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Monday, November 19, 2012

goodbye twinkies

  Hostess has gone bankrupt so it seems that we might have to say goodbye to our favorite snack foods.
But I, on the other hand, was never a huge fan of the twinkie or the ding dong or the ho hos or the sno balls.

   Nope, wasn't a big fan of any of them, but it was still a part of people's childhood that they liked and they cherished, even those old 50's commercials still ring in their ears today on how those kids still want to see Twinkie the kid or king ding dong give them.

   I'm more a fan of Tastykakes. Tastykake sadly almost went out of business but eventually bounced back, but Hostess had to let go of many workers, some of them hit the picket lines and it seemed that if they didn't come back to work, they would shut down the factory for good.
   How stupid is Hostess???

  They're even going to get rid of Wonder Bread too. Some people really love Wonder Bread, again I am not one of them. Hostess owns the Wonder Bread company as well, and sadly, when Hostess closes, Wonder Bread will go with them. Drakes bakery was sold by Hostess as well, so when Hostess goes out of business, Drakes might use another bakery for their cakes or something else will happen.

    I don't know if Twinkies will really be gone forever, but I know that Hostess bakeries is in for major liquidation and bankruptcy problems. But we still have entiments, little Debbie, and Tastykake to make our snacking satisfying.
    Till then Ciao Bloggers! and Happy Snacking

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My stories

   Have so many story ideas and I know that some of those stories are good, but I don't know how good they will end up until I reach the ending. 

    First off one of the stories is about a teenage girl who goes to camp that has been inhabited by werewolves that are really the camp councilors and most of the males in the camp. Now I'm near the climax at the end of the story, but I'm trying to find out how I'm really going to end it. The Manager of the camp said that his grandfather who ran the camp knew about the Indian burial ground that the camp was built over and there was a book that had all the answers and how to stop the tribal curse and turn everyone back to normal. 
   Just need to find out how to end it all before another person is killed, because I already killed off one camper, what makes me not to kill off another.

    Another story I would like to finish before the end of the year is about a baker who is in a competition to win some money so she can make her bakery flurish with so many customers and make her father happy (although her father is suffering from a serious Alzheimer's disease) and she also wants to beat a former competitor who doesn't like anyone either than herself.

    I have so many ideas for stories, they just pop out to me so much. Sometimes I don't even write the stories. My other story idea I might not start for a while is about a woman who is trying to solve a murder of another woman named 'Jill' murdered by a man named 'Jack' and he threw her lifeless body in a well. The title is called "Jack and Jill" Nothing like the nursery rhyme, but in a place where the woman solves murders of  what appears to be a mother goose character named Jill, let's just say, she has a lot to learn about this murder or the psychopath who is now after her.

  For some reason, stories or ideas just come to me and they just stay with me for a long time and don't want to go away till after I finish the story with the words 'The end' I still have my other stories to finish. I doubt I'll be finishing them till next year. Those two stories are the only stories I want to focus on right now. Hopefully something good will come up, and maybe another story will creep into my head. Will blog again soon. Till then, Ciao!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thanksgiving TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!!!!!!!

     Where did the time go???? Really??? I mean it's only the 8th and two weeks from today it will be THANKSGIVING!!!!

   I haven't even gotten through the end of Halloween and the start of November but now, it's two weeks till Thanksgiving. 
     I know the day before Thanksgiving will be rough for me. Working at a grocery store is tough enough but working  at one the day before is just a nightmare. So many customers will forget something and will wait till the last minute and boom... long lines everywhere. 

   And the worst is the day after Thanksgiving where people call 'Black Friday' where people love to shop by line, or just want to wait for hours on end in lines just to get the gift they want to give someone on Christmas. So they would feel appreciated come Christmas day when open that present. 
   I think it's just weird. I don't shop on Black Friday. That's suicide in my opinion (unless you wanna do it online, that's fine)

  Usually for me, the day after Thanksgiving, I end up getting sick. It happens almost every year. Don't know why, but it just happens. Hopefully, this time I won't get sick the day after Thanksgiving this year. 

   What I sometimes like about Thanksgiving is mostly being with my family, but this year, my boyfriend will join us, and I'm super happy for that.  We always have Thanksgiving at our house, every single year. 
    This year is no exceptions, but we might get more turkey or two or something like that. All I know is... it is too close to Thanksgiving, but then again, next year, it'll get farther away. Well that's all I wanted to blog about for now. Will blog again soon. Till then, Ciao Bloggers

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Punta Cana

    Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Mostly because of the hurricane and my vacation I keep forgetting to blog on occassion.

   Well this time....

   I  am back to tell you about my vacation to Punta Cana. A little island off the Dominican Republic that my family and I stayed for a while,

   First off we had to deal with the ending of Hurricane Sandy over in Punta Cana. So non stop rain most of the time. There were many places to go and enjoy ourselves. The hardest part was understanding the language. You had to know how to speak fluent Spanish. My Spanish wasn't as great as I wanted it to be but I got by ok.

  We stayed at an adult resort and since most of the time there was barely any sun, we decided to stay by the pool side and just lie down on some chairs and relaxed. I evened enjoyed a Mai Ti. Virgin style which means there was no alcohol in it.

  Mostly at night we would catch a show. First night we stayed, we didn't see a show. The second night, we saw a Michael Jackson performance where a guy dressed up as Michael Jackson, and lipsynced the songs but he was great at dancing just like Michael Jackson did those years ago. He performed all the great songs like "Smooth Criminal" "Thriller" "Dangerous" and much more. I knew he was lip syncing but those moves were real.
    The third night there was a circus theme with acrobats that put on quite a show. They did a really great job holding still and there were also ballerinas and men who would stand on swings and it was just amazing. There were clowns there too and they make me laugh a little. There guys were trained professionals.
   The last night before we went back home, they did a Disco theme where people would wear costumes, dance and sing to seventies songs like the Village People, Gloria Gayner's "I will Survive". They even walked off stage during the song, "Celebrate" and tried to get the audience to celebrate as well.

   One day was full rained out there was a bingo game going on and Mom and I joined. There were three games of bingo. Mom won the last one and got a shirt out of it. There were beautiful parrots near the shops mom and I went to and that's why I have picture taken with one.

    Out of all it was a beautiful place to be at. The weather wasn't perfect, but it was a great time to get away from it all but coming back home was even more joyful.

   The dinners we went to were nice as well. We went to a grill restaurant, an Italian restaurant and a seafood place and in the mornings for breakfast we went to a buffet. They had good waffles there; however, when mom and I had lunch there once, there was a man who freaked out over his iPad thinking somebody took it, but his wife had it all along. At least many of the people came over to see if he was ok afterwards.

    And yes, for my mom happiness, there was a casino.

  The flight home was the longest flight we ever experienced because the pilot needed to take another route to get out of Sandy's path for us to get home safe. Even though it was a five to six hour flight, it felt more like a ten hour flight, and I was jet lagged at the leaset by the time we got home, and all of this on my dad's birthday.

     All in all, it was still a great vacation but my mom thinks if we ever take a vacation like that again We'll go again in January in 2014, hopefully to to Saint Barthélemy.
   Till then pray for all of New York and New Jersey to get better through their tough times in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Caio Bloggers! Till Now.