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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mid-Summer- Poem


 The heat is on

of the middle of summer is coming

and with that

the heat

that comes

with it

beaches crowded,

ice cream melting,

people getting sumburned,

knowing that the closer they are to mid-summer,

the quicker,

it will go away

As we get closer,

to July,


will start,

to slip away,

into existence

The heat will stay,

as pools get crowded,

and beaches,


with vacationers

The heat,

gets intense,

as people,

start to peel off,

their clothes,

praying no one,

would see them do it,

as they work,


With heat,

comes rain,


rain drops,

as puddles form,

on the ground

staying safe,

in the sun,

no matter how hot,

it becomes,

is the number one,


in life,

and death

crowded beaches,

of vacationers,

as the sun,

beats down on them,

the only way to stay cool,

as you feel,

the sand,

between your toes

As we near July,

we wonder,

what happened,

to June,

and we will wonder,

when August comes,

the same,

with July

Enjoy the summer,

while you can,

and remember,

if you see a,

back to school ad,

it doesn't mean,

the end,

of  summer fun,

only the beginning,

of what's yet,

to come

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Death of Morgan Spurlock


     He might not have been a famous man or even one worth mentioning. Then why am I?  Well, if you never have seen his documentaries like "Super-Size Me" or any others that involve either food or even talking about where Osama Bin Ladan is hiding, then you don't know who this man was. 

   Morgan Spurlock was born on November 7th in the 1970's. Spending most of his childhood in West Virginia, Morgan always had a home cooked meal and rarely went out to eat anywhere. Around the 2000's there was a new trend that was becoming unhealthy and affecting everyone. Obesity. Morgan decided to take a close look as one of the number one leading fast-food restaurants and that's when "Super-Size me was born. 

  Super-Size me was the start of the obesity epidemic and how to put an end to it. Morgan decided to film himself in 2004 only eating McDonalds thirty days straight. How would the results come up to? It seems he had a cardiologist and a few other health doctors saying that it was a huge risk to only eat nothing but McDonalds thirty days straight.

   It was a challenge, and he was up for it. When I was young, I would love going to fast food two to three times a week. Now, I just rather go once or twice a month depending on the situation, and only order certain foods that won't leave me sick. When I was little, super-size meals were everywhere. I don't think I ever wanted a super-size fries or drink. Morgan, when was doing this documentary, would always super-size when asked.

   In the 90's, nobody cared about their health. That is...until this documentary came out. It could have been other factors like people barely going out to exercise and just eat junk food when they can. Now, everyone is concerned, and new keto friendly, low gluten meals are popping up everywhere. Does it mean.... we're trying to stay healthy. and how long will that last?


    After Super-Size me became a concern and was taught in heath classes in school, fast food restaurants ditched the Super-Size option in favor of salads low-carb options as well as having an option between fries and sliced apples. Sorry, but if I was at McDonalds and was given an option on which.... the fries would win hands down. 

   Morgan Spurlock made another 'Super-Size me' involving chicken restaurants like KFC and Popeye's. However, it wasn't as strong as his first one. It seems that he has done other documentaries like 30 days where he would spend 30 days doing a certain thing like staying in jail or being with a Christian group. He had other documentaries like 50 documentaries you must see before you die. I wouldn't be surprised if Super-Size me was one of them.

   Sadly, on May 23rd of this year, Morgan Spurlock died and with it were the memories of one man determined to show people how unhealthy eating at fast-food restaurants can be. It wasn't him that made me change, I changed myself. What killed him? Was it the heart attack from all the years of eating nothing but Super-Sized food? No. It was cancer. Complications of a certain cancer did him in. He will never be forgotten for his one proof on how unhealthy fast food can be.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Explosion of Garfield


  June 19th brings out a lot of celebrations. One being Juneteenth and the other a birthday of a cartoon cat who is now 46 years old. Garfield the cat. This orange furball has been delighting comic strips for the past forty-six years. He is six years older than I am, no joke, and he still makes us laugh.

   Recently there has been a new Garfield movie and Garfield was voiced by Chris Pratt. Sadly, this movie did not live up to its full expectations. Will I see it? No? Already seeing a live action movie and that not doing well as well.... maybe it was best to keep Garfield a cartoon and not a live action/computer generated movie.


    Throughout every Garfield live action to cartoon to what it is today, there were different voice actors for each one. For the old cartoon show 'Garfield and Friends', the late Lorenzo Music (or Muzic... I forgot how you pronounced his name) and he did a wonderful job. When he passed away, Bill Murray was given the chance to voice Garfield in the live action movies. He....regretted it ever since.

    Scooby Doo voice actor Frank Welker voices the other Garfield cartoon that went CGI or something. He's great, but I didn't care for the cartoon. Now....we have Chris Pratt.


  Nothing against Pratt or the others, but I guess I loved Lorenzo Muzic more. Every time I read a comic; I always hear his voice. I also grew loving 'Garfield and Friends' more. I'll give the other cartoon show a chance, but I loved 'Garfield and Friends'. I miss the original voice actor, and the others are ok, but I'll always hear his voice no matter what.

  46 years of this furball. If Garfield was a real cat, he'd be dead. But, Jim Davis, the creator and love of cats says that he enjoys how generations young and old can enjoy a cat who hates Mondays, sleeps all day and eats pasta is still considered one amazing cat.

    Today, people admire Garfield from his comics to his cartoons and movies that were made about him. I know the new movie wasn't a gem like his cartoon movies were. Having some that involved Halloween, Christmas and other stuff. Even live action, CGI, no matter who voices him.... this cat cannot be stopped, even reaching the age of 46

   Garfield is even in print from his comic to short stories and much more. I have a few of the comics and some of the short stories. Now....he's everywhere. Unless you're talking about the actor Andrew Garfield or President Garfield, most of the time when you Google the word Garfield, the cat would pop up as number one.

 46 and going strong. Jim Davis (with the help of his friends) is still making Garfield funny and memorable. I've loved the comic since I was little and still do today. Happy 46th birthday Garfield. A fictional cat who is real in my heart and everyone else. On the plus side, he's the only cat I'm not allergic to.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day: POEM



we honor fathers,



and men that have pets as their child,

what does it take 

to be a true father

Fatherhood is not easy,

for many,

some walk away,

leaving the woman,


but there are other men,

that stay,

and love,

and care,

A father's first love,

is looking at a face,

of their child,

wanting them to stay safe,


and to be there for them,

when needed,

a true father,

is not a coward,

Even a godfather,

is a father,

as one is considered,


for their child,

human or pet,

being there,

for the ones they love,

never looking back,

Dads from Tv,


and Cartoons,

are considered,


in their own way,


or voiced,

by a man,

who would soon be,

or are,

a father

My grandfathers,

are in heaven,

they would be proud,

to see,

how far I've come,

with the help,

of my father,

who is here,

with me

To all the fathers,



and many more,

today is your day,

have what you want,

eat what you want,


kick back,

and enjoy,

your day

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The end of "The Good Doctor"


     There are many tv shows that stick with the test of time. "Seinfeld', 'Friends', "M.A.S.H' and many more shows. If they are a comedy or a drama. With this show.... I enjoyed it not because of the acting (although the acting was good), but the story as well. It's about an autistic surgeon in California who decides to prove that he can be the best surgeon despite his disability. 

    The same people who created the show also created 'House' which was also another show involving a doctor who had an addiction to pain medicine. Saving people that need help as well as being an asshole to him. For the other show, Dr. Murphy focuses on how to save the patient even when all hopes are gone. They use a graph of a human body, and he pinpoints where the problem is and how he can save the patient. 

   The lead actor is portrayed by English actor Freddie Highmore who does a best American Accent that he can do since Hugh Laurie did the same for House. His character is named Shawn Murphy, and he has a mentor named Aaron Glassman who has been there for him more than his own parents. After Shawn loses his brother in an accident, Shawn sees the world differently and tries to save everyone when he becomes a surgeon

  Shawn has to overcome a lot of optical and doctors who thought he wasn't worth it. We went through many doctors. Some leaving by moving or death happens. He's still there, and so is his mentor. I would like to talk about the recent seasons. that brings us to the final episode of this great show that is now.... over. 

   Good doctor has brought many new characters throughout the season. Some of them didn't last long. In the earlier seasons, Shawn Murphy had to deal with an arrogant doctor who thought Shawn was in the wrong field but soon learns to appreciate him. Sadly, he died during an Earthquake and left us.

    When there are new characters added in the last two seasons, mostly because they were being trained under Shawn Murphy's watch. One of them was Jewish Doctor who (in real life is played by an actor of the LGTBQ+ community) who ends up killed before the series finale. It broke a lot of viewers hearts that this character had to die because of Jewish Hate. (You would have to watch the episode to find out what happened)

    A few more doctors were added on, like an actress who had autism in real life. Shawm Murphy couldn't get along with her at first. But, by the end of the series, he starts to trust her and eventually likes her by the end of the series. 

    Before all that could happen, he had to go through a lot of training, dealing with his autism at the same time. Many people helped him get through all the tough times he was having, even during COVID era when they made a few episodes that involved the dreaded disease, it was a hard episode to watch at first since it was based on truth. 

     The new characters that were added in by the final season were good, enjoyable and heartbreaking to see one die trying to protect their beliefs. It was hard to watch many episodes. Even in certain ones where a character would either die or be clinging to life, at the end they would have text talking about people that were suffering through a domestic abuse or even have a number to call if someone they know if suffering from that or depression.

    Even during the COVID episode, they talked about the episode being fake but showing how they support thank doctors and nurses going through the hard stress during the COVID pandemic. During that time, I had to take a year and a half of work until they had the vaccinations needed for people like me to survive.

   Shawn Murphy's character started to evolve from season to season. Meeting Lea and became friends, then lovers, then husband and wife. They tried for a baby only for it to.... end in tragedy. They tried again and succeeded although Shawn started to feel his newborn son might have problems or even early stages of autism. I wasn't told that I had autism until I was eight.

      Shawn had another girlfriend before Lea, but it seemed he loved Lea more when his girlfriend notices things about Lea that made Shawn feel more comfortable about her. 

  So, how does 'The Good Doctor' end? Well, in the final season, Shawn Murphy becomes the boss training a few newcomers. He doesn't want to do it, but he knows that he has to do it. Being a father and even a husband doesn't stop him from doing what he loves.

       However, his mentor says that his brain cancer came back, and it is uncurable. He tries his best to save him at the same time saving an old friend from cancer. He knew he has to do one thing. Save one of their lives while the other dies. 

   A few years pass and Shawn Murphy has become what his mentor was. Creating the Aaron Glassman fund. He gives a power point presentation to everyone he has worked with. From old colleagues to new doctors and many more. He even has a son and daughter who both happy and healthy.

      Yes, I do miss this show, but I think it went out gracefully. Similar to how House ended, but there are many differences in each. House's friend has cancer, and it is uncurable as well. House decides to spend his finds final moments saying, "Cancer sucks!" 

        With The Good Doctor, Shawn Murphy became who he wanted to be and even if he still has autism, it doesn't change how amazing of a doctor he was. I think both shows are great, and I miss them both. But which one was best? Well.... I can't decide on that. They are both are great from beginning to end.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Is the world suffering?- POEM


The world,

can be beautiful,

and yet,

we see sadness,

almost everywhere,

we look

Children starving,

the homeless,

no food,


or care

Is every part of the world,

like this,

where we see,

nothing but gloom,


and even some others,


For years,

we fight,

and others,


and bleed,

as they wonder,

what was this all for

we try to find hope,



and many more things,

that sadden the world

When did it start,

and when,

will it end,

will we wait forever,

or find a solution,

to better ourselves

Many things have changed,


by year,

some needed change

and others,

never needed changing,

what does it mean,

when we fight,

for a better world

We use our words,

some with anger,

and others,

use their words,

for hope,

for peace,

for strength,

We always want something,

something that would stop,

the suffering,

but to get it,

some have to suffer,

while we,

find a way,

to make it better

And times,

of hell,



and much more,

the world suffers more,

and when it suffers,

we suffer with it

The world is beautiful,

yet terrifying,

for others,

they want justice,

and many,

want peace,

both cannot be brought,


There will be homeless,

there will be starvation,

there will be wars,

and it seems,

the world,

will always burn,

but to put it out,

is a challenge on its own

When the world suffers,

we suffer,

but one day,

peace will come,

will it be after we're gone,

or we will be able,

to show love,

for our fellow men and women,

there will be a day,

when the suffering ends,

and the peace,

brought to the world,


one day,

we'll be no longer,
