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Sunday, April 7, 2024

The best of Jackie Chan


  70 years ago in Hong Kong, Chan Kong-Sang was born. We know him best as.... Jackie Chan. Today is his birthday, but we want to look back on a career well spent and what we love about this actor who also.... does his own stunts. The best of Jackie Chan.


 Jackie Chan was born to parents named Charles and Lee-Lee who were both refugees during the Chinese Civil War era. His parents had to change identity many times during Jackie's childhood. After being arrested many times, his Jackie's parents took him to the states to get away from all the horror they had suffered from for many years.

    Jackie's star didn't rise until the 1960's when he starred in small roles before getting his big break. He knew and was trained by Bruce Lee with kung fu moves and starred with him in Fist of Fury in 1972. He did most of his stunts. One stunt almost cost him his life.

 In a movie called "Police Story" the stunt was Jackie Chan sliding down a glass pole smashing into more glass from the ceiling. He injured himself intensely and couldn't anymore stunt work for a couple of months to a year. But... I think people want to know Jackie Chan in American movie roles. There are a few I remember, one being funny and other being a reboot.

  Around the 90's Jackie Chan was seen as a man you want to be a friend and not an enemy too. Being trained under Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan's stunt fighting is well known as being amazing. In 1998, Jackie Chan was going to hit it big. In a buddy cop movie 'which there were many of as the time' called Rush Hour. Starring an unknown Chris Tucker.

  Rush Hour had four movies (one coming soon this year) The first one I remember the most. It involved a young girls' kidnapping and that she is related to a diplomat Jackie Chan's character knows. Chris Tucker is his partner and there were some funny moments. Jackie Chan did most of his stunts in this movie as well as the other two, which didn't do a great as the first.

 Jackie Chan even had a cartoon series that was pretty good. He voiced the main lead as he has a niece, and they go on these amazing adventures to find spirits, magical forces and much more. There were interesting voice actors like Lucy Liu, George Takai and many more. It lasted a couple of seasons, and after the show ended, Jackie Chan would read a letter from a fan. It was enjoyable and I did watch a couple of episodes.

 In 2010, Jackie Chan starred as Mr. Miyagi in a Karate Kid remake. What did I think of it? Not great but compared to the other movies he was in like 'Shanghai Noon', 'The Tuxedo', 'Around the world in 80 days', this is more a step up.

 It's the same formula except for one difference. They aren't studying Karate, but 'Kung Fu'. A young Jalen Smith is in it and well.... it's a hit and miss for me.

   Recently found out that Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio (who used to be Daniel San in the original Karate kid movie) are doing a collaboration together. Since Cobra Kai is ending, it seems Chan and Macchio are doing a new movie finding the next Karate Kid. What do I think? I just found out about it, and I'm amazed. I'm enjoying Cobra Kai and I'm already on the final season. Seeing Ralph with Jackie Chan....awesome.

  Jackie Chan doesn't do many of his own stunts anymore, but he's still active. Also, collaborating with Chris Tucker on a 4th Rush Hour movie. I think it's going to be a comic book style cartoon movie, so I think their voices will be heard. Not sure. Jackie Chan has been here for seventy years, and he has not stopped. 

  He may not be the best Mr. Miyagi, but in the new Karate Kid, he might be the next one. I still think Pat Morita is better. Till then, Happy birthday to Jackie Chan.

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