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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cell phones of the centuries


   Everyone has one, even people that don't know how to use them. We even have taken them for granted not knowing back when I was a kid in middle school, cell phones were unheard of. Now....no one can live without their cell phone. What was the first cell phone ever used? When did they become smarter, and will they replace us in the near future? Well....who knows.

  The first cell phone (or mobile phone) was a brick. You couldn't even fit it in your pocket let alone your briefcase.

   It was clunky and expensive as we wondered who in the world could afford this. We haven't realized how innovative they would become in the near future. Martin Cooper, one of the first inventors of the Motorolla Cell phone was the first to make a call on the first ever handheld phone. 

    Around the 80s and 90s cell phones were still clunky but starting to get smaller with each year. However, most of them would have wires and attached cord. Some would end up being car cell phones and only used in emergencies. 

   In movies and tv, they looked bulky with someone like Christian Bale holding it while taking a call.

  TV shows like Saved by the Bell and Full House would show a character holding a brick size phone and that was in the 80s.

   In the 90's you could see some of the cell phones people used getting smaller and having classic ring tones that are burned into my memory. 

  Before you knew it, flip phones started to show up. It was small enough to fit in your pocket so you wouldn't have to carry that bulky brick around. They were expensive and still have the functions our phones have today. 

   Soon, around the late 90's some started to show a screen, and you can take photos with it. They wouldn't be great photos and well... soon there would something that would change the way we saw phones in the future.

  My first cell phone I had was a Blackberry. They were interesting phones when I was in high school. Having a keypad so you can text which was a new thing that was popular when I was a kid.

   They soon went out of style when people realized how addictive and useless the Blackberry was. You couldn't get on the internet or even take a good photo, which I rarely did. Plus, they would take over your life like the computer game SIMS did to me.

   God rest his soul; Steve Jobs created a cell phone that would change how everyone looked at a cell phone today. It was called the iPhone. Did I have one? No, I never was into those cell phones. I don't know why, but I was happy with a cell phone I had.

   We are an android family. Which is SAMSUNG and other stuff. 

  Cellphones back in the 2000's had replaced the bulky heavy cell phones back when they became popular. 

  They were small, you could fold them, the screen wasn't too huge, and you could start using it for internet, but it wasn't strong until the iPhone revolutionized all cell phones of the future.

  Today, the term cell or mobile phone is no longer used. The tern is now 'Smart' phone. A phone that is rarely used as a cell phone.

  People go on-line, text, face time, take pictures, use apps and even do TikTok dances. Oh how times have changed. 

  Cell phones are becoming smarter within each year. I have a SAMSUNG phone that is over four years old and might need an update in the future. 


   Everyone has a preference on what is the best in cell phones. For me, I'm fine with SAMSUNG while others prefer iPhones. Most cell phone companies are trying to update almost every six months bringing out a new cell phone.

   What will amaze me is.... what will replace the Smartphone in the near future? Only time will tell.

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