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Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Black Pearl- Kitchen Nightmares

    Oh what an episode I witnesses. Taking place around 2008, and it was in New York City a place called: "The Black Pearl" Restaurant. Ramsay usually helps people out with restaurants in the UK, but this was taken place during the first season when he filmed the US version and he had to taste some horrible food in some places and this was one of them.
     Image result for kitchen nightmares black pearl   First off, it was being run by what he would call a three headed monster. Brian the unknown, Greg the klutz and David the jackass. Spatializing in Maine lobster, or so he thought, he tried many lobster dishes and was not pleased. What he was pleased with was a server named Steven who was generous to him.
   Soon the food got worse and worse, and the owners (or just David) was just being condescending the whole time to him. Back talking and just being a jerk.

   Greg, was confusing himself with the orders, screwing everything up, and not knowing what was going on. Brian, was just rarely there.
Image result for the black pearl restaurant kitchen nightmares
   Ramsey was just upset with all of them, especially with David. David was like a cockroach you wanted to squash. And what Ramsey always thought is that David thinks it just a TV show, but to Ramsey, it never was.

    With other restaurants he goes into, sometimes it's a hit or miss and this one was a definite miss. After he changed it around, putting a lobster tank in and making it bright and everything, to their liking and signing it all to Greg, David was still not happy and four days later after the filming, Black Pearl was no more.

Image result for the black pearl restaurant kitchen nightmares

    In a recreant episode he did where he goes back to find out how the Black Pearl was doing only to find out another restaurant took it's place. He contacted Steven, who eventually went on to do some movies years later. He explained to Ramsay that they all closed the Black Pearl, sold the lobster tank and David said that he blamed it on Ramsay with a note.
  Ramsey was upset to hear about but was happy to hear that Steven was doing ok.

   Not every restaurant in Kitchen Nightmares does well. Almost every one of them are already closed or abandoned. Only a few are still around. Why they wanna be on TV and ruin their restaurants reputation I do not know, but Ramsay will always be there to call them out on their stupidity. Till then, Ciao bloggers, and believe me there's another one worse than is, but will be for another day.

Image result for gordon ramsay


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