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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Remember Mystery Diners?



   TV now a days is a source for news, cartoons and even reality shows that are really fake. Like Hell's Kitchen, Big Brother, Cutthroat kitchen and many more There is one show that seemed to be underrated...but at the same time, had people wondering if it was real. To me....I thought that at first, but then, I saw what was behind the curtain.


    Mystery Diners is like spying in a restaurant and the people you're spying one are workers that might be responsible for stealing or loitering or even breaking stuff that is for the restaurant. A man named Charles Stiles works with the show and a few other people that work with him go undercover as a worker being trained under the supervision of the person they're spying on.

   Some of the episodes are weird. Who they pick to spy on sometimes is not even involved and other times (like 80% of the time) they are. There was one episode where one person who worked in a seafood restaurant was considered a 'tree hugger' He would free lobsters, that were very expensive, and steal lobster traps from fishing boats to free the lobsters in the restaurant. Another episode involved two people that pretended to be from Russia. However, their cover is blowen when one of the undercover agents spoke fluent Russian.

   Most of these episodes are entertaining than they are knowing that most of this is probably staged. Unlike Undercover Boss, which I think is staged too, I believe some of the people that work there knew what was going on and some didn't. Another episode involved a baker who had a history of anger issues. 

  When the manager, or owner of the restaurant, wants to have a confrontation with them, they see the cameras and are greeted with... "I'm Charles Stiles, mystery diners." Most of them are surprised while others are downright pissed. Some of them actually ended up getting arrested. How are they able to get away with this?

  Most of the time, the Mystery Diners team would find a way to stop what is happening using hidden cameras and even drones. They even had a cat with a camera installed on the collar. They would find ways to catch the person responsible for trying to steal or change the restaurant for different or selfish reasons. 

  Most of the time, the manager/owner would fire them or have them arrested. Other times (there were a few incidences) that they would get reprimanded, or even given a second chance) 

  The show ended around 2019. What has happened to Charles Stiles since then? I don't know, but he's still alive. Everyone else that worked on the show went their separate ways. But we'll always have the memories of the show that tried to stop thieves and crooks or even their own manager to going any further for bringing their restaurant down. I don't know if many of the restaurants are still in business after being on the air. A few did go out of business after the incidents. Till then...we'll always remember a show that not many people remembered. It seemed to have come and gone....just like that.

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