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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mid-Summer- Poem


 The heat is on

of the middle of summer is coming

and with that

the heat

that comes

with it

beaches crowded,

ice cream melting,

people getting sumburned,

knowing that the closer they are to mid-summer,

the quicker,

it will go away

As we get closer,

to July,


will start,

to slip away,

into existence

The heat will stay,

as pools get crowded,

and beaches,


with vacationers

The heat,

gets intense,

as people,

start to peel off,

their clothes,

praying no one,

would see them do it,

as they work,


With heat,

comes rain,


rain drops,

as puddles form,

on the ground

staying safe,

in the sun,

no matter how hot,

it becomes,

is the number one,


in life,

and death

crowded beaches,

of vacationers,

as the sun,

beats down on them,

the only way to stay cool,

as you feel,

the sand,

between your toes

As we near July,

we wonder,

what happened,

to June,

and we will wonder,

when August comes,

the same,

with July

Enjoy the summer,

while you can,

and remember,

if you see a,

back to school ad,

it doesn't mean,

the end,

of  summer fun,

only the beginning,

of what's yet,

to come

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