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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Happy B-day, Seth Green

    I used to have a crush on this actor a long time ago. I guess when I was in high school. But now, I appreciate him more as an actor. His name is Seth Green, and he was born around Philadelphia in Overbrook Park in 1974. Ten years before I was born.


 Born Seth Benjamin Gesshiel, Seth started his acting in the mid to late 80's starring in mostly commercials from Pudding to Burger King.

  He has a sister and was born to a Jewish family. I didn't recognize him much until I saw him in a short movie. I didn't know how old he really was. Actually, some people mistaken him for five when he's really eleven. Like me, he had a childlike face and was small for his height. I'm in my early forties and...I don't even like it. 

   In 1990, there was a short miniseries based one of Stephen King's books called 'IT' about a clown that kills every 27 years. Seth plays Richie. A teenage boy who joins the so-called, "loser club." He plays the young Richie.

    I remember some scenes in this miniseries, but if you read the book...not only is it long, but it's pretty graphic and not from the clown killing kids. They did a new version of IT, and I thought Seth Green would be great portraying the Older Richie. Instead, they had Bill Hader. Not a bad actor, but I just thought it would be interesting. He thought the movie was just as creepy one as the original was. He couldn't believe how long it was either.

  I started noticing him when I was thirteen, and he was twenty-three. Seth played Mike Myers son.  Dr. Evil's son named Scott. He seemed like a gen X teen being played by a twenty-year-old. They had some sequels, and he was in them as well.

   He eventually became Dr. Evil by the end of the third, and I think final movie. He started becoming popular around the 90's starring in movies like idol Hand, Can't Hardly Wait and Rat Race.

     In 1999, his career would change when he met a young man named Seth McFarlane. A year older than he was, he told Seth that he wanted him to voice a character in his new cartoon called "Family Guy" 
  Even today, Seth has voiced Chris Griffin, a dimwit teenager who gets into fights and farts a lot and well.... I haven't seen the new episodes since I fell out of the show's new seasons.

 A few years later, he made a show I loved called Robot Chicken. A stop motion show that involves funny clips like Star Wars or Toy Story or anything that makes it into the show. 
   Starting the show with a mad scientist grabbing a dead chicken on the road and making it into a robot. Ever since, they had a couple of seasons and well...they recently ended since Seth Green was busy with other projects and felt Robot Chicken ran its course.

While he was working with Robot Chicken, Seth settled down and got married to a woman named Claire Grant. She worked with him on Robot Chicken. I was happy for him, because by that time...I fell out of love for him.
  I started thinking of him more as a friend or cousin than I would a lover (plus I started falling for Chris Pine) He doesn't have any children yet, and he's somewhat past that mark of having them. Then again, you never know.

 Today is Seth's 51st birthday. Sharing it with John Williams and the late Gary Coleman. 51 one years old, and he's ten years older than I am. 
   Accomplishing a lot in his young life, and I don't think he'll be leaving Family Guy anytime soon. Happy Birthday, Seth Green!

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