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Monday, August 8, 2016

Who was the best Joker ever

  I'm a fan of the villain side. I love Darth Vader, or Shego from Kim Possible or any other villain that wants to take over the world or just do mayhem. But the most known villain in the Batman world is:
                               THE JOKER!!!!

Image result for actors that portrayed joker
There are so many versions of the Joker from the cartoon to the movie. And who do I think is the best portrayed, well that's hard. It's like a parent choosing who's the best child in the family and with "Suicide Squad" already out in theaters....
                It didn't do that great as I thought it would. Will Smith did ok portraying Deadshot. Margot Robbie did an ok job with portraying Harley Quinn (but not great). Jared Leto got the honor of being the Joker and wow....
                I believe he was crazy. He was just to much of it. All tattoos, metal in his teeth and it seemed he TRIED TOO HARD.

   Jared's an ok actor, however, there have been many rumors about him that are somewhat negative and that he is not a nice person when it comes to fans.

   When they did the cartoon version in the batman, not many knew who had voiced him. None other than Luke Skywalker himself Mark Hamill. He was Amazing in my opinion. Perfect for the roll and he was the right voice to go from hero, to villain.
        His creepy laugh even scared children, but sadly it will now be silenced since he is retiring the voice it is now hurting him deep down reporting that the Joker laugh was making his voice hurt.
    In another batman cartoon, Kevin Michael Richardson voices the joker. He's no Mark Hamill but he's fine. If I had to choose between him and Mark, I would choose Mark Hamill.

In the original movie however, Jack Nicholson plays Joker, and they say you learn more about the Joker and less on the Batman in this movie and when you get to the Dark night it's vice versa.
   I agree. Well, Jack falls in a vat which makes his smile creepy and I think this Joker does more childish things (even if he does kill some people)
Image result for jack nicholson joker

   I fell Jack Nicholson's Joker was less menacing but it seemed he was still doing was as if an evil kid was pulling pranks and Batman had to teach him a lesson.

When I saw the late Heath Ledger in the dark night as the Joker, all of us were surprised on how amazing and creepy he was.
Image result for heath ledger joker
   First off, because of his role could have been what caused his shocking death. But we will never know. He won an Oscar posthumously and his family accepted the award. He shocked everyone from the film, including Michael Caine, who forgot his line because of the makeup.
    In this version, this was darker joker. The joker that wanted to show Gotham that he meant business by killing anyone that got in his way.

    I felt, out of all those Jokers, the best was Heath Ledgers, why? Because he made the joker the way he should be. Not to friendly like, not too intense but a person that had the means to show he meant business and felt that he was a cockroach that shouldn't be destroyed. He felt that was the terror that reign supreme on Gotham streets.

We miss Heath, and will always be remembered for that role. In my opinion he was the best Joker but that's my opinion. Jack Nicholson but it wasn't his best. I find him better in the shining where he seemed more terrifying there.

Enjoy the Batman movies and remember it's only a movie and the craziness only happens in Gotham. Ciao Bloggers!

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