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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Is Millions considered a Christmas movie

      By all means it is based on a novel and a British movie that came out 12 years ago, but it is centered around two boys that found a bag of money that came from the sky.
Image result for millions (movie)

             But here's the thing, it starts around the holidays, the boys lost their mother and just moved to a new town with their father.

  One of them sees images of saints and believes they are trying to do good deeds once again just like they have done before.
   But does this really make it a Christmas movie because it takes place around the holidays?

I'm going to have to say... Yes.


Because, you don't have to see Snow, Santa and a Christmas Tree to make it a Christmas movie.
Image result for millions (movie)

   What the boy wants to do with the money is give it to the poor, which is what many people want to do around the holidays, thinking of other. But not realizing the money was stolen, it doesn't matter to him.
          What matters to him, is not only seeing visions of Saints that only he can see but also knowing the money he found go to someone that needs it more than he does.

         I love to give around the holidays, money is one thing and gifts are another. But the unfortunate people around the world will need more and this boy does that with a bag of money (or pounds as they say in British money)

            It's how you want to celebrate Christmas and it doesn't have to involve a Santa Claus. This movie isn't a great movie, but it's a special movie for it's reasons, and it's sad that the boys didn't do any other acting gigs after this movie. But it's fine, it's what they did that made their heart grow stronger like the Grinch at the end of his movie (not the longer version, the cartoon)
     Image result for millions (movie)

       Till then, Happy Holidays and enjoy your Christmas, no matter what you do, and no matter what happens, remember to give and then receive. Ciao and Merry Christmas!

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