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Thursday, August 18, 2016

80 and going on strong

 Today Robert Redford is 80  years old and I can't believe he is still acting. Image result for robert redford 80 years old

 Born August 18th in 1936, Robert Redford was born 'Charles Robert Redford Jr.'

   He actually started out in Television in 1959 at the age of 20 with the show 'Naked City' He also debut in theater in a small roll called 'Tall Story' He even stared as a young frightened man that needed help from a frightened woman played by the late Gladys Cooper in a classic 'Twilight Zone' episode.
   His first wife dropped out of college to merry him, and they had a few kids, sadly they would later divorce.

   His big movie we would come to love would be ones he stared with big movie stars like the late Paul Newman in 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' It would also be one of my favorite Robert Redford movies I have seen next to a few that were ok, but not as great as that.
Image result for robert redford butch cassidy and the sundance kid Robert also stared in other great films such as:
* The Horse Whisperer
*A bridge too far
and even:
  *The original Great Gatsby

A bridge too far is when Robert Redford stars as Major Julian Cook. It also stars Michael Caine and James Cann. It was an alright movie. I never really saw it all the way through but it was one of Robert's best, along with Butch Cassidy.

   Now he's going to star in a remake of Pete's Dragon, well I wouldn't call it a remake. The original was more of a musical with the late Mickey Rooney. The Pete's Dragon is more of an action adventure where Robert Redford stars as a girl's adopted grandfather. It's a small role he's doing but it shows he can still act at 80.

   I feel he might live to see 90 and that he has a lot more acting up his sleeve. He's the kind of actor that never knows when to quit and I don't think he wants to. I'm glad he's still acting, he is one of my favorite actors.

Image result for robert redford pete's dragon        Happy 80th birthday to Robert Redford, and hope for many more great years.

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