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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Godzilla 98

  Just saw the 98 version of Godzilla and what do I think about this movie is...

WOW what a piece of garbage. Is it just me or did I just see something that looks like something really bad.
   Just let me tell you about it.

I feel the acting is not that great and well... did they get every voice actor of the Simpsons on it as well??

Another thing is every scene they had, it was nothing but rain,
   I just noticed they only had one nice day in the movie and every other time, was just a rain cloud hovering over someone's head.

Image result for P- Diddy godzilla 98

Alright I didn't really hate the movie but it wasn't great. It seemed that it was not as amazing as they thought it would be when it was coming out in 1998.

The one that just came out...

It was shorter, has Bryan Cranston in it (not annoying Matthew Broderick) and you didn't see Godzilla that much. But it still wasn't that amazing because it focused on a family and not the monster or the city.

1998 Godzilla focused on New York City, and so many other placed that it just seemed all over the place.
Image result for godzilla 98They have a lot of actors, but like I said, three of them voice Simpson characters so it's pretty interesting and weird. Maybe they were getting paid a lot more. The music, OMG. It was one of the Led Zeppelin singers with P Diddy using the song "Kashmir" which I love and P Diddy putting lyrics in it.
  I think "Kashmir" is better the way it is. Why do we need P Diddy screwing it up.
Image result for godzilla 98

I know it isn't one of the best Godzilla movies we have, but at least Godzilla 98 had some intense moments. Not the best, but seemed to work with some of the audience saying they liked it, and it was longer than the new Godzilla we had.

The people who made this also gave us Independence day and the Independence day remake and believe me I'd rather see Godzilla 98 over those movies any day. Enjoy all the action of a dinosaur terrorizing NYC because of an experiment gone wrong. Till then, I'll enjoy any crazy action film that comes my way.
  Ciao Bloggers! And beware of Godzilla.

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