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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

yummy chocolates

 I am a chocoholic, and I have blogged about chocolate before. But now I have been starting to see nothing but Halloween candy in August.
  (No Surprise there)

I have now tried more than just a bar of chocolate now and then. I've been thinking about....
gourmet chocolate and what the history behind that is.
Image result for gourmet chocolate Chocolate was considered sinful back in the patriotic days, and even very expensive as well. Gourmet or not, it was also a luxury item and many used chocolate for currency.

And the wealthy kept it a secret for so many years. But then, Spain brought chocolate over to southern America but it wasn't the chocolate we are known for today. It was bitter, and sometimes it was used as a drink (a 'la coffee or teas) chocolate had it's own version of chocolate drink.

    Soon... dark chocolate was all the rage and popular mostly in Europe. But how did chocolate become so sweet, and yummy? Different variations of chocolates like 'bitter-sweet' 'organic' even 'dark' have had gourmet makeovers.

Some turned into chips, they would have nuts in them or mint, even cocoa powder is not what it use to be.
   Sweetness with chocolate, so indulging it can be. But if it weren't for a little nut from the Mesoamerica, given from the Aztecs, and Spain, it wouldn't be with us today.
  Even back then, the Aztecs used it as a drink and put spices in it. From then to today, chocolate has changed in so many ways, and delicious to this day.
  Enjoy the pleasures one bean has given us. 

Image result for gourmet chocolate

Before I leave I want to say that I will pray for the people of Italy that are suffering through the tragic earthquake that has taken many lives #prayforItaly

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