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Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Image result for rip off movies

   Ever heard of movies like- "Atlantic Rim", "Tappy Toes", "The Brave", "Little Panda Fighter", "What's up"

  If you haven't thank you god, but if you have,

I pray for your souls.

How do movie creators, and writers come up with this crap??? Well, to better the competition of Disney, Dream works, Pixar and other companies...

   They decide to make their own two bit worth of animation. How bad can it be???

Well, some of it is ok. But most of them.....
Image result for rip off movies gif

let me explain.

It's as if you wanted to copy and paste something that is perfect that you have to make a rip-off of it and get money in return.

Here are some of the WORST movies that were ripped off of better ones:


    Almost all of us have heard of Finding Nemo
Related image About a father clown fish finding his son that was taken. Having great voice acting, a heart warming story and just about one of the best (in my opinion my number one) Pixar movies on the face of the earth.

  The reef??? I don't even know how to explain this... Somewhat the same thing, with two fish on an adventure, and well let's say the acting is not spot on, the graphics are horrid and I'm just going to say it, it is definitely the worst one of the bunch, but there are worse to look forward to.


     Again, we've heard of that movie with the mouse that wants to become a chef called Ratatouille.
Patton Oswald voices Remy and helps a chef improve a failing restaurant.

Image result for ratatoing gif  Rotating??? What is that??? It sounds as if someone wanted to use a sound affect as their title and not explain it to anyone else.

  About a mouse that has, I guess a restaurant. They find ingredients....Listen, I couldn't stand this movie for even one second. The voice acting, horrendous. The story.... I doubt there was one and Jesus it's just god awful. But there is more to be afraid of.


   Kung Fu Panda, I don't remember much of it, but it is a DreamWorks picture. What do I think of it? It's not bad, Jack Black's a good voice actor, the story was amazing and they made a short lived TV show on it.

Image result for little panda fighter gif Little Panda Fighter, it's the opposite of amazing. The affects of the rip off movie, is why it was meant for the garbage. I feel that they were trying too hard and well....
It's just horrible, don't see it.


 Image result for The Prince of Egypt gif  Ok, first off, I'm just adding this on because I never seen the rip-off of what was considered one of the best DreamWorks 2D animated movies on the face of the earth.

  The Prince of Egypt. It was amazingly detailed in every way of what the life of both Moses and Ramses was. They were brothers, and then enemies. The only reason I added this is because of how brilliant this movie was Val Kilmer, Ralph Fines, Jeffrey Goldblum, Sandra Bullock....the acting goes on and on, and the singing was miraculous. I am just blown away by how great this movie was.

And I think for it's polar opposite, not as good as TPIE was.


Image result for what's up movie gif Up was exdroinary, heart warming, amazing; and it's predecessor, I'll talk about that later.
  About Ed Asner, portraying an old man who wants to grant his late wife's wishes. By using many balloons and lifting his house to his dream. Having the help of a boy and a talking dog, they go on one amazing adventure. Tear jerker from beginning to end.

  What's Up: Is raciest, is ripping off Monster Vs Aliens as well, horrendous and not worth the view. This rip off has nothing to do with an old man. It has to deal with two men, a girl, a French man who is a villain, and a boy. Long story short, don't see it.


Image result for high school musical gifThis is a cheat since this is a Disney movie from the Disney show that everyone got hooked on. Made Zac Efron a huge star, and even many sequels.

What about the other one? I guess it's just a rip off using Sunday school as a use to dance and sing Christian music.

Before I give you the worst that I have seen of the Rip Off movies, There are others, but I won't talk about them as much.

-Little Bee/Bee movie: A movie about bees
-Gordy/Babe: A movie about a talking pig (really?)
-Transmorphers/Transformers- They're both horrible
-Tappy Toes/Happy Feet- All about Penguins dancing
-The Frog Prince/ The Princess and the Frog- Which one do you think is better? It's not the first
-Mac and Me/ET

But the worst one they have ever come up with, makes me feel sorry for the original, since I'm not a fan of that one either.


   Ever want to mix A bug's life and a car's movie? Well for this one, some lame ass thought it would be a good idea. Here's the gist.

   Cars is not a strong Disney movie, but it's not the worst (or maybe it is) but compared to the rip off, well let's say I'm starting to feel sorry for this movie. The voice acting was ok, story wasn't strong but it was still a good movie, just not the best.

Image result for a car's life gifA car's life on the other hand, JESUS CHRIST! This is a new low in rip off movies. The voice acting is bad, the graphics are HORRENDEOUS! The story...is there even a story to begin with? I mean really, is there?

I'm sorry, but this is my number one worst on the rip off chart. and for my number one best movie...

  Well, ironically...


Just add the word land from the Disney box topping movie ever and well....it's not bad. Not great as the Disney version, but it's still good.
 Image result for frozen gif It was ok, but I think you have to judge for yourself, and well... see which is your favorite and worst in RIP OFF movies

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