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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

how many christmas carol parodies can there be

   I know I'm talking about this in the middle of November, but believe me I have already seen too many Christmas commercials and holiday specials to wonder in my mind how many "Christmas Carol" movies are there.

    Charles Dickens wrote a classic story about a man named Ebenezer Scrooge and how greedy he can be and a man named Bob Crachet is a kind person with a dying son named Tiny Tim, and with a look in the future by three ghost, Past present and future, Ebenezer finds the true meaning of Christmas. I loved reading it when I was young and now there are so many, and I mean so many versions on TV and movie to mae it a time honor classic, but which is the true best?

   So many great actors did a wonderful job portayig Ebenezrer and some deserved an honorable mention like George C. Scott, Kelsey Grammer (he's a great singer), even when doing it with muppets, Michael Caine can portray a great scrooge,

  Sometimes cartoons can do a great version of A Christras Carol from Mr. Magoo to that greedy duck voiced by Alan Young. Ernest Borninge, TIm Curry also voiced Ebenezer as well and believe me I thought they did a wonderful job as well, but who would have the best portrayal,
  I guess in my opinion, I grew up with the muppets and Michael Caine's portraayl of Ebenezer Scrooge was very good, scaring Kermint (who portrayed Bob Crachet) to work on Christmas day. And the ghost of Christmas yet to come, was like looking into Ebenezer's future. To see what would happen if he doesn't change his way. He never spoke all he did was point at a grave that read "EBENEZER SCROOGE"

  When I was little, that scared me, and today, well it still does. And the ghost of Christmas past well there is this girl Ebenezer yes to know that he fell in love with but he loved his money and greed more than her and she would sing a goodbye song, but for some reason there is a song that plays in my head that's from another "Christmas Carol" sung by Kate Winslet called "What if" depicting on what life would had been like if Ebenezer was different and were married, and he wasn't greedy,

  There were female versions of Ebenezer. One portrayed by Susan Lucci named "Ebbie" and another named Vanessa Willians in "Ebony"

   There are so many versions and we can like a lot and hate a lot but the true story of Ebenezer Scrooge will always remain with the mind of a brilliant man who wanted to show a side of Christmas of a lonely man and what Christmas meant to him. He's gone but the story, even if it is told over, and over and over in different ways; the original will be the most simple one.

  Till then, Ciao bloggers!

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