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Sunday, February 23, 2025

How worse we have become....-POEM


The world is not what it used to be,

where cheerful joy,

is silenced,

by violence,

it seems not only has America changed, 

but so have we.

An apocalyptic future,

only seen in film,

could happen,

one day,

if we keep going,

the route.

we are now

People seem angrier now,

Even having nicknames as,

Kevin for Male.

and Karen,

for Female,


and when did this begin?

Wondering if anyone,

will be the same again,


if the world,

will ever be at peace

Some people blame others,

as others blame themselves,

did we change,

or did the world change?

If so....

how can we,

become normal again

Some people still believe,

America is ok,

while others,

are leaving

for a better world,

to me,

I feel safe,

where I am,

yet fear,

for what's yet to come

We know one day,

there will be peace,

don't know when,

but we know,

we will find it,

till then,

I will stay strong,

feeling that there is hope,

for a better future

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