They would sing songs that would be stuck in my memory for the longest time.
It was a show that took place in Canada with three people
Sharon Hampson, Lois (Alda) Lillienstein and Bram Morrison. They would play songs in a show they would call the "Elephant show" that ran from the year I was born to 1989. Five years of my life contributed to those three.
And sadly, one died. Lois Lillienstein had a rare cancer, and did not survive. Since her death, I've been thinking of the show. The songs and the elephant that would be in every episode. Like Mr. Rogers, they would teach kids a lot of things. Mostly kids that have illnesses, and diseases.
But it taught kids lessons like sesame street does today, but with music. These three people were musicians and they would play instrument after instrument of songs they would write, but the most best known song of all is called "I love you" (better than that stupid purple dinosaur's version) why?
Skinamarinki-dink-I-dink Skinamarinki-do I LOVE U! That answer your question. I think of it as a great song that they would mostly sing at the end of the show. Although the fashion sense and hair sense is very 80's the show was pretty much singing songs until you fell asleep.
These three people and an elephant are what Canadian television was all about. Sesame street might still be around, but this was awesome. I miss this show and I miss Sharon and Bram. But I think losing someone from the show like Lois, well will make me miss it even more. RIP Lois and to the show. Skinamarinki-dink-I-dink Skinamarinki-do we'll miss you.
Ciao for now bloggers.