Last time it did was 108 years ago in 1908. None of my family members, not even my grandparents, were born.
My great grandmother was, but she's not big on baseball. My mom's side of the family is Cleveland fans. They're the other team and they haven't won since the 40s. So this is going to be one hell of an amazing win for either team.
I don't care who wins but if Chicago does, they will make history in Wrigley field.
I'm just glad no New York team is in the world series. Just sick of seeing them win constantly. Always will be a Phillies fan and was happy to see them win in 2008. This time is best to see Chicago or Cleveland win. Good luck to both.
I also read that a college student predicted that the Cubs would win the 2016 world series If that is true, he is creeping a lot of people, and like me, can predict the future. They recently contacted that kid and went to see the Cubs play. Who also is a huge Cubs fan is none other than Bill Murray. He crashed the white house when they went to the World Series. LOL. Bill Murray is originally from Chicago and believe me, I wish him and Chicago the best of luck.