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Friday, March 29, 2024



  It's almost been over 25 years since the series finale of Seinfeld was on. Although it wasn't a strong way to end the series, it was ok. But looking back at it now... people started to realize how insensitive the show is.

   Well...it was made in the 90's and people didn't really care back then about who's feelings would get hurt. Now....a few of these of these episodes I still watch but I start to cringe a little when watching it.


    In one episode in the 4th season, it seems a news story comes out that says Jerry and his friend George are a gay couple. The phrase "Not that there's anything wrong with that." became a popular saying to people who reveal themselves coming out of the closet. Before being LGTBQ+ was ok, back then....it was taboo and sort of frowned upon in some states. Even though this story is not true to both Jerry and George, the writers broke the mold for people to come out as they are. 



   Another episode the same season was called "the shoes' where George stares at the NBC executive daughter's cleavage while going over their show. Seeing that now...well, it might make some people uncomfortable. It's back to the days where Hotters was the place to go to if you want to see cleavage as well as eat wings. Elaine decides to intense the executive by showing her cleavage and well...later in the season it drove him insane that he left NBC and joined the peace core.

    Jerry dates a Chinese woman.... or so he thinks. He eventually finds out she is Caucasian and seems displeased. 

  Back then we thought of this a good episode. Looking back at it now.... well, some people might find this episode offensive. Since George's parents were on the verge of divorce and George's mom was getting advice from Jerry's girlfriend who she confuses with an actual Chianese woman. It perseveres to a divorce and Jerry breaking up with her. BTW: her name was Donna Shang. 

 Looking back at this episode, many people cringe. This episode is called "The Cigar Store Indian." Back then, this episode was funny, now a lot of people try to cancel the hate that had been spreading that involves the Native American culture.

    Jerry decides to buy a present for Elaine as an 'I'm Sorry' gift so he can impress one of Elaine's friends. However....not knowing her friend is a Native American, Jerry tries not to walk on eggshells all over her. Seeing this now.... it doesn't seem like an episode fans are proud to watch.

   In an episode called 'The Beard', Elaine tries to be a beard for a man who is handsome, but gay. She tries to convert him as best as she can but.... nothing. Back then, this episode wasn't focused much on Elaine's story as it was Jerry dating a police officer and George wearing a toupee so he can get dates.

    It doesn't work for him either. This episode is a hit and miss. I guess it would upset a few people, mostly anyone that is in the LGTBQ+. 


  Jerry dates a girl who has an interesting talent. Well to him maybe. He mocks her stomach when she sleeps in, and he decides to make a voice out of it. Making fun of someone (even if they aren't overweight) doesn't sit well with a few people.

   He had to choose between her and the voice after he tells her the truth. Which one did you think he picked? Back then... this episode was funny. Now.... you just gotta be careful what you say.

   This episode almost got the show banned and the crew had to make a formal apology to the people of Puerto Rico. It was the one where they have a parade in NYC. They are stuck in traffic and almost all of them go their separate ways. 

    Elaine tries to find a way to get home, George tries to find whoever is using a laser pen to make fun of him but the worst of all...was Krammer. He has a little too much fun ending up burning the Puerto Rican flag. Having it burned was the last straw, even Krammer stomping on it upset Puerto Rico.

They still play the episode, but it feels as if it was the episode that was the straw that broke the Camel's back. The camel named Puerto Rico. They banned that episode there.

   It's hard to watch Seinfeld sometimes. Even though it was a hit in the 90's looking at it now.... it's somewhat disturbing. Even Michael Richards blew his career after what he said at his stand up.

    Does it mean we should stop watching Seinfeld??? Hell no. I still enjoy it. Yes, I'll cringe in a few episodes, but it's just a comedy show and that's all it'll be. 

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