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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Cinco De Mayo birthdays


     Tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo. The fifth of May. That day, some people will go out and celebrate with a fiesta and parties celebrating a day that was known for the 'Battle of Puebla Day' in Mexico. Why did it turn into a holiday many Americans celebrate? I don't know. But I know one thing, we do not celebrate Cinco De Mayo. Why? Something more important happened on May fifth. My brother was born.

  It got me thinking, even though it's an important holiday in Mexico and certain parts of America, who else has a birthday on Cinco De Mayo? Some people have birthdays on Holidays. Like Fourth of July, Christmas, Easter (at certain times), Thanksgiving (at certain times) and many more. So.... besides my brother, who else has a birthday on Cinco De Mayo?


  Henry Cavelle- Born on May 5th in 1983, he is known for many roles. But his most famous is playing the man in steel Superman. How was his performance? I'm not a big fan of Superman as I am with Batman (BTW: Michael Keaton best Batman) but he was fine. Not great but worth seeing. 

   Adele- Born on May 5th in 1988, Adele is known for many chart-topping performances before losing her voice recently. Has memorable songs like "Hello", "Skyfall", "Rolling in the Deep", "Someone like you" and many more. Sadly, she hasn't been singing much since 2021 after releasing her hit '30', She is doing ok, but isn't able to sing as well as she used to.

   Danielle Fishel- Born on May 5th in 1982, Danielle Fishel is known by one name.... Topanga. Playing the lead girl in a show called 'Boy Meets World' for many seasons, that's all Danielle is known for. She still acted (I think she still does today) as she is only known for that one role. She does appear in reboots and reunions once in a while, but she's still Topanga to me.

  Pat Carroll- Born on May 5th, 1927, and sadly passed away a few years ago, Pat Carroll was known as a voice actor. It was her distinct voice that brought us the ugly sea witch named Ursala and she was amazing. (Sorry Melissa McCarthy) that made her sinister and one of the top ten Disney Villains. She also voiced other characters like Jon's Grandma in some Garfield cartoon movies. We miss u.

John Rhys Davies- Born on May 5th, 1944, John Rhys Davies was known for being Indiana Jones sidekick Sallah and Lord of the Rings as well. He hasn't acted much since he's getting on in years and it will be 80 this year. He even voice acted in some movies like being Aladdin's father in the last Aladdin movie (don't see the live action by the way). He's still acting, but I haven't seen him in much.

    There are a lot of people celebrating their birthday on Cinco De Mayo. My brother being one of them but having a birthday on a holiday might not be a bad thing (unless it's Christmas). Enjoy your birthday, if it's tomorrow like my brother. Until then, enjoy and MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU. BTW: Tomorrow, for any Star Wars fans out there it's called Revenge of the Fifth. 

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