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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

50th Anniversary of SNL


  I can't believe it has been now 50 years of SNL skits, laughter, and memorable, memorable guest stars. SNL, which stood for Saturday Night Live back then started on October of 1975. With the original cast. Some that are still with us and some...that did not survive. 

    Here are some of my favorite skits and memorable (some not so) that would remember from this show.

  Lorne Michaels is the person to thank because it was his idea to start a show late at night when back in the days, not many shows were made for late night TV. He proved them wrong. Fifty years later, it's still going on. Not as strong as it used to be, but let's just say, there are memorable moments as well

     In 1975, the 'not so ready for prime time' players as they were called, started showing skits as well as singers coming up and performing one or two songs minimum. Dan Aykroyd was one of the first. One his memorable skits was him portraying a ditzy Julia Child.

   Having a horrible accent and pretending to cut his finger having blood streaming out. Julia Child loved it and would show the clip to her guests and writing a thank you note to Dan Aykroyd. 

     I didn't really get into SNL until the mid to late 90's. I saw a few skits when my parents weren't watching. Having a late Chris Farley acting like a strange man pretending to motivate kids using the words, "I live in a van..... DOWN BY THE RIVER!" Later smashing into furniture or a wall.

    He and David Spade were always considered a funny couple. Right up until Chris Farley's death.

   I've talked about the SNL Jeopardy skit, so I'll go to another. One of my favorite skits ever created. It was a Blue Oyster Cult band (being portrayed by Jimmy Fallon, Horatio Sanz, Chris Parnell and a few others) having Christopher Walken listening to their hit, "Don't fear the Reaper"

  The famous: I gotta have more cowbell. line is said by Christopher Walken as Will Farrell decides to do funny stuff with the skit cracking me up.

    There are also some unpleasant moments that happened. One being Sinead O'Conner performing Bob Marley's War, and at the end holds up a picture of Pope John Paul II and rips it up in front of the audience.

  She shouts, "FIGHT THE REAL ENEMY!" After that, not even the applause sign was lit. Everyone was just...silent. The next week, Joe Pesci guest starred and showed the photo that was ripped tapped back together. Sinead was no longer allowed on SNL after that.

    A lot of singers and guests were banned, and some still are. But another skit became a famous Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Only available around the holiday season. Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon portray two women who are on a talk radio show.

   Alec Baldwin was guest host that day and they were talking about his 'Schweddy Balls'. His last name is supposed to be Schweddy and it's a play on words as Ana and Molly eat succulent balls of meat or cheese. It just.... comes out wrong

  One more skit I wanna talk about. It's called *Bleep* in a box. A Christmas song sung by Justin Timberlake and Andy Sandberg. They perform a song as they have a box with a penis shaped hole in it.

   The women open the box and well...you get the joke. It is funny but, a little dirty to some people. 

    There were so many skits that I have remembered about, and well.... they did have a special recently commemorating 50 years on TV.

      In the anniversary special, they had most of the cast as well as celebrities in the show. They had skits like Black Jeopardy where Keenan (longest still going on cast member today) is the host.

   Rachael Dratch brings back her 'Debbie Downer' character that almost pissed off not only a few celebrities, but Robert De Niro as well. John Mullaney, who used to be a writer with SN, wrote a skit that involved New York. 

   There was so much going on. Even singers from Paul Simon (who was banned before but was brought back years ago) to Paul McCartney.

  Wanted to add one more thing I remember before ending this. Ashlee Simpson SNAFU. Forget what year this was, somewhere around the 2000's. Ashlee, who was Jessica Simpson little sister, was singing pieces of me as her first song.

   She was about to sing another song that was in her new CD. I forget the name, but it seemed Ashlee was lip syncing. Pieces of me started to play and she was embarrassed. 

    50 years of amazing talent, skits, actors, guest starts and much more. Sadly, I don't think they will make it another 50 years. Lorne has been thinking of retiring and leaving SNL to someone else. 

  That was a rumor, but then again, he's in his late 70's and getting on in years. SNL is still going on focusing on talent as well as skits and who the new singers are. I'm ok with the show, and i will watch a new episode when it's on. Happy 50th Anniversary to SNL. I'm strating to feel old now.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

How worse we have become....-POEM


The world is not what it used to be,

where cheerful joy,

is silenced,

by violence,

it seems not only has America changed, 

but so have we.

An apocalyptic future,

only seen in film,

could happen,

one day,

if we keep going,

the route.

we are now

People seem angrier now,

Even having nicknames as,

Kevin for Male.

and Karen,

for Female,


and when did this begin?

Wondering if anyone,

will be the same again,


if the world,

will ever be at peace

Some people blame others,

as others blame themselves,

did we change,

or did the world change?

If so....

how can we,

become normal again

Some people still believe,

America is ok,

while others,

are leaving

for a better world,

to me,

I feel safe,

where I am,

yet fear,

for what's yet to come

We know one day,

there will be peace,

don't know when,

but we know,

we will find it,

till then,

I will stay strong,

feeling that there is hope,

for a better future

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Worst Super Bowl commercials 2025


    Some Super Bowl commercials are considered memorable, but why does this year's batch feel forgettable to me? The best thing was the Eagles winning the Super Bowl. I can't believe that even happened and I'm happy about that more than these commercials. I'll give you the worst bunch before I pick one that I liked.

Pringles- I don't understand Pringles ads these days. I stopped eating those chips, although sometimes I do get a little craving, and I say little for the reason that I think other chips are tastier. This ad had Nick Offerman losing his mustache. He ain't the only one. Andy Reid, LeBron James and a few others as someone places their mouth into a pringles and hollers. I don't get it. How does this sell chips. It freaked me out.

Bud Light- I'm not a beer drinker, but I think most soda and beer companies go heavy with their super bowl ads. This one had Post Malone, Shane Gills and Payton Manning getting everyone to a backyard barbecue to make it the best as they serve bud light. I don't even give a shit anymore with ads that have too many celebrity endorsements. Good for them I guess, but didn't give a shit. 

HexGlad Cookware- I love Gordon Ramsay. He shows off some space age pan to some people, mostly aliens, and it was...fine. Not great, but I love Gordon and even he thinks Pete Davidson as an alien is a little...strange. Although, then again, he could be. I never use the products, so I would say...hit and miss. This commercial was not horrible, but forgettable.

Hellmann's- Ever seen the movie: When Harry Met Sally, well, I guess they wanted to relive the orgasm at the diner scene using Hellmann's mayonnaise. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal are in this commercial reliving the diner experience. Having Hellmann's mayo in her sandwich. The you-know-what happens and well.... I won't have what she's having.

Totino's- I'll put this in the not bad category. Ever seen E.T.? I have...this pizza roll commercial has this alienlike creature hang out with Tim Robbins, Sam Richardson and a few kids as he starts to go home. The doors close...on him and he dies. The kids scream bloody murder as one of the father's says, "That's what happens." Or something like that. How does this show off the pizza roll? I felt like I watched Mac and Me with no tragedy.

Dunkin- Dunkin Donuts or whatever you wanna call it, has been pulling Ben Affleck into their commercials. He has his brother, Casey as well as few other people, mostly Bostonians as they're called into their ads. Jay and Silent Bob make an appearance. What do I think about this ad?  Stupid. I don't even drink coffee.

Somewhat Honorable mentions: 

  Stella Artois-
I'm guessing this is a drink commercial that has Matt Damon and David Beckham in it that think they're long-lost brothers. LOL. How does this promote the drink? I guess I'm putting it in this category because it wasn't bad. Not good either; I like Matt Damon and well I don't drink this drink. Guessing it's alcohol. I feel this commercial was fine.

  Budweiser- I thought this commercial was one of my favorites. I never drank beer. Never will, but just like Bud Light and all the other ads, Budweiser is one of the tops in beer sales when it comes to Super Bowl commercials. This one had a tiny Clydesdale using all his might to deliver one small kegger of beer to his master who dropped it without realizing it. Bringing it all the way to him. Not a bad ad at all. One of my favorites.


Michelob Ultra- Another beer ad that I thought was pretty good. Two actors from the Beetlejuice movie, Catherine O'Hara and Willem DeFoe decide to play pickleball with random strangers for the Michelob beer. They win and challenge others. They would lose as well. I never knew both of them were good at pickleball. Then again, it is a beer ad, and I bet they wanted the beer pretty badly.

Booking.com- Booking. com is a site to find places to book. Like Airbnb, but stranger. I don't know there are so many sites now to blook places it's getting out of hand. This one has the Muppets. It's...passible. I love the Muppets, well...I used to. They're still around and in this ad, they try to find a place to stay. Miss Piggy all draped in pink, Kermit and Fozzie finding a place. Gonzo on a rocket. All that. This is fine, I just don't use that site at all.

Little Caesars- The pizzeria that's trying to be Dominos or Pizza Hut, this ad has Eugene Levy with his eyebrows all happy for eating a small bite-size pizza puff they have in Little Caesars. Not as creepy as the Pringles one, this was ok. I love Eugene Levy and well...the pizza place is ok. I haven't had it in years. Would I try it because of this ad? Do I fear my eyebrows will do that? We'll see, but mostly no.


Mountain Dew- First off... Seal is a seal. Well, they used computers to digitally place his face on a seal. He sings 'Kiss from a Lime' from his original song, 'kiss from a rose' He tries to open a Mountain Dew with a twist of lime, but he's a fuckin' seal. I don't think it'll open. It also had...I think Jason Mamoma or an impersonator driving a boat and everyone enjoying the Mountain Dew in question. My eyes almost bled after seeing that. I would not try the product after seeing that.

   There were so many ads. And yet, why did they not feel special this year? Maybe I was more focused on the game, or maybe I don't know I just felt they weren't as special as the rest. Glen Powell driving a Ram truck, Bill Murry in a Yahoo ad, Shaboozy eating Nerds and many more. Even Bad Bunny, Michael Shannon and Aubrey Plaza eating Ritz wasn't that popular. These ads were trying to get their product out the door and into people's homes. That's what all ads do. This year....it might have for some people, but not for me. I was happy for the Philadelphia Eagles winning the Super Bowl this year.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day- POEM

It's the day of Love

A day where


is stronger

than hate


are everywhere,


is in the air

you feel that,

it's a day,

full of heart shapes,




romantic foods,

and candlelight dinners,

when Valentine's Day,



for many reasons


in the shape of a heart,

from pizza,

to sandwiches,

even desserts,

are shaped into hearts,

chocolate dipped strawberries,

and many more

Romance sparks,

as love 


through the night,

Valentine's Day,

brings people together,

even ones,

that are single,

still feel,

their love is strong

When you are young,

and in school,

you would make Valentine's cards,

and place them in their desks,


kids do it digitally.

Cutting hearts out of construction paper,

trying not to feel embarrassed with what you write,

on your card,

feeling that,

they will love you back

Feeling special,


on all holidays,

makes you feel,

special inside,

even giving you,

the feeling of love

Enjoy your Valentine's day,


or with someone you love,

feel the love,

no matter where you are,

Happy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Celebrity Jeopardy SNL edition

   In honor of SNL turning 50 this year, I wanna talk about one skit that I thought was the best skits they have ever had. Sadly, it is no longer around since Alex Trebek passed away. 

    It was called 'Celebrity Jeopardy'; thought up by Norm MacDonald as he portrayed Burt Reynolds, there were other interesting celebrities.


   The best had to be Darryl Hammond portraying Sean Connery who always would pick on Alex Trebek. Laughing at him, making remarks on his sexuality, and claiming he would sleep with his mother. 

  I fell in love with these skits, and you can't get any funnier than what he would say.

  Some celebrity portraits are pretty good. Especially with Jimmy Fallon. He was French Stewart, Robin Williams, Dave Matthews, Hillary Swank and many more. He would annoy Alex Trebek with the silly voices, especially when he was Robin Williams. 

  He can do amazing impressions, but he's not the only one.

  Alex Trebek is portrayed by Will Farrell. Love this guy and it amazes me how he keeps a straight face when Sean Connery is egging him on. 

    It seems the character is so strong, it feels as if Alex Trebek himself would do the same thing and so would Sean Connery. Even some of the guest stars of SNL portray pretty good impressions of certain characters.

    Celebrities like Reese Witherspoon portraying Anne Hasche, Tobey McGuire doing a killer impression of Keanu Reeves and even Alec Baldwin portraying Tony Bennett. It was pretty good.

  David Duchovny even played Jeff Goldblum, and the impression is so similar to the real Goldblum. Kate McKinnon was pretty good at play Justin Bieber and Keanan Thomson was...Bill Cosby. This was before all the #Metoo movement.

   Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds or 'Turd Ferguson' as he liked to be called was the best. I miss Norm and well...without him, this skit would have never happened. 

   He would be there for a while and do the same thing Sean Connery would do. Make jokes and wear huge hats to piss of Alex Trebek

  Unfortunately, Will Farrell left SNL to peruse a movie Career. The last time he did SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy; the real Alex Trebek made an appearance and the audience cheered as they usually would.

  Sean Connery decided to make some jokes commenting their sexuality and all. These skits still make me laugh, but sadly...it can't be done anymore without the Alex Trebek around as well as Sean Connery.

   Around the 40th Anniversary they did another Celebrity Jeopardy skit.  Having not only Norm McDonald back, but Jim Carrey also made an appearance as Matthew Mcconahay. 

   It was pretty good. What I also like to talk about is what Sean Connery would like to do to some of the categories. Make then different so he could piss off Trebek. Like Let it Snow would be 'Le Tits Now', Therapist would be 'The Rapist', Famous Horseman, he would change it to 'Whore Seman' and so on and so forth.

  One of the last SNL Celebrity Jeopardy episodes had Tom Hanks portraying himself as a dimwit person and well...it was entertaining.

   Sadly, there hasn't been another one since Alex Trebek's death. It wouldn't be the same. With the 50th SNL anniversary coming up, who knows what's going to happen.

  They did have another Jeopardy version called Black Jeopardy where Kenan Thompson would be the host and there would be two African American contestants and another that's either white or even Black Panther.

  It's not as great as the original but still entertaining, and we miss Chadwick Boseman today.

  There are a lot of skits on SNL that have been enjoyable. I just wanted to mention the one that made me laugh the most.

   There is an actual Celebrity Jeopardy happening now with celebrities trying to answer questions to win money for their charity. I'll enjoy that for now and still remember there are clips of the SNL version that I enjoy today.