Spell A-k-e-e-l-a-h
Now spell B-e-e
In this movie, revolving around a girl who tragically lost her father, and to cope with his death, she spells.
Her mother has her own problems.
Her oldest brother is in the Air Force and is taking off and her other brother is always getting in trouble with the law.
Laurence Fishburne would come into the picture as Dr. Joshua Larabee. He see's how talented Akeelah is at a spelling bee that was taken place at her own school and challenges her with spelling words that even he finds that would chew and spit kids at tough spelling bee competitions. However, it seemed there was some sensitivity in him as well that Akeelah could see in his eyes.
When she makes it to the big leagues, she is defeated by a word, but since another child's mother was helping with the final word, thanks to Akeelah's older sister noticing from the other side of the room as she was taking care of her child, he was disqualified.
Akeelah makes a friend, and finds out there is one kid who had been the winner in past competitions; however, it doesn't seem that he wants to be the winner again since the pressure from his father was getting to him.
By the end with words:
xanthosis, both Akeelah and Dylan spelled it wrong and it seemed that deep down Dylan did not care about winning for his father, he wanted Akeelah to win all along. He was already happy.
In my opinion, what made this movie amazing was it doesn't matter what you do to accomplish your goal, it's how you do it and who you it with. With the people you love, surrounding you at every moment. How you feel after the accomplishment, and what it was worth all this time. In Akeelah's eyes, She had her family, friends, and her father's spirit with her and as she says at the end....
"When everything seems to go right, it's Love. L-O-V-E"
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