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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Death of Morgan Spurlock


     He might not have been a famous man or even one worth mentioning. Then why am I?  Well, if you never have seen his documentaries like "Super-Size Me" or any others that involve either food or even talking about where Osama Bin Ladan is hiding, then you don't know who this man was. 

   Morgan Spurlock was born on November 7th in the 1970's. Spending most of his childhood in West Virginia, Morgan always had a home cooked meal and rarely went out to eat anywhere. Around the 2000's there was a new trend that was becoming unhealthy and affecting everyone. Obesity. Morgan decided to take a close look as one of the number one leading fast-food restaurants and that's when "Super-Size me was born. 

  Super-Size me was the start of the obesity epidemic and how to put an end to it. Morgan decided to film himself in 2004 only eating McDonalds thirty days straight. How would the results come up to? It seems he had a cardiologist and a few other health doctors saying that it was a huge risk to only eat nothing but McDonalds thirty days straight.

   It was a challenge, and he was up for it. When I was young, I would love going to fast food two to three times a week. Now, I just rather go once or twice a month depending on the situation, and only order certain foods that won't leave me sick. When I was little, super-size meals were everywhere. I don't think I ever wanted a super-size fries or drink. Morgan, when was doing this documentary, would always super-size when asked.

   In the 90's, nobody cared about their health. That is...until this documentary came out. It could have been other factors like people barely going out to exercise and just eat junk food when they can. Now, everyone is concerned, and new keto friendly, low gluten meals are popping up everywhere. Does it mean.... we're trying to stay healthy. and how long will that last?


    After Super-Size me became a concern and was taught in heath classes in school, fast food restaurants ditched the Super-Size option in favor of salads low-carb options as well as having an option between fries and sliced apples. Sorry, but if I was at McDonalds and was given an option on which.... the fries would win hands down. 

   Morgan Spurlock made another 'Super-Size me' involving chicken restaurants like KFC and Popeye's. However, it wasn't as strong as his first one. It seems that he has done other documentaries like 30 days where he would spend 30 days doing a certain thing like staying in jail or being with a Christian group. He had other documentaries like 50 documentaries you must see before you die. I wouldn't be surprised if Super-Size me was one of them.

   Sadly, on May 23rd of this year, Morgan Spurlock died and with it were the memories of one man determined to show people how unhealthy eating at fast-food restaurants can be. It wasn't him that made me change, I changed myself. What killed him? Was it the heart attack from all the years of eating nothing but Super-Sized food? No. It was cancer. Complications of a certain cancer did him in. He will never be forgotten for his one proof on how unhealthy fast food can be.

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