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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Kim Possible: Disney's best Cartoon.

Image result for kim possible episodes  Disney Channel is not great when it comes to it's cartoons (except for maybe Phineas and Ferb) But when I was in my teens, I remember this one cartoon about a teenager who would be a superhero as well, with an amazing sidekick who would later become her boyfriend.

   This show was KIM POSSIBLE!!!

It's in a fictional town of Middleton (like a fictional as Derry, Maine) It started when Kimmy had a crush on a boy named Josh, but it really starts when somebody called her for her help when she was a young tween wanting to fit in and well... that's how she became a super hero.

Her sidekick friend, turned boyfriend was Ron Stoppable
Image result for ron stoppableHe'd always be the pawn, troublemaker, you'd name it he'd done it. And he'd had a mole rat named Rufus as his best friend. Rufus would go on interesting adventures with him as well.

        Image result for kim possible middleton    She's also a cheerleader which makes her moves amazing when jumping and thwarting bad guys like Drakken or Shego. But there were other villains just as menacing.

Monkey fist..Image result for monkey fist kim possible was a world famous explorer and wanted to become the monkey king but he would always have a quarrel but not with Kim but her sidekick Ron Stoppable. It seemed by the end, Ron would inherit the Monkey King power to save the world (I'll get to that later)

Senior Sr. and Senior Jr....Image result for senior sr and senior jr kim possible    Father and son villain team but I feel that the son wanted to be a goof off and the father wanted wealth. Sometimes the father couldn't even get along and needed to tutor his son with Shego's help. With Spiritual animals Jr and Kim were a match. BTW: Senior Sr. was once voiced by the late Ricardo Montiban until his dean and was later replaced with Earl Boen.

Duff Killigan...Image result for Duff Killigan kim possible Scottish, of course and would talk about golf, and had to say "World's deadliest Golfer" (Ironically voiced by an actor from Israel) He seemed to have exploding golf balls where ever he went.

There's something I want to add. They had two movies before the finale. One I liked and One I didn't care for.

   The one I didn't care for was about Kim having a boyfriend (this was long before Kim and Ron hooked up.)

  Junior Prom, a new boyfriend. Let's say, blame Drakken. Her boyfriend was a robot the whole time and that's when Ron confesses his love

Image result for ron and kim so not the drama

In a 'Stitch in time', the one I like, something goes wrong. Ron almost leaves Middleton. So, they go back in time when they were little kids and try to find out what the future will be like.

They're in the past, present and when they get in the future, they find out more then they bargained for.
Image result for a sitch in time kim possibleIt isn't Drakken, but Shego that has taken over Middleton. Ron freaks out for her splitting them apart and goes BS crazy. Eventually he saves them all (there's a monkey statue involved) and they're back to normal.

I want to talk about one last thing, the finale. Kim and Drakken are kidnapped by aliens and it seems it is right around the time of Kim and Ron's graduation. Drakken helped out an alien before, faking himself  calling himself the 'big blue' (long story) The aliens come back and plan to destroy earth. Shego along with Ron and a few other people decide to help get Kim (and I guess Drakken) back.

Image result for graduation kim possible
Soon Ron summons all the power of the Monkey King and destroys both aliens saving his girlfriend and enemy and even planet earth. Shego is astounded like the viewers, but if you watch past episodes you would find out how he harnesses the monkey powers and why Monkey Fist hates him for it.

     It ends with Drakken be more of a hero than a villain and even some villains cheering. Shego falling in love with him (I'm not going there) and even Ron and Kim graduating. That's how it ends.

Image result for graduation kim possible

    Why do I think this one of the best cartoons Disney had to offer? Why do I think Lizzy McGuire was a great Disney show? I don't know there's no answer I just think it was. I've always loved it. They don't need to reboot it, they don't need to add anything special. Four seasons was fine with me. Great voice actors (like John DiMaggio as Drakken, Nancy Cartwright as Rufus, Nicole Sullivan as Shego) the list goes on. There's nothing that needs to be changed. Thank You Disney. You were one of the greats. We miss you for that. RIP Kim Possible Cartoon. Ciao Bloggers.

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