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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas to all (2012 in review)

  First off, a lot of people are in great turmoil over what happened in Newtown, CT. I am too. I just want to cry. Deep down, those 20 didn't deserve to die so young, neither did those those six adult women. Their family has my condolences. They are hurting inside as much as I am. We've been through so much grief in 2012.
    So much gun violence. From a movie theater in Colorado to a Mall in Oregon, now this. Something has to be done about this. 
      We've been through too much sadness all ready. Every time I see a child it reminds me how precious life is and how fast it can be taken away, by a maniac with a gun. It is just too sad. God rest their souls.

     And with Christmas coming up now, I don't know if Connecticut will ever be the same. I know Newtown won't be. They won't ever open Sandy Hook elementary school ever again :(  

    This year has been crazy, we've had a lot of ups and downs. Mostly downs. First off, we had Whitney Houston, Davy Jones and Etta James die in the early winter. Three great talents taken away from us.

   Super Storm Sandy in October (I know I'm going ahead of myself) that destroyed and brought devastation to NYC and most of New Jersey boardwalk like Atlantic City.

   Penn State Football would never be the same again after what happen with Jerry Sandusky and the infamous sex scandal with kids, plus the death of Joe Paterno (who had nothing to do with it)

  The Movie theater shooting in Colorado... I just don't want to go any further with that.
    But so much has happened. But a good thing did happen this year...

My cousin gave birth to her third child Riley. He is so adorable and full of life.. He makes every day a special day in that family. A lot of good things did happen this year.

   Obama became president again, we got a new American Idol (Phillip Phillips) Although we did lose Dick Clark this year, his spirit will live on every year the ball will drop on New Years Eve (even if Ryan Seacrest is taking over) nothing will take over Dick Clark's spirits of New Years Eve

   We also lost Neil Armstrong, Ernest Borgnine, Andy Griffith... a lot of great people, but happily they are looking down from Heaven knowing how much they've inspired us.

    This year was a great (although sad year) next year will be the sad happy and sad.

Want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and sending my condolences to the lost souls in Connecticut. Till Next year, Ciao Bloggers!

Friday, December 14, 2012

My 10 favorite Christmas Movies

   I know Christmas is coming very very fast, so I have watched many Christmas movies in my life and I have 10 that I want to list. 10 being the bottom and 1 being the best, in my opinion, Christmas movie of all time. Other people have their versions, but this is mine.

Number 10:   "Olive the other Reindeer" Yeah I know it's not much of a Christmas movie as it is a special. A dog (voiced by Drew Barrymore) named Olive of course, thinks of herself not as much as a dog but a reindeer and wants to fly to save Christmas since another reindeer was grounded during a flying lesson so she gets help from a talking penguin to get to a North Pole, but half the time her plans are side swiped by a Christmas hating postman who wants to cancel Christmas. But eventually at the end she helps Santa save Christmas.

Number 9:  "Scrooged"  A strange version of A Christmas Carol none of the less, Bill Murray plays Frank Cross, a cold hearted person who has a task of creating A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. He meets a cab driver to takes him back to his childhood (ala ghost of Christmas past) Ghost of Christmas present is a Pixie and yes they even show Frank his horrid future. But at the end, like any other Christmas Carol movie, I think although I felt it had a different way of showing it, he sees his misdeeds and eventually comes to terms with himself and becomes good.

Number 8:  "Home for the Holidays"  I know this is a Thanksgiving movie, but it could also be watched on Christmas as well. Holly Hunter plays Claudia who is a single mom and just got fired from her recent job. She wants to spend Thanksgiving with her family and gay brother Tommy. Tommy has a new friend named Leo, but he's in a long term relationship with someone else and everything goes all crazy. If you haven't seen it yet, see it. It's really funny, and it doesn't matter if it's Christmas either.

Number 7: "A Muppet Christmas Carol" Yes I know I'm know I'm putting another one up there, let me explain. I like this movie. Michael Cane, great actor. Can do a great Ebenezer Scrooge (so can George C. Scott, Kelsey Grammar, Patrick Stewart and so on and so forth) but this is a dark side of the Muppet you've never seen. It's more darker, plus you have a combination of humans and Muppet in this as you would in any other of their films in but doing Charles Dickens. There are two ghosts that are Jacob Marley. A ghost of Christmas past that is more like a child, a fat Muppet that is the ghost of Christmas present, and you don't know who is the ghost of Christmas yet to come. It was a very good one.

Number 6:  "Home Alone" Before I go any further, the third fourth and fifth one (yes there's a fifth) one were horrible. The best one to see is the classic. The original that started it all in 1990. The late John Hughes and director Christopher Columbus gave us this wonderful movie of a boy left home alone by his parents while they go on a trip to Paris. Kevin (played by Macaulay Culkin) has to deal with two thieves that break into his house and try to steal. He won't have that. He decides to take matters into his own hands by setting traps for them. But I have a question, how could he get out of the house when he was setting up the traps and not get hurt? Wow. Well still a great movie to see after I eat Thanksgiving dinner.

Number 5: "How the Grinch stole Christmas (the cartoon)" First off the Cartoon was five times better than the Ron Howard version, why? because it is short, it made more sense and it was more colorful. But that's my opinion. First off you have an awesome song "you're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" sung by Tony the Tiger, plus the person narrating the story also voicing the Grinch. Thank you Boris Karloff. But now a days, people want 3D and Canadian actors in cat suits and green makeup to play Dr. Seuss characters. God Oh mighty this cartoon should be in 3-D, along with the original Lorax, and I'm not talking about the Danny DeVito version

Number 4:  "Meet me in St. Louis" Yes this is a Christmas movie. Why is this in my list? Because it is a classic movie that deserves somewhat a mention. You have Judy Garland playing Esther Smith, and this all takes place during 1904 St. Louis world's fair of course. And an elegant ball takes place around Christmas Eve where John (played by Tom Drake) cannot Esther out to because he left his tuxedo at the tailors... well you have to see it and you get to her Judy Garland's randtion of "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas" Loved that version for sure

Number 3:  "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" I think this is another great and funny John Hughes movie to see if you haven't seen it. First off, Chevy Chase, Funny as hell! He plays Clark Griswold as he and the family go off to get a Christmas tree, end off getting a huge ass one, and what else leads off to is nothing but hillarity. Clark is trying to get a Christmas bonus from his stingy boss so he can get a pool built in his backyard. His neighbors, (one played by Elaine's Julia Louise- Dreyfus) think of them as psychos, he and is wife's parents are going to stay at their house, he wants to have the most lights on his house, his cousin Eddie stays over as well, and are poor and Eddie's kids don't believe and Santa and eventually, the bonus never comes and Clark goes crazy and eventually, almost ruins Chrismas eve.... What am I trying to say about this great movie??? "I pledge allegence, to the flag of the United States of America," you gotta see this movie.

Number 2:  "A Charlie Brown Christmas"  First off, best Peanuts short ever!!!!! Second would be would be that great pumpkin one. First off, Charlie is in charge of holding a play, although Charlie thinks that Christmas has gone too commercial and no one but him thinks he's nothing but crazy and as Luck quotes, "A blockhead" He tries to find the true meaning of Christmas without commercialism while his sister tires to get a letter to Santa on time and Snoopy decorates his dog house. It's so funny, but near the end, when Charlie ask what Christmas is all really about, he gets his answer from Linus who quotes from the bible saying: "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which  which shall be to all people." and so on and so fourth  and he also finds a small tree to bring back and it needed was some love. I loved this special from beginning to end.

I know I should show you the number one Christmas movie I love the most, but there is another I want to mention.

Number 1/2: "A Christmas Story" When this came out, I wasn't born yet, but when I got older, I saw it and I laughed it and quoted almost every line of the hilarity that this movie had about a boy and his b.b. gun and the line his mother would always say "You'll shoot your eye out" and he would always have visions of what it would be like to have one. Also another scene where his friend put his tongue to a frozen pole and that... well never do that is the main lesson you will learn in that. Another one is the fragile leg lamp his father loved and his mother hated and "broke by accident" or uttering the curse word and soap in his mouth, or asking Santa for the gun and getting the same response he got from his mom. It's like if some adult wanted to tell his side of the story of what happens when he was a kid on Christmas day and told it through his point of view, you get this wonderful movie.

And now what I think is the best Christmas movie of all time

Number 1: "It's a wonderful life" Why is this number one on my list? Let me tell you why. When I saw this movie of a poor man, down on his luck wishing he wasn't alive, wondering what the world would be like if he wasn't around... it was just incredible. Jimmy Stewart is one hell of a great actor, plus seeing a different version of  George Baily's life. Shows every moment of his life from when he was young to his adult years, where he seemed more troubled and when loses a big chunk of money to a greedy man named Henry F. Potter who quotes that he is worth more dead than alive, and Clarance being his angel showing him everything that happens if George wasn't around. The town is not called Bedford Falls anymore, His brother would have died of a young age through that thin ice while he went ice skating, his wife would have been nothing but an "old maid" never married. He gets so upset hoping to change his errors of his ways, wanting to come back, not knowing what was going to happen. Happily running down the street seeing things were back the way they were (even greedy old Mr. Potter) and it seems when he got home, things to him were looking up. It seemed so many people heard about his troubles and were giving him some money to make up for the $8,000 that he lost. His brother toasted him saying, "To George Baily, my brother. The richest man in town" Soon the bell rings and Zuzu, his youngest says, "every time a bell rings, and angel gets his wings."  I think that's true.   That is my favorite and most loved Christmas movie of all time, and I just can't wait to see it again and again and again.

That is my top 10 list best Christmas movies ever. You might have yours but this is mine. Will blog again before Christmas, till then, ciao bloggers!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

saying goodbye to home pride

   First off it's weird blogging about a bread that I have liked since I was young, but I just found out that Home Pride bread, the bread in the yellow package is from the same company that produces Twinkies. That's right HOSTESS. They made Home Pride Bread. I just found that out today.

    I thought, going in the grocery store, I thought they were just out of stock and would bring more back. Went shopping today, was so wrong. Thought it was just a weird coincidence and everyone in my family thought I should just try another bread. It's not that. I don't hate the other breads or anything it's just, I grew up loving Home Pride Bread most of my life and it's been with me for a long time.

    I also thought another company distribute Home Pride Bread, and wasn't upset when Hostess was going out of business.

        BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!


  I just could not believe the same company that had Twinkies, Ding Dongs and even Wonder Bread made Home Pride. One of my favorite breads ever. I've had other breads before, but nothing was like Home Pride bread of course and why? Maybe it tasted really good and it was very buttery on top with it's butter top cut and it's just not going to be the same without it. I don't care if Hostess isn't making it anymore, but if any of you read this, and love this bread as much as I do, maybe you can ask some company to bring it back so we can have it again. But till then, I'll try something new, and hopefully it'll be as good, but believe you and me nothing will be as good as the one and only yellow package of Home Pride Butter top bread. Till then Ciao boggers! and remember food comes and gos but the memories will always be fresh in your mind.