn as much as we can. It just arrived, I don't want winter to come this quick. Geez!! I have a feeling next year, they'll be doing this in August. 

   Rushing for the holidays. I know we'll have to deal with it sooner or later, but can we just enjoy the ending of September and the beginning of October? I mean can we enjoy Autumn before we decide it's time to get ready for Christmas. I have already seen Kmart's holiday commercial... Which store will be next, Walmart, Lowes? Well I wouldn't be surprise because I went into Costco and they already had Christmas decorations in. So did the Hallmark store. They had Christmas cards all set up and ready (sickening to me) as well as Christmas tree decorations. 

   It's not that I hate Christmas, but it's having my birthday be coming closer, and closer and closer. Next year, I will be 30. Having to see Christmas commercials come so early is just too much to bear. Seeing them on the first week of November is fine and I'm use to that, but the last week of September???? Why so soon... are we trying to find the Christmas that we are getting for that special someone??? I just think it's too soon, and every time I see it, I know my birthday is creeping closer and closer. Just knowing it will be here before I know and so will Christmas. Till then, won't blog till October. Enjoy what we have left of Autumn, because by next week, we'll see another Christmas commercial. Ciao bloggers!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pop Tarts, are they just disgusting now?????

   I knew that when I was little i use to like the Top Parts that were with no frustrating, the strawberry flavored. Back in the 80's people use to eat this stuff up like it was a pie pastry in a square that Kellogg's invented that they they could heat and take on the run. That was back then, now I've realized the recent flavors of Pop tarts have gotten really disgusting. For seasonal stuff, they would have a pumpkin pie flavored or a peppermint flavored, so they would become really really gross. I mean has Pop tarts have gone too far? They once had a peanut butter and jelly flavored. They have an orange cream flavored and banana split as well.

     Sometimes they say putting a pop tart in the freezer and eat it cold to make it cold, maybe it'll work for a chocolate flavored pop tart, but not all pop tart flavors. Also found out about the icing they put on the pop tarts and what it's really made of... if you are a vegetarian, I would stay clear of those frosted. (I use to like the s'mores) now I'm not a big fan of it.

    The commercials were weird. When it was the 80's there was a talking toaster named Melvin. It was as if a kid was on an acid trip and talking to a toaster. Now it's just kids in a drawing with pop tarts that have a personality and lured int traps set by kids. WTF???? I don't understand. Are they really trying to sell the product or is it just some way to get kids more on acid talking to toasters? Well the strange flavors and commercials are making it not as it use to be. Maybe they are trying to become healthy with weird flavors, but I don't think it's working. I'll stick with an original flavors like strawberry with no frosting, that's more of the pop tart that I grew up with and love. These new pop tarts, what's wrong with the Kelloggs company.
   Are they trying to be hip, healthy, weird are they trying to lead toward the kids by making oatmeal pop tarts as well as making disgusting limited time flavors as well??? I don't think Pop tarts will ever get the hip fan fair of lovable kids it did in the 90's with their horrid commercials, then again, their commercials never helped.

     Till then, I'll always remember tasting the crust of a good Pop tart from the good old days of my child hood. On the plus side, tried one recently and the strawberry flavoring (even though it was smuckers) tasted better than it did when I was a kid. Till then enjoy your toaster pastries either it be pop tarts or something else and remember the good old days. Till then, Caio Bloggers! (BTW: They use to be a cereal too in the 90's)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 Never Forget

   I know it has only been about 12 years since that  tragic day, but it still plays in my mind as if it was just yesterday. Why did it happen? How come it did? Why we're so many lives lost in the process? This day really changed America forever, just like December 7th, September 11th is a day that will go down in history. 

  It changed New York. It changed our views in life. We had to become more cautious and more aware that we have been attacked by people who want us scared . But we have courage to show that America has become very proud of our fighting soldiers and many battles we might win or lose many lives, we are fighting for our freedom. We are not scared, America has changed since 9/11  but today we stop and think about that sad day when we lost many lives and we know America changed forever. I lost someone in one of the towers. They never found him and like many of the other families who lost their loved ones that day in the tower or on the planes, they'll never get over it.

  I assure you today 12 years later, the hurt is still there, we are still fighting for freedom, and we will be praying for peace, and when that day comes, hopefully everything will be whole again. Till then, Ciao bloggers and never forget 9/11

Sunday, September 8, 2013

cartoon ducks

    Sorry  about being absent for a while. But now I'm back. Why do I want to blog about cartoons that involve ducks like Daffy or Donald or Darkwing?? Well we grew up with them when we were kids didn't we. 

    In my life I grew up watching Ducktales where an old Scrooge Mcduck and his annoying nephews Huey, Duey and Louie go on strange adventures finding treasure. They get into so much trouble, but eventually get saved by Scrooge being so greedy (how ironic is that). I didn't care for many of the other characters such as an old nanny that had to watch them and a poorly who everyone liked but I don't. 

  A lot of people would like one cartoon duck but not the other. I of course am taking about Donald and Daffy Duck. One was a Warner brothers the other was a Disney.
 If I had to choose. I like both of them. Mel Blanc did a perfect job voicing Daffy until his death. Now the person who voices Daffy Duck is horrible. Donald Duck was ok and the voice actor who voiced him in the 80's is still around today. His name is Tony Anselmo who replaced Clarence Nash and since then no one ever replaced ever since. So from today I choose Donald over Daffy, but I miss the original Mickey mouse voice.

 There are other cartoons that have ducks in them, mostly from Disney and they came around in the 90's.one was Darkwing duck. I never watched one episode of it. I think it's about I don't know. A duck that's a superhero I guess.  There was another one that was about superhero ducks that was from outer space. The leader was voiced by one of the actors from Beverly hills 90210. The title was from a movie that was NOTHING LIKE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!

  It's called the mighty ducks. My God was this show stupid, and also my guilty pleasure I hate to admit it. Why it had ok episodes, but many of them had to deal with fighting off a villain from outer space and they play hockey as well. It was stupid as well and it only lasted one season. Another cartoon duck show that was also a guilty pleasure and sucked at the same time was quack pack. It was about Donald Duck, his nephews (you can actually hear what they are saying) rather them they sound like they do on Ducktales. Daisy is in this too and she's a news reporter. My God this is just stupid. But I hate to say I did watch a few episodes of it. It ended after two seasons. .  Not every cartoons that star a duck end badly. Donald and Daffy had their own shows before they went to scrap, they're just cartoon characters. Mostly it's just bad ideas and horrid writing, but some people are starting to like that new looney tunes cartoon. Maybe they're is a future for Daffy and Donald after all. Ciao bloggers!