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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is Tofu good for you?



  Not everybody eats meat. It could be for certain reasons. They're vegetarians/vegans, they can't digest meat, they want to get healthier and think tofu is a good substitute. But there are questions some people ask which are.... how healthy is tofu?

    There are health benefits for Tofu as it may support your heart, lower your risk of certain cancers and much more. But what is Tofu? Tofu was invented in Japan over 2000 years ago and was brought to the sates by the fifties or sixties. Not many people were.... into Tofu. Knowing it was made of soy and many people were...not into that. Eventually, becoming a Vegetarian and wanting to get healthier was the new norm, and it still is today.

  The question is....is it heathy? It has health benefits like I listed, but it's also like a cheese in some way. Cheese has protein, but certain vegetarians and vegans will not eat cheese. And to get their protein from the cheese and meat, Tofu became available. 

  Tofu became available for health nuts. There were firm selections of Tofu to some that were softer, or in between. Tofu was made of not only soy, but other ingredients like a substance that makes Tofu what it is and it's similar to cheese making. Separating the curds and whey in Tofu form to make it what it is. It's a substitute for both meat and cheese. What kind of recipes does tofu give for people that want to stay healthy and away from meat?

 You can find Tofu in salads, fried, grilled and much more. There is a recipe called Tofu Brians, no joke, served in China called 'Douha'. You find it congealed in a soup like texture and people eat it, in China of course. 

  There are many recipes that you can find online on how you want to enjoy your slice of Tofu. Even some recipes for Tofu can be traced to Chinese cuisine which they mostly use Tofu when available. 

 Tofu can even be put in soup to replace crotons. Even people would replace bread with tofu. (only in certain recipes) Tofu is good for certain type of people, but it's not for everybody. I have never tried Tofu. I don't know if I ever want to. I guess....I will in the future when meat supplies and certain other foods would be replaced. But then again, who know.

 Many restaurants (especially Vegan) have Tofu in their menu. They have them in their salads, replacement for meat since it has a lot of protein, grilled, sautéed and many more. More Vegan and organic restaurants are popping up with people wanting to get healthier and ditch processed foods. Well, Tofu can also be processed like American cheese, but it could be healthier than that. So....is Tofu healthy? Really healthy? I don't know; I would like to say yes, but I would have to try a piece. You be the judge.

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