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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Is the world suffering?- POEM


The world,

can be beautiful,

and yet,

we see sadness,

almost everywhere,

we look

Children starving,

the homeless,

no food,


or care

Is every part of the world,

like this,

where we see,

nothing but gloom,


and even some others,


For years,

we fight,

and others,


and bleed,

as they wonder,

what was this all for

we try to find hope,



and many more things,

that sadden the world

When did it start,

and when,

will it end,

will we wait forever,

or find a solution,

to better ourselves

Many things have changed,


by year,

some needed change

and others,

never needed changing,

what does it mean,

when we fight,

for a better world

We use our words,

some with anger,

and others,

use their words,

for hope,

for peace,

for strength,

We always want something,

something that would stop,

the suffering,

but to get it,

some have to suffer,

while we,

find a way,

to make it better

And times,

of hell,



and much more,

the world suffers more,

and when it suffers,

we suffer with it

The world is beautiful,

yet terrifying,

for others,

they want justice,

and many,

want peace,

both cannot be brought,


There will be homeless,

there will be starvation,

there will be wars,

and it seems,

the world,

will always burn,

but to put it out,

is a challenge on its own

When the world suffers,

we suffer,

but one day,

peace will come,

will it be after we're gone,

or we will be able,

to show love,

for our fellow men and women,

there will be a day,

when the suffering ends,

and the peace,

brought to the world,


one day,

we'll be no longer,


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